What's your reason for losing weight?



  • Holly: That is the whole reason why I want to start this post. When we all read about each others's reasons for losing weight we can ALL see a little of each of us in EVERY story. It isn't easy to be so honest and open up about something so private and sometimes so embarrassing about our lives. There's always a little part of us that has shame, or otherwise we wouldn't try to lose weight and get excited at NSVs. Yet, I know that even though we can accomplish ANYTHING we set our minds to individually, TOGETHER we can accomplish even greater things at a faster pace. We're in this together. :) Which makes me even more motivated knowing I'm not alone in this.
  • You alone must do it, but you can't do it alone!
  • DanielleBetzner
    DanielleBetzner Posts: 17 Member
    I want to be healthy. I want to stop worrying about, "Is a heart attack in my future?" "Do I have diabetes?" "Will I ever have children?" I have high cholesterol and triglycerides and I want to bring those numbers down as much as possible, even though the high numbers run in my family. I just want to FEEL better. I don't recognize myself in the mirror and I definitely don't weigh anywhere near what I should. I want to be fit. I want to be happy about my lifestyle. But most of all I want a long and healthy life.

    I was recently tested for A1C and it actually scared me because at 24 I should have no fear of diabetes.
    My weight has always been an issue since puberty but has recently ballooned a dual assault of BC pills and happiness mixed with a full time school schedule has taken its toll.
    The main reason I want to lose weight is so I can look back on my college graduation and my wedding day and not feel like I was an eye sore in the picture or that my husband had a hard time carrying me over the threshold (which right now is an impossibility). Plus my chosen career path requires me to teach the importance of a healthy lifestyle and it wouldn't be ethical to prescribe something to others that I myself am not willing to do.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Plus my chosen career path requires me to teach the importance of a healthy lifestyle and it wouldn't be ethical to prescribe something to others that I myself am not willing to do.

    Not being a hypocrite is a pretty darn good reason!

    Physician, heal thyself!

    Go YOU!
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm beginning to realize that (1) I need to believe that I am WORTH the effort of getting healthy; and (2) I cannot do it alone. The first part will come with a lot of work; but the second is why I'm on MFP. Over the last couple weeks, I know folks are looking at my daily food and exercise logs and offering suggestions and support. Even more than not wanting to fail for myself, I don't want to disappoint my new friends here who have been vesting time and energy into me. And it's THAT that I'm counting on getting me through the hard times right now.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Oh Lori0510...

    We will cheer your successes and help pick you up and dust you off if you stumble.

    And how could you NOT be worth the effort? Okay, the road ahead is long and difficult, but it is also exciting, rewarding, and in a really weird way that I cannot properly explain until you have traveled a little further, fun.

    Everyday your friends and colleagues in this group astound themselves. Sometimes by a simple act of will power and turning away from old temptations. Sometimes it is a new personal best in an activity that they would have laughed at the thought of even attempting a year ago. Sometimes it is just a realization of improved well being. We are all different. But we are trying.

    And The Attempt is everything. Make enough attempts and success will follow.

    YOU ARE WORTH IT! We ALL are. And if you forget, just ask.

    We'll remind you.

    Good logging and good luck.
  • Lori, you are MORE than worth it. I know that we are just at the beginning of our journey and it may seem like a daunting task, but I guarantee that it is all worth it. You will start to develop your feelings of self-worth as you reach your own goals and when you see yourself overcoming obstacles you will crave for more. :wink: Remember, we are all here for you so feel free to reach out.
  • So glad this thread is back! I just joined this group a few days ago and I'm catching up on what I've missed so far. You people are awesome :)

    My reason for losing weight is so that I can rejoin the world. I am missing out, both on things I'd like to do, and on feeling comfortable in my own skin. I spent the last 20 years or so saying 'I'll lose weight... tomorrow'. Now I am aware that I'm running out of tomorrows and I can't afford to squander any more time.

