
jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
Despite my good intentions and positivity I have been struggling recently. I only have a few pounds to lose but have put a few on rather than losing them .... meals are fine ...I have been nibbling between meals and slacking on the exercise. Even missed logging on here .....

Hoping today is a turning point after reading some inspirational success stories and hearing about people losing vast amounts....what on earth am I playing at?????

That said....please try to help me keep on the straight and narrow....I am going out now for an extra brisk walk!

Hope you are all doing better than I am!



  • katiepeg46
    katiepeg46 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Jean,

    Maybe you need to shake things up a little. Change your diet. Eat more protein. Have fruit smoothies with protein powder. Do you drink a lot of water?
    I have been going to a nutritionist and the scale has not been moving down much for me but I don't exercise as I should. I just don't like it.
    I have noticed other good things though. Some of my clothes that didn't fit before I can now wear. Also my Blood sugar for diabetes has good down a lot.
    Do you see any of these changes in yourself? Do you have a Wii? If you do it is really fun to exercise with it.

    The weight didn't go in suddenly and it will take a while for it to come off. I have to keep telling myself that also! :bigsmile:

    You are doing well....try shaking it up some.
    Good luck.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Jeanmrob: I have reached a healthy weight, but I'm still struggling. I do exercise here at home using a treadmill and my 1.5 or 3.5 dumb bells. Recently I started using toning ropes that I found hidden in my closet. The big problem is that I do LOVE my junk food. I try to control it, but sometimes it controls me (lol). I'm sure I could lose the last 5-10 pounds that I want to lose if I would eat less junk food and more veggies and fruits.

    Anyway, we are all struggling. This lifestyle change is a difficult one and will take awhile. If you would like to add me as a friend, please send me a request and we can do this together.
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Jeanmrob: You are struggling like most of us. Your struggle may not be mine (but it is) but we all have things we struggle with. The major thing is to remember "Life is a journey not a destination" As we journey, we have close goals and long goals and sometimes we just rest and abide. Resting allows us to gather the energy and spiritual reserves to journey on. You have rested, NOW bravely journey on. Visit us here and journey with us, we won't let the rocks and steap places stop you!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Thanks everyone for the kind words of encouragement .... I am sure I can do this.......yesterday and today have been good days and I am trying to drink more water....i just forget!!! I need to set an alarm somehow every hour to remind me! I do like water, both hot and cold so should be able to do it.......

    I am lucky not to have any health worries other than an under active thyroid which is under control so really do not have any major worries..... jusy need to do this for myself

    Jean :flowerforyou:
  • fayeliquete
    Hi Jean, I know you can do it, cuz you are worth it. I do not enjoy drinking just plain ol water. So I drink water w/ cucumber, grated ginger,mint leaves,and sliced lemons. I make a qt pitcher full of cucumber water and drink it all day long. I also keep frozen grapes in the freezer, when I feel I just have to have that chocolate candy ! I take out some frozen grapes and wait for them to get 1/2 thawed out and then eat them. Most of time the candy or what ever it is I know I should not put into my mouth, the urge has passed, or I've been distracted from the urge. When I feel like I do not want to log into my fitness pal, I remember I am writing a love letter to my body, telling it how much I care about it, sounds silly how ever it does work for me. Should I feel like not exercising I turn on my favorite music and dance with a chair, broom stick, or just with myself. Do not give up on you ! ! ! :flowerforyou:
  • southerngramma
    Hi Jean,

    Admitting that it IS a struggle..and letting us know, means you really are on the right track. I find just being able to
    express my fears, thoughts, triumphs and failures here has made the whole process really doable for me. I found that
    some of your ideas are new to me and give me a great idea for keeping on the right track. You are helping others..and
    I would like to be able to say thank you...and give you as much support as you would like!
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    Jeanmrob: You are struggling like most of us. Your struggle may not be mine (but it is) but we all have things we struggle with. The major thing is to remember "Life is a journey not a destination" As we journey, we have close goals and long goals and sometimes we just rest and abide. Resting allows us to gather the energy and spiritual reserves to journey on. You have rested, NOW bravely journey on. Visit us here and journey with us, we won't let the rocks and steep places stop you!

