Time to get serious!

ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
I've been playing around with the last 10 -15 lbs long enough. I am a personal trainer and I need to look like a personal trainer. So time to she'd the last bit of fat. So here is my public declaration of my commitment to it. I know I look fine at the weight I'm at, but don't want to look just fine. Want to be hot, omg, strong and people comment "you work out". If I'm going to grow any type of business that's what I need to do. So for the next 6 weeks I'm committed to this plan, to my workouts.
Workout plan is 4 days of lifting with training for a half marathon in October. Eating plan is fighter diet @ 1500 calories a day and refeed on long run days.

So today: I've done pretty well, only had one bite of ice cream as I fixed the kids some, but stayed on track itch what I planned to eat today. Ran 3 miles this morning and did some ab work.
Tomorrow's plan is lifting: chest and shoulders and a 4mile run.


  • Jenelle64
    I need to lose the 10-15 pounds, get my body fat percentage down by about 8% and build up some muscle. Because I am a single mom with 2 active kids, it works best for me to plan our meals and schedule my time out in advance so I'm putting together a 12 week plan for me to follow. I would like to reach my goal of reaching a better weight and toning up by November 10.

    My goals are to increase my diet to 1450 calories a day and up my protein intake to 107g a day, 60 min of weight training 3 times a week and 30-60 min of cardio 6 days a week. I have knee issues so my cardio will be a treadmill, elliptical or bike.

    So far today I’ve gotten in 30 minutes of weight training and I will walk on the treadmill for 30 minuets this afternoon before I leave work. I’ll do the remaining 30 minutes of weight training and 30 minutes of cardio this evening at home.

    It sounds like you’re off to a great start. :smile:

  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Jenelle - sounds like you have got a great plan too. I also have 2 kids and it's hard planning around their schedules and the unplanned things that come up. You are welcome to report back here if you would like on how it's going with you. Accountability sometimes is all it takes to stay on track.

    So yesterday was a good day. Tried this new diet and it was great so far. Didn't feel hungry at all, but didn't get in all th calories but that's ok. Got a great workout in and ran a 4 miles interval run. Muscle sore today. So far this morning lifted - did back and abs and now off to run an easy3 miles.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Way to go OP! You have a solid plan so I'm sure you'll tackle those last stubborn lbs. Looking at your pics though, I don't see it. You look great!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I don't see it either (definitely not 10-15. Maybe 1-2% body fat to be completely ripped), but I understand where you're coming from. Of course I don't know how tall you are, so your 10 lbs could be my 5...
  • Jenelle64
    Thanks Mel. Even though I'm not going to officially start tracking for the new program until Monday, I am increasing my workouts. I did 25 min of cardio this morning and I'm meeting with a trainer later today. I'm looking forward to getting rid of the excess fat and increasing my muscle. I'm going to start protein shakes so I can get up to the level I will need for the increased activity.

    Your doing great. I have to agree that I don't see the extra on you but you know where you need to be to at you peak performance and feel you best. I look forward to watching your progress.
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks Jenelle but you haven't seen my butt, it needs some help. :) Yesterday's workout was a good workout I ran 4 miles. I ate about 1300 cal which was a little bit under what I wanted to eat but I'll make up for it tomorrow since it's my son's birthday we will have cake and pizza. Plus I'm planning a re-feed on Sunday which also help with long run I'm planning on doing.
    This morning workout was Leg squats at 85 pounds 4x 10 reps; Walking lunges 55 pounds 3x12; Leg extensions and deadlifts at 65 pounds. Ran just a mile.
    I was more hungry yesterday that but that's because my daughter and I shop all afternoon. I stopped at Chick-fil-A to get her lunch and luckily the universe was looking out for me and they didn't include her french fries. i probably would've ate those because I was starving at that point.
  • Jenelle64
    You’re doing great Mel. I know what you mean about the fries…they’re a weakness when I’m hungry too. Actually anything that’s not good for me is a weakness when I’m hungry LOL

    I didn’t do bad yesterday, got in 60 min of cardio and 30 min of weight training and managed to eat 100g of protein without a shake supplement, today the eating is doing OK, not enough protein but I should be able to boast that up with some salmon while the kids get pizza. I just haven’t gotten in the cardio, I’m going to try to do at least some tonight or add some tomorrow with a bike ride around the lake.

    Weekends are the time I tend to forget to track my food or exercise but I still work to meet my goals. I’m going to make an effort from here out to log in and get the stuff entered in.