    Right now, I am in the 260's. I have a long road ahead of me - and I will likely have to be actively engaged in watching my weight for the rest of my life. That's okay though. I have come to terms with that.

    Some big motivators for me are the aches and pains that have come with middle age. I need to get this extra weight off so that my feet and my back aren't in constant pain. My other big motivator is my young son. I want to set a good example for him and I don't want him to be embarrassed of his fat mommy. He is my pride and joy and I would hate to have my weight be a source of pain for him. I also want to be able to do things with him. As he gets older, those things are likely to become more physically challenging for me.

    So, here I am - very glad to have found MFP and very grateful to be in a good mental space to deal with my weight problem.
  • The aches and pains are awful unfortunately I learned that losing weight causes more but in the long run it will be less.! Best wishes on your journey !
  • MommyLouLous
    MommyLouLous Posts: 25 Member
    Oh, there are so many reasons. So many. My #1 reason when I was younger was to look pretty -- I never thought a man would be attracted to me without losing weight. Now 30, married, and a mother, my #1 reason completely changed. I want to lose weight to be here for my daughter (and hubby -- but more so, my daughter). I don't just want to. I HAVE to. Diabetes is just waiting for me (I come from a long line of diabetics and had gestational diabetes while pregnant). I've had high blood pressure since I was 25.

    So my #1 is to be healthy and LIVE. I don't want to send myself to an early grave and leave my daughter motherless. She's my priority, and I have to put some of that priority back on myself for now in order to take care of this. Other reasons are as follows:

    - So I can not sweat so much. Ugh!
    - So I can have more energy to play with my girl
    - So I can chase after her
    - So I can actually sit in "Indian style" again and cross my legs
    - So I can have less anxiety about dying young or having worse medical problems
    - So I can not worry about whether or not a chair will support my weight
    - So I can feel like being more active
    - So I can ride rides and swings with my daughter some day
    - So I can not embarrass her when she's in school by being the "fat mom"
    - So I can be a good example to my daughter and stop my family's obesity trend
    - So I can shop for regular clothes instead of the tiny sections of the store for plus sizes
    - So I can renew my wedding vows in a new wedding gown (one bought from the "regular" section)
    - So I can feel more beautiful for my husband
    - So I can look in the mirror and like what I see

    I could go on and on. I've been fat for so much of my life that I honestly don't remember what it's like to NOT be fat. Sometimes I wonder if I ever lose all the weight, how will it actually feel mentally and emotionally? I hope I'll get the chance to find out some day. :)
  • I just turned 23 and I feel like I'm 73. I could write you on a book about, but that pretty much sums everything up.
  • Junie: I too have a young son (3 yrs old) who I also want to be healthy and active for. I don't want to be one of those parents that parent from the couch, but can keep up with him and provide an active life for. Great goals...

    MommyLouLous: I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. You have a lot of FANTASTIC goals and I too can relate to more than a few of them. :smile:

    myndikins: I can agree with you that having excess weight can make you feel decades older. I am 28 and too sometimes feel like I'm old. :grumble:
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    m23prime and BoricuaMami57 - Thanks for the great comments and support. It means a lot and is helping me keep my motivation. :) It's amazing how much I'm coming to rely on my MFP friends after just a few short weeks!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to the group and have enjoyed reading everyone's reasons for wanting to lose weight, and I thought I'd share a bit of my own. I'll start by saying my name is Jess, and I am 24 years old...

    I hit puberty at a young age, and my weight has steadily increased since then - I was in a size 26 by the time I was a junior in high school. I've worn my weight like a shield my whole life - and used it as my excuse for just about everything you can think of. If something in my life went wrong and there was any even remote chance it could be because of my weight, then that's what I blamed it on. I've had some success losing weight in the past, going from 290 to 242 pounds, but I let myself lose focus and gained it back, with an extra ten pounds for good measure. But I'm tired of it. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all of the time. Seriously, being at this weight is exhausting. Not to mention the fact that within the next few years my SO and I will hopefully be at the point where we want to start a family, and I know that it is not even remotely safe at this weight to even think about getting pregnant.

