Introduce yourself, your goals and your motivation!



  • Hi! This is a great idea. I'm new to MFP, and this seems like the perfect motivational starting point. My goal is to lose 15 lbs by Christmas. Good luck to all in reaching your goals! Cheers!
  • I started my weight loss journey in March of this year. I was at about 270lbs. Since then, 5 months, I have lost 66 pounds. I would like to get at least another 40 off by Christmas. I know I can do it!! I am excited about taking this journey with all of you.
  • kwaichi
    kwaichi Posts: 12
    10 Years ago I was 70kg.

    I'm 32 tomorrow and I was 100kg in April. I've now lost 11kg so now sit around 89kg and want to get that down to 73kg (another 16kg/32lbs). I had set May 2014 as a target but my weight loss has accelerated since using myfitnesspal, Withings Smart Body Analyzer and Withings Pulse. I think I could hit 73kg by Christmas although it would be tough going. Who likes feeling hungry?

    I'm currently losing 0.5kg to 1.5kg a week through cutting down on sodium and calories plus kickboxing on my own in the gym at the weekends. Add me if you want!
  • estliza
    estliza Posts: 20 Member
    I lost 16kg while i was preg with my first bit after having her i put it all back on and now i am ready to change and loose it the right way so far lost 2 kg my goal is toget get down to 90 at the moment Short term goal under 100 by Christmas any more will be a bonus doing it formyself and want lose enough weight to try and have another bub and to have a problem free pregnancy and be there for my little one
  • seasidegirl68
    seasidegirl68 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All

    Thanks for having me in this group! I'm new to MFP and excited to have found somewhere where members are active and I might find the support I'm looking for.

    I'm looking to drop 10kg by Christmas - challenging but achievable I think! Good luck everyone!
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    This is a really good group, I can feel the motivation I need to push towards my goals, thank you!
    I want to lose 1 pound every week, so by Christmas so 17 pounds and be able to run 10K.
    Tough goals so any motivation/inspiration from anyone is very much welcomed!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm Melissa. 31 years old, married with a 2 year old and a 11 month old daughters. Work full time.

    I'm 230 right now and would also like to make it to sub 200 by years end.

    I'm having severe motivation problems from lack of sleep. Haven't had a full nights sleep since my little minion was born almost a year ago. We are working on it, trying different things but my husband and I are just exhausted.

    I have a work out routine in place...I just keep falling off the wagon for weeks at a time, usually when she has bad nights, it takes me so long to recover. But I look at myself and how weak I still am from the bedrest during pregnancy and I hate it. I want to be stronger again. I don't want to be so tired anymore. I want to be able to run around with my babies.
  • Hoffenheim
    Hoffenheim Posts: 1 Member
    I just (re)started my weight loss efforts this week and by the time Christmas comes I'd like to have lost 30 lbs and for my NSG (Non Scale Goal) I want my wedding ring to fit again.
  • Hi everyone:smile: I'm Trisha , I rejoined the programme yesterday after several unsuccessful attempts to keep up secondary to my overnight work schedules along with my two year old daughter. I'm now back and ready to give it my ALL. My goal is to lose 40ibs by Christmas which would bring me down to 140ibs. This group looks like just the thing that I need to achieve this because I think that motivation and company is :happy: necessary and I see that in this group. My motivation is my daughter because if for nothing else I want to ensure that I am around for her and not have to drop off prematurely because of chronic illness or mortality. Good luck everyone and remember "challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
  • trn733
    trn733 Posts: 5
    Hi all. I'm Ali and will be happy with any weight loss by Christmas. I am happy to have found this group as Christmas is my favourite time of year, so it will be great to have a weight loss goal to take me up till then.

    I am 41 with three children and do lack a bit of motivation where exercise is concerned so I am hoping to find some on this website. I look forward to learning new things over the coming months.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm so happy I found this group! I'm 48 and about 15 lbs over weight. I've been struggling with this for quite a while and just can't stay motivated to get it off. Recently I hurt a disk in my lower back so now I'm limited with exercise. But you all see so excited and supportive! Can't wait to get to know everyone!!
  • Siennacita
    Siennacita Posts: 67 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I've set a lofty goal of losing 24 lbs by Christmas - that's 6 pounds a month.
    Under normal circumstances I think that would be quite attainable, but I recognize that there is Thanksgiving and lots of holiday parties in between now and the big day.
    However, I don't want to give myself permission to not put a full effort into it, so I'm sticking with a -24 pound goal.
    Wish me luck!

    My other goals include wearing a hot sexy little dress to my own holiday party - it's been hanging in my closet for over a year now as 'incentive'!! The tags are still on it!! If all goes well - I plan on posting a picture of myself wearing it on this site!
  • Hello all! I just joined today and would like to lose 25lbs by Christmas. Any more would be bonus. :)
  • lrskt
    lrskt Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All!

    I'd really love to drop 20 pounds by Christmas, but my biggest goal is to get into a healthy lifestyle.
  • shea33ana
    shea33ana Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I am hoping to lose 25 christmas. My motivation is to be able to fit into my skinny jeans that used to be my fat jeans. Also it would be a great kickoff to the new year and motivation to keep going on this journey.
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    Hi, everyone! Getting a tiny bit of a late start. :-)

    I'm 5' 3" and currently at 174 pounds. My goal weight is 130, which would be the lowest I've weighed in my adult life. A few years ago I got down to 145, but I gained fifty pounds and kept it on until mid-May when I started using MFP.

    I'm hoping to lose 25 pounds by Christmas. Given that I lost about 20 pounds in three months, I think 25 pounds in four months is doable. Here's hoping! [fingers crossed]

    So glad to have found this group! I can use all the motivation I can get.