Unspoken Rules Of Running



  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    If the weather is permitting, you won't catch me running with a shirt on. It's just one more annoyance and one more thing to need to wash.

    Amen brother.

    Agreed. I try to run as light as possible. I almost tripped on my pants in the winter during a windy run... so annoying.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member

    Good list. I agree with all of them except the running without a shirt. It's about eleventy billion degrees where I live and so if people want to run in next to nothing I think that's fine. It's more comfortable than a soaked shirt.

    I found this interesting:


    The physics is pretty neat - the shirt reflects some of the suns rays (esp. if it's a white shirt) while the tech fabric wicks the sweat and disperses it over a wide area on the body. As you run/have air pass over you, the wider evaporative area provides superior cooling.

    I'd love to try it out but it rarely gets that hot here (I live a few miles from the ocean and I think we had 3 days at 82º and 1 at 83º last month - the rest of the time it was in the 70's)
  • tappae
    tappae Posts: 568 Member
    If the weather is permitting, you won't catch me running with a shirt on. It's just one more annoyance and one more thing to need to wash.

    Everyone I see shirtless around here is totally pulling it off. I can't wait to get there!

    Regarding people not moving over: if they're facing me, I don't say anything and just brace for impact. So far, no one has failed to jump out of my way. If they're moving away from me, I'll give them a heads-up, and they're almost always startled. I don't understand how someone could be so oblivious to their surroundings (and I run with music sometimes).
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    I'd love to try it out but it rarely gets that hot here (I live a few miles from the ocean and I think we had 3 days at 82º and 1 at 83º last month - the rest of the time it was in the 70's)

    You can buy me one and I will test if for ya. It's suppose to be 103 here today.
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    How about if you're driving don't honk at a runner. Not only is it gross and sketchy, but it scares the crap out of me and I end up sprawled out on the road. Ugh.

    I've given the finger to a pair of teenagers for doing this. Pssshhh!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Never startle a "squatting" cat.

    I'm trying to toilet train my cat using LitterKwitter so I had to move her over the hole in the middle when she squats.

    After an experiment of one trial, I conclude that cats don't like it, so I thought I'd pass along my hard earned knowledge. ;-)

  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'd love to try it out but it rarely gets that hot here (I live a few miles from the ocean and I think we had 3 days at 82º and 1 at 83º last month - the rest of the time it was in the 70's)

    You can buy me one and I will test if for ya. It's suppose to be 103 here today.

    Be happy to.

    Post your CC numbers and I get it shipped right away! ;-)
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Leave the perfume/cologne at home

    Oh god, yes.

    I shaved 2 minutes off my 5k time at ParkRun this weekend but it was a tough slog the entire way. Just as I thought I was doing ok keeping my breakfast in place, I got caught in a perfume stink cloud that had me actually wretch and consider pulling back.

    In this instance I used it to my advantage (thank you, stinky lady!) and pushed harder than ever to overtake her, eyes wincing and mouth closed! But it could have been such a different story.
  • barrpc
    barrpc Posts: 96 Member
    Leave the perfume/cologne at home

    Oh god, yes.

    I shaved 2 minutes off my 5k time at ParkRun this weekend but it was a tough slog the entire way. Just as I thought I was doing ok keeping my breakfast in place, I got caught in a perfume stink cloud that had me actually wretch and consider pulling back.

    In this instance I used it to my advantage (thank you, stinky lady!) and pushed harder than ever to overtake her, eyes wincing and mouth closed! But it could have been such a different story.
  • barrpc
    barrpc Posts: 96 Member
    Sounds lie a new racing strategy....lol
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I will run in sports bra only when I can get away with it.
  • mellorunner
    mellorunner Posts: 78 Member
    I never have understood the line of reasoning for running without a shirt because of heat. Even in high humidity, my sweat soaked light colored T shirt feels cooler to me than having the sun beat down on my shoulders.

    One easy reason.

    Bloody nipples.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    Don't run in gear too many times without washing it. Especially if you run in a group.

    There's a runner in my group I dread running behind, the shirt is particularly pungent and it makes my eyes water. And that's even running through very rural areas with lots of countryside smells.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    How about if you're driving don't honk at a runner. Not only is it gross and sketchy, but it scares the crap out of me and I end up sprawled out on the road. Ugh.

    OMG this! I don't know how many times I've freaked out because a car has honked at me, or someone has shouted out a window. I'm in the zone when I'm running, I'm unprepared for it!
  • People that throw lit cigarettes out their car window as they go by are the worst. I have a few scars from bounces.

    Otherwise, people that don't pick up their dog-running-partner's poop and leave it in the middle of the trail for everyone to squish and enjoy on their shoes. Seriously a bad problem in this neck of the woods.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If we are in a race and you need to walk, move to the right first -then- slow down. Don't slow down right in front of me and expect me not to elbow you as I try to dodge. And then don't look at me with a nasty look as if it were my fault.
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Wrong topic sort of, but can we make rules for cyclists? I hate it when they come up behind me on a narrow trail and don't warn me. A little ding of the bell or a "behind you!" would be nice. I get scared ****less every time a cyclist comes speeding by from behind!
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Also, on the topics of shirts. Hell, if I knew I wouldn't get nasty looks or make little kids cry, I would totally run completely topless. Clothes are annoying. Man are so lucky.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Also, on the topics of shirts. Hell, if I knew I wouldn't get nasty looks or make little kids cry, I would totally run completely topless. Clothes are annoying. Man are so lucky.