    I wish all of you the best of luck throughout your journeys, and I am looking forward in sharing in the good, the bad and the ugly with all of you.
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    This is copied verbatim from my profile for "Why I want to get in shape"
    In November of 2006, I weighed in at 409 lbs. As far as I know, that is the heaviest that I have ever been. From that point until January of 2008, I went down to 334 lbs with the help of my wonderful wife who encouraged me to start walking with her, and by watching what I ate (and drank) a bit better. I then joined a gym and got down to 280 lbs by November of 2009, when my first son was born. I promised him on the day he was born that he would never know that his father was fat. Fast forward to July 1, 2013, with me at a weight of 350 lbs. The reasons for the gain are irrelevant, but that was the day I realized that I had reneged on that promise, and it broke my heart.

    I can't keep that promise now, but I can make sure that his memories of Fat Daddy are distant ones, and his memories of Man-Beast Daddy are the ones that he will pass to his grandchildren. Even better, I still have a chance with my younger son, born in 2012.

    In addition, I really want to ditch the annoying sense of humor and excellent comedic timing that I've used to compensate for being overweight my whole life. I'd much prefer to be serious and dour all the time.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    In addition, I really want to ditch the annoying sense of humor and excellent comedic timing that I've used to compensate for being overweight my whole life. I'd much prefer to be serious and dour all the time.

    I know what you mean! I too am sick of being a jolly fat man. I would like to try on the mantle of a brooding skinny guy!

    Actually...I would settle for just about any prêt-à-porter mantle. It is very hard to get anything to fit in my size, and bespoke mantles are so expensive...

    (...and Givens, your story made me cry the first time I read it on your profile. It is never easy to be a man of integrity and honour. If it was, there would be a hell of a lot more of 'em than there are. Sir. "Dad" is a verb.)
  • I have been overweight since 2000, going from a normal weight in HS to an unhealthy weight and just continuously gaining/losing/gaining. Last year, I lost over 100+ pounds with diet and exercise with Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire and P90X. I got sick and was put on meds which caused me to rapidly gain weight. I got depressed and just threw my hands up and starting going right back to my old eating habits.

    Needless to say I gained ALL of the weight back! But, enough with my sob story.

    The reason I want to lose weight is a really dumb reason, but for me it means a lot. When I finished P90X last year, I got a t-shirt that says "Crushed it" in a ladies L. It is probably the smallest large I had ever worn, but last year, it fit me! Now, it sits in the bottom of my drawer. I want to wear it again, with pride. Because I did dedicate all that time to losing weight. It will mean more to me when I can wear it again because that means I was able to overcome not once, but twice! Regardless of what life has handed me...
  • Such poweful stories! I am actually at a loss of words!
    You guys and gals are amazing to share! We can't just heal our bodies we have to heal our hearts and minds too!
  • Lori0510
    Lori0510 Posts: 24 Member
    You guys and gals are amazing to share! We can't just heal our bodies we have to heal our hearts and minds too!

    So true. :-)
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    The reason I want to lose weight is a really dumb reason, but for me it means a lot. When I finished P90X last year, I got a t-shirt that says "Crushed it" in a ladies L. It is probably the smallest large I had ever worn, but last year, it fit me! Now, it sits in the bottom of my drawer. I want to wear it again, with pride. Because I did dedicate all that time to losing weight. It will mean more to me when I can wear it again because that means I was able to overcome not once, but twice! Regardless of what life has handed me...

    Dumb reason? Are you kidding? That is a great reason!

    That t-shirt is an anchor to a point in your life where you had accomplished something major. My question is why is it in the bottom of a drawer? Pull it out, look at it every day, and remember how good you felt when you wore it. Then, go kick that day's butt!