    Have fun at your son's birthday celebration!
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Friday I got a 3.5 mile run in which actually felt pretty good considering I was pretty sore from Thursdays leg workout.
    Of course from the amount of icing I had I should have ran 10 lol. DS party was fun and some of his friends came and they all seemed to have a good time.
    Today's challenge is not eating any more left over cake. I'm ok to eat too much on one day, but my downfall in the past is stopping at one day. So that's my goal. I also have a 4 mile run planned and way too much mowing which. I count as exercise since my yard is very hilly.
    Yesterday's weigh in was good and I did get all the weight off that I gained while at the beach. Funny how one week of eating carbs and too much food takes weeks to undo. At least my cloths don't feel tight any more. I think I panicked a little when my cloths feel tight because I gave away all my larger size cloths and only have smaller sizes to wear. That is big motivation to not over eat.
    Have a good weekend everyone.
    Jenelle I hope you are logging in this weekend:)
  • Jenelle64
    Happy Monday. I did log in over the weekend but I was just recording things. I didn’t do the workouts that I had planned but I did a lot of yard work and picked up a stationary bike that I can use to get in the cardio I need. In fact, I used it this morning for 30 min of moderate cardio.

    I weighed in and took measurements yesterday for the start of my 12 week program and was disappointed to see I haven’t lost anymore weight but I have lost an inch of the belly jelly so that means I only have 4 inches to go and I believe the next 12 weeks will be a good start to get me there. I took some pictures too, motivators LOL

    Mel, I think I should do what you did and give away all my larger cloths, that would be a good motivator for me too.
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Pms sucks. As I've gotten older my periods are further and further apart with more torturous days of Pms. Really bad Pms where I am very hateful, can't control my words or my eating. Last month I just kept feeling like stabbing my self in the head . So lets just say I've had too many chocolate cupcakes this weekend. Ugh. But I did run 7 miles yesterday even though my belly hurt the whole Ike from too much cake. Lifted this morning chest: db 30& 35 flat bench flies. Incline flies db 25 3x10-12; & dips 3 x 10 / abs / shoulders.
    Ran a mile and half and walked a little w/ the kids tonight.

    Jenelle-yeah getting rid of your old cloths helps, plus maybe you can consign them and buy some new ones as a treat to your self.
  • skinnieminnie007
    skinnieminnie007 Posts: 6 Member
    Well done ladies! I had a moment yesterday when I realised I have to commit to this to lose the last 10-15lbs too :) 1 cheat meal is ok but I was having 2/3 cheat days! And I need to start weight training again. I had to stop because of a broken foot but I'm going to start doing some upper body stuff for now :)
  • jididier
    jididier Posts: 10
    these are all great plans! i'm in the same boat - just down to the last 10 and not entirely committed. a friend of mine is trying to get me into fitness competitions, and i think that might be my final motivation to swing the scale and body fat %!
  • caitlinashe511
    caitlinashe511 Posts: 16 Member
    Way to go gals! I am right there with you....I'm launching my own 30 day challenge because I have 30 days before I make my big debut back into the real world. I detailed my plan in my blog, if y'all want to check it out.
    Anyways, MFP is saying that I can only lose 1.4 lbs/week, even if I set it to -2 lbs/week. What's with this? It is also saying that my 60 min of workouts/day should amount to around -300 cals, but in reality I'll probably burn around 600. I feel like it's assuming that I'm not in shape?
    Add me and we can all support each other! So happy to find other people with similar goals!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Same here ladies, after 2 silver wedding celebrations, and 2 birthdays, in 2 weeks, I have had my days off for the rest of the year. Now back to some serious effort. I only have 2kg to original goal weight, but am actually upping calories to maintenance, as I am trying to increase muscle (just slightly) with my weight programme at the gym. September 4th is my 3 month assessment, and I really hope that body fat% is down and muscle mass is up. I think I can see and feel a difference. I too have thrown out all my larger clothes, including the pants in my profile photo. believe it or not I bought then 7 years ago, after shedding a few lbs., and I vowed I would never outgrow them. I never dreamed I would throw them out because they got too big. ZB if your profile is your before picture, I really hope my after picture looks half as good :-) Caitlina don't worry about what MFP predicts, its a one size fits all, and in reality we are all so very different. I just work my workouts out myself, as best I can. Thinking in investing in a Heart Rate Monitor. Anyone use one, are they any good?
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    It has been a hard 2 days. Period has not been kind to me and dh had hernia surgery today. So making all the best choices hasn't been the easiest. But did manage to get a 4 mile tempo run today. Just trying to keep it together right now. Tomorrow should be more calm and back to normal. Will get back on track with my diet. I've also got to drink more water. I usually drink a gallon a dy, but for some reason have just not been feeling it. I guess it's just been stressful all week.
    Jackie my pic is not my before pic. Before having kids I was about 30 lbs overweight, then had ds and lost like 60lbs , then got preggo again and had to lose those 60 lbs all over again. I started back really hitting the weights hard last December and that's when I started to see abs again. Now I have really 5-8 lbs of fat I really want to lose to get the definition I want. Luckily I'm very pear shaped and my tummy will get flat, but my butt is still huge lol. But thanks.
    Catalina, yeah don't pay attention to what those calculators on her say. I really don't understand how they get the umbels they do on certain things.
    Ji- I wish they had fitness competionsions around here. Talk about motivation. I did bodybuilding competitions when I was much younger (18-19 years old ) and it was fun and motivating to get on stage in a teeny bikini and show what you've worked for. Anyway get a good coach and you'll have a blast.
  • Jenelle64
    Well, almost complete with my first week using my new getting serious plan. I've done fairly well most days but there is a lot of room for improvement. I'm getting bloated right now and gaining that pre-period 3-5 pounds that seem to get every month, I hate to say it but bring on menopause and I won't have that to worry about. LOL

