Introduce yourself, your goals and your motivation!



  • jema_b98
    jema_b98 Posts: 28 Member
    I just joined MFP and need the motivation to start eating better and exercising more. I want to lose 20lbs. by Christmas so I can go shopping.
  • mina10v3
    mina10v3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Kellie, I am 24 and a Grad Student in Social Work and Holistic Health, with an internship, as well as a Grad Assistant, so I am super busy. I have tried to lose weight before and though I did lose some, I gained a lot of it back. This time I am very motivated and want to succeed before my best friend's wedding next fall, so I thought that having a smaller goal like Christmas is a good idea. I also need the encouragement from others. My goal for christmas is 35lbs. My overall goal is 110 total.

    Feel free to friend me and we can keep each other in check :) With school starting I will be on my computer a lot more than my phone, so I am going to make it another goal to log into this group daily :-)
  • lespez
    lespez Posts: 16 Member
    Hi All, I am still trying to get back on track. My wieght has gone up cos I'm all over the place since my mam died in April this year. She was my life and I did everything with her. I am not looking forward to Christmas but if I can lose 18 pounds at least I will be comfortable for Christmas. Good luck to all. XXX:flowerforyou: Oh yes that's my mam on my ticker. :cry:
  • HeavyPetter
    HeavyPetter Posts: 61 Member
    I'm ready to get back on track as well - I need to lose between 20-25 lbs so that's pretty doable by Christmas - just need to buckle down! I need some visuals to keep in front of me!
  • FusionDancer13
    FusionDancer13 Posts: 10 Member
    I was just thinking to myself that I would like to drop 10% of my weight by Christmas. Found this group and new it would be perfect! I have about 20 pounds to go, but I know its doable in 3 months. Anything over that would be awesome, and welcomed with open arms. :)
  • I just signed up here earlier today. Last summer I did low carb and got below goal weight. I quit smoking in November, and had extensive dental work as well. Sometime in January the weight started creeping up, and I gained back what I lost +3 pounds. Sigh. Anyways, I'm basically tracking calories and exercise now-the old fashioned way. My motivation is to be more fit, and to be around a size 8/10. I say "around" because sizing varies so in women's clothing. I don't like being all flabby like I am now. I want to have the new way of life by Christmas, and maybe even slip into one of those smaller sizes!

    I look forward to getting to that new body with all of you!
  • My goal is to lose 20 lbs by Christmas, afterwards another 10 lbs before February. I am going to be married on Feb 13, 2014! :)
  • Hi, my name is Sherryl and I would like to lose 34 pounds by Christmas. I am 5'5 and currently weigh 164 which has creeped up within the last couple of years. I keep yo yo dieting and thought i would try Chris Powell's carb cycling since nothing else seems to be working. I am working out 3 to 4 times a week; however, still not working. I am joining and ready for fitness pals and motivation. :drinker:
  • WildlyCurly
    WildlyCurly Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Marie and I am 238 pounds and 5'1. I really want to be at or under 200 pounds by Christmas. It's a little more than 2 pounds a week, but since I am obese and have a lot to lose, I think it's a reasonable goal.
  • F1GHT4F1T
    F1GHT4F1T Posts: 66 Member
    Hey guys!!! :happy: My name is Diamond, I'm 5'8 and I currently weigh 165 lbs. Idealistically, by Christmas I'd like to be at my goal weight of 135 pounds. I know it will be hard to balance my weight loss journey once school starts back up but I've come too far to let all the progress I've made go to waste. Hopefully the challenge group will work out well for me and good luck to you all.
  • blondite
    blondite Posts: 1 Member

    I'd love to lose 16 lbs by Xmas. I am getting married next year and I want to look my best!! I am the heaviest I have ever been and I have tried 'healthy eating' without calorie counting and it just didn't work.

    I am looking for someone to help me achieve my goal and provide words of inspiration on here when I'm having a down and off day. I will of course provide the same in return :) just add me as a friend :)


  • BaconSlanger
    BaconSlanger Posts: 64 Member
    Wow! This is the PERFECT motivator for me! MUHAHAH!

    Well, I have always been a larger framed girl, I'm 5'10" with huge *kitten* shoulders, haha. But recently I added more weight than I would have liked (165). I got in a bad car wreck and been having to take it really easy. I started to date this wonderful guy who has such a great body and looks. This made me really unconfident about myself since I put on a few pounds. I want to feel like I'm super attractive to him. He says I am and I don't need to change, but I don't agree when I look into the mirror each morning. I would really like to take the weight off and gain that "sexy" confidence back for him and me. Haha. He is coming back to Texas in December. So I really wanted to lose around 25 pounds for when he gets back and make his jaw drop, haha!

    :heart: Devin
  • BaconSlanger
    BaconSlanger Posts: 64 Member
  • BaconSlanger
    BaconSlanger Posts: 64 Member
    Hey guys!!! :happy: My name is Diamond, I'm 5'8 and I currently weigh 165 lbs. Idealistically, by Christmas I'd like to be at my goal weight of 135 pounds. I know it will be hard to balance my weight loss journey once school starts back up but I've come too far to let all the progress I've made go to waste. Hopefully the challenge group will work out well for me and good luck to you all.

    Hi Diamond!

    We have about the same goal! I'm 5'10" 165, wanting to drop around 145! We should be some epic tag team partners and encourage each other!

    heart Devin
  • Hi Everyone! Just started using MFP today. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. Overall my goal is to lose 40 pounds to be at my goal weight. I will be walking on my treadmill and outside. Riding bike when weather allows it. I also purchased a reebok easy tone stopper. It will fun using that thing. I am looking forward to getting in shape and being healthier.
  • sinca21
    sinca21 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone! My goal for Christmas is to be down 20 pounds by then. That will put me around 40 pounds lost total and well on my way to my ultimate goal (which hasn't really been determined yet). My main motivation is a weight loss competition at work that runs through Thanksgiving plus I'm prepping to run a 5K in December. Also I'd love to be at my lowest weight in many years at my son's first birthday party in January. So let's get it going!

    I'm open to having new MFP friends so feel free to add and say hi!
  • kieu108
    kieu108 Posts: 1
    Hello I'm Q!
    I want to lose 35 pounds! This will put me back to weight I once was a couple of years ago. I have just restarted my work-out and nutritional plan after seeing my scale reach 185 pounds for the first time. It's time for a change and I need to take charge of myself; no more letting my cravings take over and revamping my exercise routine.I think it will help if I got motivation from a group, because I keep falling off the wagon :(
  • vgurgel
    vgurgel Posts: 11 Member

    Since the feb I lost about 10 kg. However, I hit plateu. I recently joined MFP, and would like to lose from 5 to 8 kg by the end of the year. However, the weight isn´t exactly the most important thing since I´m also trying to build up some muscles.
  • Hi everyone! I'm 23 years young and on the journey to losing 140 pounds! My start weight back in April was 283 lbs. and my last weigh-in on August 20th, I was at 267 & moving on to more weight-loss! My goal is to be at 227 lbs. by X-mas! I keep myself motivated by telling myself there is no other option & that this is my life now (eating right & exercising), it's not a diet! Feel free to add me for support and I can't wait to see us all reach our goals!
  • Hi all

    I would like to lose 15kg by Christmas time. A lot of that is baby weight, eating too many naughty foods and snacking on high calorie treats.

    My motivation is my wardrobe which I can't wear at the moment and feeling happier and healthy within myself.

    Good to see everyone is so positive!