
I created this group to find likeminded individuals who are motivated to lose weight and support those trying to lose weight. Feel free to talk about your highs and lows, gain advice and give advice, post recipes, pictures and any success stories you like. The goal is to gain knowledge about fitness and health, so all news is good if it supports taking proper care of your body. I look forward to talking and meeting all of you. We can do this!


  • emrp22
    emrp22 Posts: 14
    Hi, I am a 60 year old grandma who has gained unwanted weight in the past 8-10 years; I have lost about half, but struggle to lose the rest. I would love some encouragement to get out and exercise more. I walk a lot, but the strength training (which I want to do at home because of time restraints) is only so-so... Any ideas? :-)
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    I've been using this site since January, I never thought I would stick to it and loose weight, but I've amazed myself, I haven't been the size I am now for over 20 years.
    I've only got about 6lbs to go to reach my goal weight, I feel I eat a nice healthy balanced diet now, I don't crave take away food anymore I would sooner eat a nice healthy stir fry.
    I need to look at my exercise routine to help reduce my muffin top now, any help or tips would be very much appreciated.

    Good luck everyone.
  • Nana_nyc
    Nana_nyc Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm not completely new to MFP but I have decided to give it another try. I really like this site but find that sometimes don't have the time to log on. But I'm going to do things differently because Im tired of being uncomfortable in my own skin. Hopefully this group can be a good support and we can all be there for each other.:smile:
  • hi guys! Im really finding success with MFP. Ive lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks and have done it in a healthy and positive way. I'm happy to be on this journey. I have about 90 more lbs to go but i can do it!! Rome was not built in a day and I didnt gain all this weight i a year so Im preparing for the long haul. Im really into instagram right now for motivation healthy food and just positive direction. if you would like to follow me (of course i follow back) nayasmum is my user name :)
  • LoveMyBabez
    LoveMyBabez Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I have been in an uphill battle with my weight for the last two years. All of my friends have
    stopped logging in and I'm getting frustrated just looking at my own results so I'm Joining my first
    group! I am in desperate need of positive friends that are also trying to live a healthier lifestyle. It's
    nice to know that you are not alone in your struggles plus I love to see others succeed. I welcome
    any requests.
  • Hi Guys, I'm looking to get back to being my fit and fabulous self of 3 or 4 years ago, I travel a lot for work which makes having a routine particularly hard, but I want to stick with it and reach my goals by the end of 2013! I dont have much to lose, just 5kg, its very achievable!
  • kgroton
    kgroton Posts: 2
    I decided I have made enough excuses and need to do something about my weight. I have done MFP off and on for about 2 years, but just recently decided enough was enough and need to get serious. I looked back at my weight through each of the times I was using MFP and can't believe the weight I have gained, while it is only 20lbs, I feel like it came on so quickly and know that it takes much more to get it off. After not wanting to be in summer clothes and a bathing suit this summer, I am committed to lose this weight before next year. Every couple of months I watch my weight jump up a couple lbs here and there and then that is my new "normal" weight. I don't want to be in this next bracket weight and feel like now is the time to do something about it. It only gets harder the longer I wait! Anyway, I look forward to the support we can all give each other and know that we all have it within ourselves to reach our own goals. Good luck to each of you!
  • Hi. I'm so glad you joined. I started this board to put the pressure on myself to stay of track. I too struggle with my weight and have tried just about every diet you can try. One thing I know for sure is that they all work if you stick to it. I constantly challenge myself to try new things. I am currently trying to focus on eating what I want and keeping track of my calories, as well as, incorporate exercises. So we will see how it goes. Welcom aboard and just so you know you are already Fit and Fabulously Fine!
  • Hi, I'm glad you joined. I'm excited for you because I know what it feels like to loose that first 15lbs. You are exactly right, it took you time to gain the weight, so you have to allow yourself time to get it off and believe me it leaves way slower. The wonderful thing is you are taking the necessary steps to better your health, build your self esteem and change your quality of life. Stand strong and be consistent and you will be successful. If you do fall off track, it's okay just pick back up and you will be fine. Use any motivation you think will help you. I posted a picture of myself when I was really small on my computer and refrigerator as a reminder of what I am in the process of doing. Good luck and remember you are Fit and Fabulously Fine.