Wondering what everyone plans to do ?



  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Haha! That is funny about the Tae Bo VHS tapes. I remember those. In fact when it was popular is when I started teaching aerobic kickboxing. There are a lot of workout dvd's out there that you could try. If you want some advice about some good ones let me know. Otherwise it sounds like you have a solid plan. Have a good evening. I look forward to your posts!
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    I plan on eating less (portion control, calorie caps), cleaner (more organic, less/no alcohol, no HFCS); moving more throughout the day (hopefully the wildfire will clear out a bit more making more/longer dog walks possible) and setting fitness goals as well.
    The first fitness goal I'm setting is 48 pushups (one for every year of my age), starting with ***one***! I know that sounds absurd, but one perfect pushup is really hard! So, I will work on my form, getting one pushup dine, then two, then three... The idea is that after weight-loss goals are achieved, I don't end up with tiny weak T-Rex arms and, that I'll be able to power a kayak better :-) Every week, I'm hoping to incorporate another fitness goal, based on how things are going :-)
  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    That's awesome. Congrats on the push ups and there's nothing absurd about it. I think it's great! Glad to have you and I look forward to hearing about your progress as well as the push ups!!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I plan to keep it as varied as possible as i normally do, means everything gets worked and i don't get bored lol.

    but running will be a constant along with swimming and some other challenges I'm doing :-)