
cris31883 Posts: 3 Member
Hi, I'm Crystal, I have been struggling with my weight for a long time. I have been thinking about getting gastric bypass for a little bit know and the other day I found out my husbands insurance will pay for it. I'm going to a info seminar today to see if its for me. I know it wont be easy to change the way I eat, but I know I can do it. I have started cutting back my soda's, sugar and fried foods and trying to eat healthier. I would like to find out more from people who have had it done and maybe make some friends at the same time. Cant wait to get to know some of you. :happy:


  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    It is the best tool for me before I was never full, never satisfied, and ate for all the wrong reasons. Now I have a tool to help me an informational meeting was where I started. It changes me still. It is not magic
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Congrats on attempting to change your life for the better, whether you do it by surgery or without. I had gastric bypass almost a year ago (9/27/12) and it definitely has changed mine for the better. As the previous poster said, it is a great tool if you use it properly. Before surgery, get your head in the right place, start working on those food issues early and things will go much smoother post surgery.
    I have had zero complications and reached my surgeon's goal weight by 7 months after surgery. I am 3.4 lbs away from my ultimate goal.
    I no longer have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, cholesterol problems, etc. I am a type I diabetic and that is in nearly perfect control now. Before surgery I was dealing with very poorly functioning kidneys and they are now working at normal level.
    I still enjoy a small treat now and then, but it's not like before. I savor each and every bite and eat to live, not live to eat. I have found joy in cooking, learning new healthy recipes and have "tweaked" many of my old favorites to make them healthier, low fat or no fat.
    I hope you find what you are looking for when you attend the seminar and that if you go the surgical route, that you have a great surgeon and dietitian to work with.
    Again, congrats on the decision to change your life in such a positive way, whether it be surgical or not.
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    Hi Crystal...I just finished my 6 month diet, still have some testing to get finished before my info goes to insurance and hopefully I will get a date set for surgery before the end of the year. I still have moments of doubt because it is really a serious surgery and a lifetime commitment to be successful. It's a bit overwhelming at times. Then my common sense (and doctors advice) kicks in and I know I'm on the right path. I'm just a little bit further in the process than you are. Feel free to add me if you like. :) and good luck to you whatever you choose to do.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I'll send you a friend request. You can read about my journey and progess on my profile. I had sleeve surgery 6/11/12. I lost 47 pounds pre op from 2/12 to 6/11/12 since I have lost 99 pounds post op. Went from 270 to 124 now at 132 due to uping my cals and eating back some of my exercise burns cals per my WLS nut. Having WLS was the best thing I have ever done for my self. I've been obese my entire life. I weighed almost 12 pounds at birth, was a member of Weight Watchers before the age of 10! My only regret was waiting to have it done at 48 years old.
    Good luck!
  • sashahanrahan
    sashahanrahan Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Crystal! I'm new to this too. Just started the process last week. Started my high protein, no starch pre-op diet Monday. I'm already down 6lbs in three days. :) Yes, it's probably just water weight, but any deduction on the scale counts. I get scared and have been going back and forth about the surgery, but I really think it's my best option for long term success. Good luck to you. I think this will be a great support group for all of us.
  • cris31883
    cris31883 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you everyone!! They canceled the info seminar but they sent me a online one and I watched it with my husband, it was really helpful. I will be sending in my paperwork and setting up my first appointment tomorrow. I cant wait to get started, I'm still a little scared about the surgery part because I have never had surgery.
  • Leech78
    Leech78 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, Crystal! Im New as well I just started my 6 month diet on the 23th per my insurance.
    Im down 5 pounds already guess its water weight lol.. But Hey its a lost so Im Happy
    I am scared as well about the whole surgery part but if I continue down this road I
    wont be here very long so I think its worth it. Been watching ALOT of youtube videos
    they help me to understand more and they are also great support. Any who just wanted to say hello
    and wish you the best of luck,. I also need friends here or support so if your looking feel free to add me :)

    Thank you
  • teresa7926
    teresa7926 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi Crystal. Best wishes on your information journey, whatever you decide. I was sleeved on July1. I had many doubts, even while I was in preop waiting for my turn in the OR - down to an anxiety attack. Thank God for an excellent surgical team that were very compassionate and helpful. It was the best decision I ever made. You are in the right place here. There is a lot of honest information to be gathered from others experiences.