    Soooo....are you doing any races soon? :tongue:
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I never have understood the line of reasoning for running without a shirt because of heat. Even in high humidity, my sweat soaked light colored T shirt feels cooler to me than having the sun beat down on my shoulders.

    One easy reason.

    Bloody nipples.
    Huh? I have actually come up with another reason for liking the shirt on my normal length of run (generally 5-10 miles). At about 10 miles in warm weather, I get total saturation of the shirt and shorts and start having sweat run down into my shoes. Without a shirt, I am guessing this would happen a lot sooner and I would be running in wet shoes a few miles.
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    I am probably considered rude, but I run on country roads and I run smack dab right down the middle. I have several reasons for doing this....1) the tire tracks have the least amount of gravel, 2) the sides of the road are too soft, 3) the middle is the most even, generally the roads are slightly graded to for water runoff, and 4) to encourage vehicles to slow down for me. And I sometimes fake that I don't notice cars 'because of my earbuds,' if they are approaching super fast so that I don't get over any too early.

    #4 might be the most important - you would be amazed at the vehicles that try to blast by me at 50-60mph on gravel roads. I think this is dangerous for both me and them - they could easily lose control of the vehicle on the soft shoulders. It also leaves me choking in a cloud of dust.

    Now, keep in mind, I am not inconveniencing hundreds of people. On my 'long' runs (11-12 miles) I usually encounter less than 4 or 5 vehicles at most, one of whom is usually my dad going to check his wells.
  • mellorunner
    mellorunner Posts: 78 Member
    I never have understood the line of reasoning for running without a shirt because of heat. Even in high humidity, my sweat soaked light colored T shirt feels cooler to me than having the sun beat down on my shoulders.

    One easy reason.

    Bloody nipples.
    Huh? I have actually come up with another reason for liking the shirt on my normal length of run (generally 5-10 miles). At about 10 miles in warm weather, I get total saturation of the shirt and shorts and start having sweat run down into my shoes. Without a shirt, I am guessing this would happen a lot sooner and I would be running in wet shoes a few miles.

    Let me explain that response a bit.

    When I run in a shirt in hot weather I'm more likely to end up with severe chaffing, which is especially miserable when it happens in the nipple region.

    Other reasons to run without a shirt:
    Working on 'dat tan
    The breeze feels nice
    To show off my rockin' bod'
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I fully support the showing of the hot bod...except...there is the guy who runs shirtless during my morning commute and I would appreciate his commitment whenever I saw him.

    I passed by him on a run last Thursday. He's got to be 15 at the oldest. So now I feel all icky about myself.
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I never have understood the line of reasoning for running without a shirt because of heat. Even in high humidity, my sweat soaked light colored T shirt feels cooler to me than having the sun beat down on my shoulders.

    One easy reason.

    Bloody nipples.
    Huh? I have actually come up with another reason for liking the shirt on my normal length of run (generally 5-10 miles). At about 10 miles in warm weather, I get total saturation of the shirt and shorts and start having sweat run down into my shoes. Without a shirt, I am guessing this would happen a lot sooner and I would be running in wet shoes a few miles.

    Let me explain that response a bit.

    When I run in a shirt in hot weather I'm more likely to end up with severe chaffing, which is especially miserable when it happens in the nipple region.

    Other reasons to run without a shirt:
    Working on 'dat tan
    The breeze feels nice
    To show off my rockin' bod'
    OK, I guess I have felt the effects of the chafing sometimes. No blood, but I may have levitated in the shower a couple of times. I didn't connect the dots and think of the shirt as the cause.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Be careful where you spit/blow snot rockets - at least do a courteous 6-o-clock check. Same with farting.
    Leave the perfume/cologne at home
    Hand on bible this happened this morning. Late 80's Buick drove past me this morning and I could smell the dude's cologne as he drove past me. He was doing at least 35. And I am pretty sure he had his windows up. How on Earth can someone put on that much cologne? Either that or I was hyper sensitive (it was around mile 5 so its possible).
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    I fully support the showing of the hot bod...except...there is the guy who runs shirtless during my morning commute and I would appreciate his commitment whenever I saw him.

    I passed by him on a run last Thursday. He's got to be 15 at the oldest. So now I feel all icky about myself.

    Hahahahaha, been there.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member

    Good list. I agree with all of them except the running without a shirt. It's about eleventy billion degrees where I live and so if people want to run in next to nothing I think that's fine. It's more comfortable than a soaked shirt.

    I found this interesting:


    The physics is pretty neat - the shirt reflects some of the suns rays (esp. if it's a white shirt) while the tech fabric wicks the sweat and disperses it over a wide area on the body. As you run/have air pass over you, the wider evaporative area provides superior cooling.

    I'd love to try it out but it rarely gets that hot here (I live a few miles from the ocean and I think we had 3 days at 82º and 1 at 83º last month - the rest of the time it was in the 70's)

    I have an Addidas clima-cool shirt that is analogous to this shirt. I can attest that it does wick the sweat away and does a good job of dispersing it. I personally don't like it though because it gets too cold in the lower back where the shirt doesn't always make skin contact. Its really nasty feeling. Once the sweat gets to the that part of the shirt I take it off. I figure at that point I have sweated enough that I look about 1% BF less than I am so the sight is probably not as disgusting for passerby's.