Friday August 23 Challenge/Weigh-n

aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
Can't believe we are nearing the end.........:cry:

Well I had a number of team challenges however it seems that the teams are few and far between regardless we are moving forward for the next week. So this weeks challenge is two-fold. As we get ready for Back-To-School, even if you don't have school age children you can't escape it on TV, I have an odd challenge for you.

1.) Purchase a new piece of clothing. Everyone needs a new back to school outfit. May you be pleasantly surprised by the size!
2.) Physical challenge: Go to your local High School Stadium and do the stairs! Ug! This is one I have done in the past and I can tell you BRING WATER.:drinker: If you can't run them then walk them. You may want to call the High School ahead of time to see when sport teams are practicing if you want time alone there. If your High School is not an option but you have an Elementary school go there and check out the playground equipment. My husband and I drove by mine the other day and a young man was doing a workout with some of the bars, slides, and climbers. I would never have thought of this had I net seen it with my own eyes. I was very impressed with what he was doing with play climbers etc. Another option is a local park with play equipment. If you go early there are generally no children. The point is you can create a workout anywhere if you are willing.

Back to school - here we come!


  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    What a great challenge. You seem to read my mind each week. I am going to the city on Saturday and I want a new pair of yoga pants and I need a smaller size swim suit. I am anxious to see what size I am.

    As for stairs, I looked at the stair machine at the gym the other night and I am pretty sure I need a little time to accomplish those. The guy showing it to me just laughed. He thought I might wait a bit too.

    I climb stairs every day in my house, but I will find some new ones.

    Good job fearless leader!
  • janlawrence2
    janlawrence2 Posts: 24 Member
    I love the challenge, and not sure my knees will let me do those stadiums stairs, but I will try it!! You are so creative!

    My weigh in today: 210. Total lost: 9 lbs. Very far from my goal of being under 200 by the end of the challenge, but still, if I hit double digit loss by the end of next week, which is 1 lb., I will feel accomplished!
  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    I weighed in at 242.2. That is a 14.8 lb loss so far.

    I looked at my weight chart for the last 90 days and I seem to lose a couple weeks then gain, lose a couple then gain. Looks like those dang stairs mentioned above.

    I am happy with an average of over 1 lb a week. I will take that. I truly believe going slower this time is what is working. Any ofher time I would have quit by now. That is not happening this time. I am in it for the long haul.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    I loved this challenge and hope a new one is created just like it. :)

    I am 146 lbs today, so I lost 2 lbs since my last weigh-in on the spreadsheet. My goal for this challenge was 145 lbs, so I basically reached it. I would've been at 145 lbs today if my boss didn't take me out to lunch yesterday, lol.

    I like the challenges and will do them this weekend.
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    135.2 this morning. Pretty happy since I can't exercise.
    My neighbor loaned me a wheelchair so I am able to get out of the house and go for a walk...... I mean roll. My daughter is taking me jean shopping today. That should be an experience with the boot but I need a new pair for work. I can only wear running shoes for a month starting in 10 days. Sooooooo excited to get into a shoe no matter what the shoe.

    I will not be able to do the stairs. I'm still at 5 mins on the elliptical but now I can take myself for a roll and get an upper body workout.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I started this challenge weighing in at 277.9 lbs. Today I am 253 pounds. That represents 24.9 pounds lost and a 8.3% loss. I am over the moon.

    One thing that I have done during this challenge, when I stalled, was to drastically up my calories to follow my TDEE minus 20% amount. So I went from 1350 calories eating daily to an average of 2300.

    I had my biggest loss within two weeks of doing that. I feel strong.

    Another big victory for me was being able to go from just swimming the breast and freestyle strokes to adding the butterfly stroke, which is very physically demanding and now I am up to 30 minutes a day on that stroke and thirty minutes of the other two, for a total of 60 minutes a day.

    My body measurements have decreased substantially and I am FOUR sizes down from when I started in April to now. From a 4x to a 1x. (26-size 18)

    I suggest that we roll this puppy over and plan a challenge that is entitled "12 Weeks To Lose It For Thanksgiving! Or maybe 16 weeks to lose it for Christmas.
  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    Onwarddownward - You rock. You should be very excited. Things are really happening for you right now. Congrats.

    I am in agreement with Onwarddownward and determined_erin. I would like to have another challenge. This is such a nice, small group of friends. I look forward to hearing how our week went every Friday.
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    weighed in at 214.2 yesterday (forgot to post here :frown:) It took almost 3 weeks but it FINALLY moved in the right direction :wink:

    I agree - another challenge would be great fun! :Bigsmile:
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    Shopping in the wheelchair was rather fun I must say. Maybe it's because I was able to get out of the house and have a little freedom but either way I enjoyed myself. Very tired when I got home though. My daughter took me and her 19 month old son shopping. He sat on my lap (an extra 28 pounds to roll around) while we looked. We hit two different stores. My purchases:

    Jeans ........... Size 8
    4 tops............ Size small

    Very happy! I am not giving up on those pesky last 5 pounds though. MUST complete the race.
  • janlawrence2
    janlawrence2 Posts: 24 Member
    I love the challenge, and not sure my knees will let me do those stadiums stairs, but I will try it!! You are so creative!

    My weigh in today: 210. Total lost: 9 lbs. Very far from my goal of being under 200 by the end of the challenge, but still, if I hit double digit loss by the end of next week, which is 1 lb., I will feel accomplished!

    Just wanted to let you know I went my own closet of clothes that no longer fit - and I wore a dress to a bridal shower on Sunday that I have not been able to zip up for a few years!! I felt so pretty! It's only one size down, but it's a size down!! Also, I was in Aero with my son shopping and found two really cute tops...bought them and they look so cute!! I would have NEVER went shopping in that store due to feeling old and frumpy. But it was so much fun. Thanks, Erin, for the inspiration!!! Haven't tackled those steps yet!!
  • mlerand62
    mlerand62 Posts: 85 Member
    Way To Go Jan. :drinker:

    Shopping in your own closet is fun. I went to a consignment shop Saturday and turned in some clothes I can no longer wear. My daughter found a dress a couple sizes to small that is so me! I bought it and it is my inspiration for the holidays.

    I can also say I have never looked in Aero for something for me. That had to be fun. :heart: