
Hello, I am Tena. I am 28 y/o. I am a single mother of two girls. I also work two jobs as a registered nurse. I was doing great last year on my weight loss. I lost almost 40# but fell off wagon and Gained every pound back plus 10 more. I have never been this heavy. The final straw was when I was in shower other day and bent down to shave my legs and got out of breath. I am at a point where I can't even shave my legs. How can I be a role model for my girls if I don't take care of myself. And being a nurse, that is kind of being Hippocrate.

CW: 226.
GW: 199 ( by end of challenge)
UGW : 150


  • VulpesCrucigera
    Hi, I'm Paula. I am a student and I work part-time as a kindergarten teacher. I'd like to see just how much I can lose through exercise and the Xmas challenge sounded perfect as a goal. Hope you don't mind a newbie like me around here :ohwell:

    SW: 150
    CW: 130
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello. I'm Christine from Austin Texas. I have 2 teenage boys at home, raised 8 and I have 14 grandchildren with 2 more on the way. I work at a job that requires I sit all day. I started my serious weight loss journey in March 2013 and I have lost almost 30 pounds so far. I have currently hit a plateau so I am looking to some challenge that will put me back on track to losing some more weight.

    cw: 197
    gw (christmas): 167.

    I really don't have an ugw. I just want to be healtheir and more active. I have always been overweight so I am ok with overweight, just no longer want to be "obese" I figure 30 more pounds is a good goal that I can acheive. Who knows maybe by Christmas I will be motivated to keep going. We'll see.
  • sbatz111
    sbatz111 Posts: 35
    Hi, I'm Stacey. I's a 28 y/o full time critical care RN, and I'm also a full time student. I'm happily married, no kids. I've never done a challenge before, but I think I need more accountability, so I'm excited to start this!

    SW: 378
    CW: 282
    GW 1: By Christmas: 250
    GW 2: When I reward myself with a new car: 199
    UGW: 180ish? We'll see.
  • cirocgirlmarie
    Hi, I'm Toya. I'm 19 y/o and a student. I'm also a part time sales advisor. I'm setting myself a challenge for xmas, I hope you dont mind me joining in.

    SW: 268
    CW: 230
    GW: 200/190
    UGW: 155
  • WiggleDress674
    Hi, I'm Alexandria. I am a 27 year old writer. I will be going back to California for a visit this December so I have to try to lose some weight by then. It is getting really hard because I am 20-25 pounds away from my ultimate goal and I have to try to get off my butt, stop cheating on my diet and get to work!
    SW 155

    GW 135-130