    I really liked what you said here - especially about stopping and resting. Sometimes you just need to stop and take a deep breath before continuing.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Great suggestions from all of you! Thanks for posing this topic. It has helped me to read all these suggestions! Thanks everybody. :flowerforyou:
  • mkramarz
    mkramarz Posts: 47 Member
    Funny how a post from one person can help so many more ! We all struggle and we all forget the positives we've managed to attain because of commitment - Thanks for reminding ME as I've had a bad week and just back here - Hoping I am here again tomorrow! I do find that's my best insurance for success!
    One day at time - and the success will build!!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member

    Yes..we are all in the same boat - need to row for each other.......

    I have managed to drink more water by using a travel mug....even though not travelling it reminds me to keep sipping the water...... have started using my phone pedometer too and therefore doing more walking..... and eating less carbs ...... feeling much more positive :flowerforyou:

  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Yes..we are all in the same boat - need to row for each other.......

    I'll take the left oar, you get the right. That way if I stop, you'll know right away, and can elbow me in the ribs.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Haha...if either one of us stops we will be going round in

  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 900 Member
    I have loved reading all the comments here. You all are an amazing group of people. I love the row boat. We all are in that boat, and I know lots of times the rest of you have done the rowing, while I just sat and enjoyed the view! Thanks. Now, I shall row for a bit and you all can rest. Just for a minute though, I am not too good at rowing for reals. LOL

    Have a great day you lovely women and remember this can be done. Just take a look at your weight loss tickers.
  • Joe_Atlanta
    Joe_Atlanta Posts: 66 Member
    Love the posts. The thing I try to keep in mind is that this is (for me) a life commitment to be healthier. So, a few days (or even weeks) of struggling is not much compared to the years I'm hopefully adding to my life. And whatever time I have left, I'll enjoy the time much more if I'm healthy, eating right and exercising.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    edited: When I feel like I do not want to log into my fitness pal, I remember I am writing a love letter to my body, telling it how much I care about it, sounds silly how ever it does work for me. Should I feel like not exercising I turn on my favorite music and dance with a chair, broom stick, or just with myself. Do not give up on you ! ! ! :flowerforyou:

    I really like the idea of writing a love letter to my body :love: :

    I also just pump up the music and start dancing. Works for me. It got me interested in Zumba, so I can really burn the cals with that dancing! The fun stuff is not just for the 20somethings!!

    I am also new to this group, and see some of my friends are already members over here.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Bump to keep this going.

    Hope everyone is having a GREAT Labor Day weekend. I work Sun and Mon. so enjoying Saturday with my DH.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    We all have different ways of making this lifestyle change journey work for us. I, too, am here now more for fitness rather than weight loss (although I'd really like to drop 5 more pounds LOL). I like the idea of putting on music and dancing with whatever is available. Never thought about it, but I do the same thing some days--it's fun! This site is also a great place to be for encouragement and support. So thanks everyone!

    Have s great weekend!
  • mermaidmom48
    mermaidmom48 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree, this post was so inspirational. I read one time that for us older folk, over sixty, just two extra spoons of food a day and we can gain twenty lbs. That really shook me. When I started thinking about it, that would probably be somewhere around a couple hundred calories a day. Of course, who knows what the optimum calorie count for any of us is. I have tried to figure that number out for years. So the truth of all this is, we are never going to get this whole thing figured out completely. There is a learning curve that is constantly changing, as we age and depending on what we eat and how much we move. Which, as all of us know, changes daily. I realize I am going to have periods of weight gain, and hopefully some times of weight loss.....this see/saw will continue the rest of my life. This place is such a great help because when I diligently list what I eat, and scan what I can into my I-phone....well I just can't lie to myself about what I am putting into my mouth. I know we all get tired of being out of control, and heaven knows I spent at least the last four weeks out of control....but miraculously, I am snapped back in this week. I hope you all know, we can support one another, talk each other off the ledge, and away from the brownies and hot fudge sauce. I am so glad I returned to fitness pal.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    MFP really needs a "Like" button, Mermaid.
  • dianefisher47
    dianefisher47 Posts: 234 Member
    Love this post, helps me want to answer to Granmana would love a LIKE button, can I say I was on another program before where there was a like button and I did not like it becomes so just not personal after awhile..Instead of getting 10 ''I LIKE''.... I rather read a good post like this where we verbally all encourage and say to our friends nice things......just my thought on the like button :flowerforyou: