Race Etiquette

TheMobileMom Posts: 66 Member
Just finished W8D1 and am running my first race 5/27. Wanted any advice about running a race. Is it OK to wear my phone (where my music and running app are)? Other advice about rest and food would also be appreciated. I can't "carb up" because I had RNY surgery 6 months ago and I don't digest carbs very well. Thanks in advance!


  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    For a 5k, you don't really need to carb up - I graduated in February, so I run 3-4 miles for my easy run and 6 or so miles for my long run every week. It's only becomes an issue for those runs that are longer than 90 minutes.

    Any 5k race should have water stations at the halfway point, if not every mile. Technically, you shouldn't "need" water unless you didn't hydrate before or feel hot, but they make nice break points if you need one. Feel free to walk at any point if you need to as well.

    Many runners wear their phones to track their runs, though there are differing opinions about music/earbuds. At least keep your music low enough to hear if somebody is calling out directions. Don't start too fast and be sure to warm up before the run.

    And congratuations!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If you are slower, stick to the back end of the pack. Don't get caught up with the rabbits out of the starting block. They will take off and get into their fast pace, and with in 5 minutes you are blown. Stick to the back, that way you can get into your pace and not worry about everyone else.

    Be aware of your surroundings. Yes, you can bring your music. But, if you are running with traffic, make sure you are staying aware of the cars and stuff, and people around you.

    Don't freak out if you get bumped or pushed, especially during this time of year. 5Ks are super packed, and getting a little pushed around is normal at the begining of the races.

    Do not stop at the finish line. Run past the finish line, and then slow to a run and then walk out of the finish corral. Stopping right at the line or if you are running, slowing to at walk at the line can set you up for a crash with those behind you.

    -If you spit- do it over grass...not on the pavement.

    Do not wear anything new that day. Wear clothes you have ran in before and are comfortable with. Do not run in new shoes. Don't change anything from what you did leading up to the race. So that means, if you didn't carry a water bottle with you during runs, dont' carry one now. Same with food, if you normally didn't eat before runs, don't eat now. If you do....eat about 1-2 hours before (trust me, running trots suck).

    Get there early enough to stretch and do your 5 minute warm up. I usually get to races 30-45 minutes early.
  • TheMobileMom
    TheMobileMom Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I'll let you know how it goes on Monday!!!:happy:
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    AglaeaC: When i saw your bump I felt a little twinge of excitement on your behalf....bumping so you can reference again shortly?? isn't your 1st 5K date coming up soon? When is it?
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Nooooooo not yet! *shrieks of excited scarediness* I'm on week 5 only! But one day!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Um. There's only 9 weeks in the program.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Uhuhh, at least four weeks from now! Looooooong time! Lots can happen! Gaaaaaaaaaaaah 5K!!! I haven't survived W5D3 yet!

    (For chrissakes, make that loonie Aglaea shut up already...)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Uhuhh, at least four weeks from now! Looooooong time! Lots can happen! Gaaaaaaaaaaaah 5K!!! I haven't survived W5D3 yet!

    (For chrissakes, make that loonie Aglaea shut up already...)

    Oh, I was totally yanking your chain.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Yank yank LOL