Need help with motivation

I've worked up to and completed week 6 day 1 then I just stopped. I don't know what happened, I didn't plan it, I just lost motivation and got lazy. How do you get over your motivational problems?


  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I work a high stress desk job and always made excuses about how tired I am when I get home just to be lazy and watch TV rather than work out. What I do is just get home and change immediately before I have any time to think about wanting to sit on the couch and make my butt get out the door and running. I’ve NEVER regretted going out for that 30 mins. Just do it! It’s only 30 minutes of your day. You can make time for that.
  • 230137isntmyweight
    230137isntmyweight Posts: 256 Member
    I make sure my husband knows my training schedule. If I'm not out the door by a certain time of night he pretends to mace the Blerch. It's hilarious and it gets me moving.
  • becauseofholly
    becauseofholly Posts: 28 Member
    That's what I used to do. I guess I should get back into the habit.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Sign up for a 5k, sometimes it helps to work on a specific goal. My first 5k is about 4 weeks away. I can't wait!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    What demotivated you? Do you have a goal? Sign up for a 5K and start back up. Depending on how long you have been stopped for, you maybe able to start back up mid way through the program.

    It is kind of easy for me to stay motivated, I have family who are ultra runners and just look at their accomplishments when I need a boost. I also browse Runner's World's motivation page constantly.

    I won't lie, not everyone likes running and that is okay. If that is the reason why you quit then it is okay to find and do something else. You just have to look deep down and find out what caused you to lose interest.
  • becauseofholly
    becauseofholly Posts: 28 Member
    I had signed up for the color run, and after that back in June, I think thats when I lost it. I should sign up for another 5k to keep me motivated. The local Oktoberfest has a Hasselhoff themed 5k that looks fun. :happy:

    I did go out after work yesterday and started back at w4d1. It wasn't so bad once I got out there. I think it's also different being outside then on a treadmill like I was doing. I moved a few weeks ago and lost the community perks, which could also be a factor in my demotivation.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Most runners need an explicit plan (do this on this day) and a race to prepare for to stay on track.

    Also this is a great idea to help get you motivated:

    "Recite "Boom-chaka-lacka-lacka boom-chaka-lacka-lacka boom." Lie there on the couch in a T-shirt and running shoes and say it like you mean it. You don't have to "feel" like going for a run. You don't have to "be strong" to get out there. You only have to lie there like a slob and chant this loudly. It's like a magic spell. Someone will walk into the room and literally throw you from the house, and when you land on the road, you might as well get a run in."