motivational friends needed for a Ducan beginner

Hi there. I joined MFP some time ago but didn't do anything about it. Now, I am focussed!! I am from London, England, and wanting to start Ducan, intending to begin tomorrow (Monday). I would love folks with a motivational (and compassionate) gift to befriend me on this journey. I know I can do it, but feel nervous and slightly weak willed. I have just over a stone to loose, but I am aware that keeping off the weight is just as hard - if not harder. Would love to hear some success stories from others. Thank you :)


  • globegirl08
    globegirl08 Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome to the Dukan journey!

    Also from London and a Dukaner for the 2nd time, feel free to add me. ....... Happy to help.

    When do you start attack or have you started already ? Good luck :)x
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I have been a Dukaner since 12/31/11. I read the book, signed up for the on line counseling, and followed it faithfully through all 4 phases and still eat on a modified consolidation plan. I DID always log my calories in ... mainly because on PP days I just wasn't hungry and wanted to make sure I was eating a minimum calorie level of a sedentary lifestyle.

    I went from 174 to my initial true weight of 139 pretty much right on schedule per the Dukan predictions. I lost in 'chunks" Phase I , about 10 pounds the first two weeks. After that, one to two weeks no or 1/2 a pound weight loss , then 2-4 pounds lost.

    Phase III I just couldn't add back the bread, pasta rice or potatoes. The Dukan online coach told me to add an apple instead.

    My mantra (as a reformed refined carb addict) was - Even if I want a food not on the Dukan phase I am on, I can eat it later after phase 4 ... but I have yet to have the desire to go back to my old eating habits.

    Key piece - I ALWAYS do the miminum activity that is on phase 1... ALWAYS.
  • sez_rayner
    sez_rayner Posts: 5 Member
    I started yesterday! Day two today! Nervous and excited all at the same time! I'm doing 6days of attack and hoping to loose 40pounds in total, I know it will be a long journey but having this very strict plan I think will help! Feel free to add me!
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    Hello all,
    I've just started on the Cruise phase after 6 days on attack. Lost 1.6kg (3.8 pounds) and found it very easy. I've actually been calorie counting on this site for over a year and although I lost 8kg I put 4kg back on. I believe that my problem was the binging on carbs so when I stumbled across an article about the Dukan diet something clicked within me. I LOVE the structure of Dukan. Very simple...stick to the rules and lose weight. I'm very excited about this and anyone is welcome to add me. I won't be doing my diary because I believe that is counterproductive to the whole Dukan philosophy. I almost added up my cals today, out of habit, but I didn't !!!! I will be weighing in weekly. Good luck to everyone who has chosen to do Dukan.