What are your goals for August?



  • anniegail1961
    Hi There: My goal for August is to consistently eat CLEAN for the month.
    I have been logging now for 4.5 months and I have gained and lost the same 10 lbs.
    I recently returned from vacation and I am now ready to start seeing results with this logging program.
    I used to eat almost anything I liked but when I regained those 10 lbs. I could have cried because I was always under my calories and I was exercising 6 days/week.
    Talk about disappointing!
    So to re-cap-I am going to eat CLEAN for the month of August-I turn 52 on the 19th, and I hope to have a new strength to myself and have a better way to shed the 67.5% bodyfat I am carrying on this body.
    I want to be proud of my figure again.
    It's been awhile!
  • 1flowergirl
    1flowergirl Posts: 57 Member
    Trying to get down 5 lbs before the 24th, my daughter is getting married! The dress I bought is just a smidge too tight and 5 lbs will do the job,and Anne,how awesome,my dads parents are from croatia,my mom is from germany, I'd love to see both someday.
  • carollynch09
    I'm meeting 5 online girl friends in Las Vegas in a week. We have been friends for almost 6 years, but have never met. They are flying in from all over the country. My goal is to try and have a great time without too much sacrifice and not gain any weight. After that I will be starting back to work after summer off and back to school. I need to stay focused and not let the stress of having it all happen at one time get to me.

    Have a great time in Croatia!

    awesome! I met one of my bff's on-line and we try to see each other once a year or once every two years. Have a GREAT time!
  • carollynch09
    August 10th is my birthday. I'll be 55. There's a dress hanging in my closet that I wore 8 years ago that I absolutely love. It still fits but 'uncomfortably'. I'm going to fit in that dress comfortably on August 10th! I AM!
  • zam1955
    zam1955 Posts: 18 Member
    My August goal is to lose 10 lbs by September 1st.
    Continue to eat clean nutritional food and increase my daily exercise.
    And enjoy life to it's fullest!
  • Clarisse732
    My August goals are:

    1) To log everything I eat EVERY day even if it puts me over my daily limit. I only care about being consistent for now.
    2) Yoga every Sunday.
    3) Body weight exercises every Tues & Thurs.
    4) Meditate EVERY day.

    I am still in my baby step phase and will add my treadmill in September by then I will have a habit of logging my meals.

    I wish all of you good luck with your goals .
  • AnneTanne0
    AnneTanne0 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Ladies...
    The last days of August are approaching...
    How has everyone been doing so far?
    You still have a few days to do some fine-tuning...

    As for me:
    My first goal was to maintain my weight despite our vacation in Croatia. This went rather well, at this moment I'm about 0.5 kg under my initial weight.
    My second goal is the reason to check in today... I wanted to run twice in Croatia (check), and three times a week back home again. Until now, I did, but yesterday I caught a cold, and I know that tonight I will feel tempted to skip my run.
    So ladies, now you now, it's only a cold, no 'flu, no pneumonia... so this isn't a reason to skip my run!
  • padisneyfour
    my goals are:
    1. start running more little by little
    2. would like to lose at least 5 pounds shooting for 10 pounds.....going give it a try!:bigsmile:
    3. be consistent ....month will have lots of changes. Both girls will be leaving for school.(:frown: mom is not ready for this yet...)

    Goal 1- running more little by little- ongoing process
    Goal 2- my "Official" check in is the end of the month but got this done!
    Goal 3- be consistent with eating/exercise etc- ongoing but doing

    Guess I have done ok.... bring on September!:happy:
  • smithjcx2
    smithjcx2 Posts: 3 Member
    My goals are to continue tracking my food and fitness.
  • AnneTanne0
    AnneTanne0 Posts: 71 Member
    My second goal is the reason to check in today... I wanted to run twice in Croatia (check), and three times a week back home again. Until now, I did, but yesterday I caught a cold, and I know that tonight I will feel tempted to skip my run.
    So ladies, now you now, it's only a cold, no 'flu, no pneumonia... so this isn't a reason to skip my run!

    Yuck... It's only now that I see that spelling error in my last sentences... 'Now you know' of course...

    And I DID IT... I went for a run, if only for 4km instead of 5km.
    During my run, my nose already felt better, and I didn't have that stuffed head anymore.
    At the moment, not a sign of a cold or an allergy, so maybe that run was a good cure. I'll have to remember that... In previous years, such a cold often has meant that I skipped running for a week... and didn't start again the next week...