Program Advice/Criticism

taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
Hi All, I was hoping I could get some advice/constructive criticism on my training program for the tough mudder in about 8 weeks.
Once past the mudder I may continue with it. Unfortunately I don't have access to a gym, nor weights in a normal manner.
Ok so program is
Monday AM
2km walk/jog
Monday PM
3-5 sets of Pullups to failure.
3-5 sets of Pushups to failure. Pushups are done on my knuckles due to wrist issues.
4.8km walk/jog

Tuesday AM
2km Walk/Jog
Tuesday PM
4 sets, 5 reps 'dumbell' squats with approx 45-50kg (I'm using water containers)
2 x 40 second sets of Farmers Carry with the same 'Dumbells' which includes down & uphill sections

Wednesday - Same as Monday

Thursday AM
2km Walk/Jog

Friday - Same as Monday

Saturday & Sunday - One day rest, one day may include a few hours of horse riding

I'm not sure if that's reasonably balanced or if I need to add/change anything.
I'm targeting general cardio fitness for the mudder, with plans to increase my PM Run distances and hopefully decrease my AM times (The AM runs are with the dogs, so have to keep to what they can do)

Thanks for your time and any feedback.


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I personally wouldn't push everything to failure. It's hard to recover from and unnecessary.
    Pick a starting number, ie 5 sets of 5 pullups. 5 sets of 10 pushups.
    Then each week try to increase the overall volume.
    Either jump to 5 sets of 6 pullups. Or add a 6th set of 5. That way you're adding progression from week to week without feeling the need to push to failure constantly.
    And you could always push your last set for extra reps, but I still always stop 1-2 reps shy of failure.

    Be careful with the farmer's carries on downhill sections, I have a few buddies who do strongman, and injuries are common on uneven ground or in grass.

    Can't really weigh in on the running as I dont do a lot of it.
  • CycleFlow
    Running distances look good if you continue to increase.
    Totally agree with Ilovedeadlift.

    From doing similar races I'd suggest add in a little balance and core practise...

    If you can in the weeks closer to it doing a run where every 500 M you throw in a couple sets of exercise

    run 500 M
    1 set pushups
    1 set pullups
    run 500M
    1 set squat
    1 set dumbbell walking lunge.
    run 500 m
    exercise of choice (something you think will help you)

    Repeat it maybe twice through...
    It will give you a feeling of what its like to run like hell... then do something completely different.. then have to recover again and get back in to run mode.

    Mixing up running and strength will throw you for a bit of a loop the first time..
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Thanks to both for your replies, after reading the Proper Form thread in this group, I realised I didn't word my routine the best though it got the general idea out there.
    Regarding the to failures, that is until form breaks so with the pushups I generally get to the bottom of a rep and just can't get back up without sticking my butt in the air or something else (Which I avoid)
    With the pullups, if I have to kip, or kick my legs etc then that's where I stop.

    I'd like to get up to being able to do 5x20 pushups, but I'll give the rep cap a go and aim for 5x10, then work on increasing the reps and do similar with the Pullups.

    I'll definitely take care with the farmers carry's, it is done on my driveway so fortunately I only have to worry about the slope.

    I'm hoping to pick up the distances with the running, and as I progress possibly add a 4th day in there.

    Again, thanks for taking the time to reply :)
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