Any newbies ready to get started with Phase 1?



  • mzthang77
    mzthang77 Posts: 43 Member
    I am nearing the end of week 3 and I love this program. I am not sure I will be saying that in a few weeks..:-). Where is everyone else?
  • earcega
    earcega Posts: 45 Member
    I am on day 5 of the kick start! I'm feeling a difference already. How much weight have u lost after 3 weeks?
  • svesemenja
    svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
    So today was day 5 of phase 1 and i can feel that i can do some moves much easier..
    i went out tonight, it was my friends birthday so I wasnt eating everything clean, but one day is fine.. :)
    tomorrow i am going to the sea for picnic and swimming will be my cardio for tomorrow.. yay!!
  • svesemenja
    svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
    so we went to the beach to watch sunrise, and i had great morning swim, until sun became too strong. I wanted to do late afternoon swim too, but i had some really had experience at the restaurant/coffee shop so we just returned to our town.. real pity i didnt have chance to swim some more.. but maybe next weekend.

    how the rest of you did today?
  • mzthang77
    mzthang77 Posts: 43 Member
    I have only lost 1 lb but I can feel the inches just melt away! I have gone down a pant size. This is a great program!
  • snykiel
    snykiel Posts: 4
    Starting tomorrow!!! I'll join you on this ride. Ready to have my butt handed to me again. :-).
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm not new - I finished my first round of JMBR in November '12. Due to sickness and laziness, I've fallen off the wagon and need a reboot. I started with Workout 1 today and am trying to follow the Kickstart plan.

  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Hi all! I am just finished my first workout today. I am not doing the kickstart since I only have my kids naptime to get this done and I am spent by their bedtime. I will mostly be replacing her cardio with running on Wednesday and Fridays.

    I came close to finishing Ripped in 30 a month ago before I went on vacation. I found the first workout to be easy for a Jillian workout. I am going to up my weights next time (only used 3s for most of the exercises). Today I also started monitoring my water intake and logging my food again. I have high hopes for this program and glad to see some people just starting it as well. Looking forward to the motivation!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Today I also started monitoring my water intake and logging my food again. I have high hopes for this program and glad to see some people just starting it as well. Looking forward to the motivation!

    Hi five! I'm finding it "easy" this 2nd time around but know by Month 2 it will be harder. The hard part for me is cutting down my calories.
  • snykiel
    snykiel Posts: 4
    Day ONE, Phase ONE, Workout ONE complete!! My three kids did the entire thing with me. It was GREAT! Feeling good about day one. Taking it one day at a time. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • svesemenja
    svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
    this is so great, having so many people doing the same thing as you.. i fee already motivated. i want to do the exercises now, but still it will have to wait for the latter afternoon, it is too hot.

    Great job you all! cant wait to see how you all progressed.
  • LoTRFangirl
    Hi guys! just finished workout 2, week 1. Weights were sliding out of my sweaty, sweaty hands. Looks like it's going to be a fun ride!
  • wade78
    wade78 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi Guys,
    Hope you are all well. We've had a long holiday weekend in the UK but I still managed to get my workout done. I know its only been a week but the moves are certainly not as diffucult which is a good thing. I've lost 3lb this week which is good but I really need to measure myself as well. Well done everyone and its so great to know other people are going through the same thing!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Day ONE, Phase ONE, Workout ONE complete!! My three kids did the entire thing with me. It was GREAT! Feeling good about day one. Taking it one day at a time. WE CAN DO THIS!!!

    Great work snykiel! Even better that your kids did it with you. My 14 year old (lanky, eats me out of house and home) just sits there on the couch with the laptop while i'm doing it.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Trying to stay at 1200 calories a day is rough for me! Last night I was so hungry. I did my 2nd workout of the day (kickstart week) and it wasn't so bad. I'm doing elliptical instead of Cardio 1 because I get really bored with Cardio 1 on normal days lol.

    Workout 2 today was a great way to start my morning. Then I rode my bike to work (not too far) and my legs are jello!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Day 2 done! Did not want to do it but got it done! The workouts are definitly easier than 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 but I know what is coming. I lost my running partner this week so I will give the cardio DVD a try.

    I was really bad with enough water before and it seems like I am drinking and peeing all day now. I am doing well with keeping my calories in check. It is so hard not to have anything when getting the kids their snack but I am proud to say I have done well. I do let myself have a little something sweet at night. I feel like if I completely cut sweets out I will probably not make it through. I have a horrible sweet tooth but hopefully I will slowly wean it out.

    I am looking at this program as 3 -4 week programs. For some reason it makes it more acheivable in my head :O).

    Is everyone eating back their calories? Did everyone do before pics?
  • svesemenja
    svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
    Trying to stay at 1200 calories a day is rough for me! Last night I was so hungry.

    in my first week i eat 1200 cal and very little from exercise cal back. So this week I am experimenting and eating my TDEE-20% and no exercise cal. I think i already see the difference because in the first week i was very exhausted and as soon as i lay in bed i fell asleep. will see how this week works...

    small NVS: I bought pants last year about this time, but I gain weight/fat and I couldnt zip them without pulling my stomach in. Today I put them on and I have room.. Yay!!! they are now very comfortable and there is room.. so happy about it.. :):):)
  • svesemenja
    svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
    how is everyone doing?

    i changed cardio, so i went to gym. my boyfriend went to play table tennis with a friend so i went with them, just different floor. most of the time i was on bike, because all other things were occupied. i really wanted to try that fancy new elliptical.. :(
    also, i went to ask for swimming, so instead of Saturdays cardio with swimming..
  • LoTRFangirl
    Hi guys! How you all doing?

    Just finished workout 1 for the second time. It was fractionally easier :). Question for those farther along---if, at the end of the first 2 weeks I am not happy with my mastery of the moves, should I advance to discs 3 and 4, or stay on 1 and 2? Any advice appreciated.

    Oh, and Running Man is a b****. Already dreading the cardio this evening :)
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member

    Oh, and Running Man is a b****. Already dreading the cardio this evening :)

    The Running Man is the worst! Way worse than the suicides.

    I have not done this program before but with her other DVDs I always just moved on. There are some moves I always have issues with, especially things like push ups. You could just try 3 and 4 and go back to 1 and 2 at the end of the week but I personally always just move on in her programs.