    I've gotten up 20 min earlier 4 out of 5 days this week and road a stationary bike for 30 min and walked on the treadmill for 30 min in the afternoons during my break at work. Upping the calories was not a problem (pre-period cravings) I think the main reason the increased calories is easy is because I added protein shakes to help my muscles recover from the more aggressive activity I'm doing. Overall, I feel pretty good about my first week and I still have my main goal, to drop most of my last 10 lbs by my daughter's birthday in November.

    Mel, you'll be back on track in no time. We all have rough weeks and things happen that we can't control. Your doing great.

    Jackie, I just go a new heart monitor and I'm trying to get used to it and use it for my workouts. I'll let you know how I like it after a few times of working out with it.

    Caitlina, I agree with Jackie, MFP seems to give everyone the same number of calories to eat and trys to predict but we all lose differently and there is no one size fits all formula. It looks like your doing a great job. If what your doing is fun and it works for you, keep it up and you'll reach your goal.

    Question for you ladies, do you eat back the calories you burn?
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    Jenelle-I do not eat back the calories I burn. I try to eat 1380 calories a day is what my goal is for now. I don't think the calorie counter is very acurate, so I don't use it. However when I run a long run I know I've burned at least 500 extra calories and do try to increase a little on those days. Well my ody is really hungry so I don't have to really try.

    Finally starting on Sunday my TOM problems are subsiding and the bloat is going away. Just have to keep it up. Lifted yesterday chest and shoulders and ran 2 miles. I ran a 5 k with my son on Sunday in honor of this little boy he went to school with who died last may. It was very emotional I thought. They had the race go by his grave and we let off a balloon as we ran by.

    Today is a4 mile interval run. 400s at 5k pace. I will have to do it on the treadmill.
  • LittleCulturedPearl
    LittleCulturedPearl Posts: 71 Member
    It has been a hard 2 days. Period has not been kind to me and dh had hernia surgery today. So making all the best choices hasn't been the easiest. But did manage to get a 4 mile tempo run today. Just trying to keep it together right now. Tomorrow should be more calm and back to normal. Will get back on track with my diet. I've also got to drink more water. I usually drink a gallon a dy, but for some reason have just not been feeling it. I guess it's just been stressful all week.
    Jackie my pic is not my before pic. Before having kids I was about 30 lbs overweight, then had ds and lost like 60lbs , then got preggo again and had to lose those 60 lbs all over again. I started back really hitting the weights hard last December and that's when I started to see abs again. Now I have really 5-8 lbs of fat I really want to lose to get the definition I want. Luckily I'm very pear shaped and my tummy will get flat, but my butt is still huge lol. But thanks.
    Catalina, yeah don't pay attention to what those calculators on her say. I really don't understand how they get the umbels they do on certain things.
    Ji- I wish they had fitness competionsions around here. Talk about motivation. I did bodybuilding competitions when I was much younger (18-19 years old ) and it was fun and motivating to get on stage in a teeny bikini and show what you've worked for. Anyway get a good coach and you'll have a blast.

    Hi! I have had some medical complications as well, as finally resolved to see a naturopathic doctor to find preventative measures in order to avoid having issues that I later have to take care of. For period issues, I take Chaste Berry and Red Clover supplements; no more cramps or abdominal pangs, bloat, etc.
    I also have a larger-than-necessary hip and thighs area, and nothing seems to fit me at my favorite stores. I'm training for a marathon, and have been running longer distances lately. My legs seem to be shrinking in circumference, and I'm beginning to see small dimples in my lower back now. :) So I think that is the trick-- more workouts in the fat burning zone.
  • Jenelle64
    I'm still not being very consistent on the weekends but I'm not going off the deep end on those days either. This past weekend was a holiday weekend which has really thrown me off but I did do some construction on my daughter's playhouse on Saturday which included climbing ladders and heavy lifting and on Sunday we went to the amusement park in Kansas City which included a lot of walking and most of it is hills so I wasn't a total bum. I have lost some of the weight and I am firming up but I won't be redoing my measurements for a few more weeks.

    Today I rode on my stationary bike for 30 minutes and I meet with my trainer for 30 minutes of weight training. I will also be hitting the treadmill for 30 minutes of brisk walking. I would also like to walk around the lake tonight if the weather isn't too hot. The lake trail is about 7 1/2 miles with hills so it would be a nice little work out.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • ZB1110
    ZB1110 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm doing terrible. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. This weekend I. Totally went over board especially with the holiday. I feel really fat and bloated. I have totally been sabotaging myself. I don't know what to do to get my head back in the game.