September Weigh-Ins + Motivation!



  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    AHA! Mark, another kindred soul has joined the ranks. Those who believe this goup is dazzling best prepare for more brillance, those who don't well, you know how the saying ends. :D

    WELCOME Jess!

    :happy: Why thank you, kind sir!
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    AHA! Mark, another kindred soul has joined the ranks. Those who believe this goup is dazzling best prepare for more brillance, those who don't well, you know how the saying ends. :D

    WELCOME Jess!

    :happy: Why thank you, kind sir!

    Jessosaurasophagus: My guess ->Egyptian burial tomb for indigenous reptilians of reducing proportion? Bwahahahahaha. Oh this place just gets better and better. (Be glad your parents weren't too creative. My DW refused my suggestions for names for the kids. What is wrong with Mattie (short for Maternity) or Psy (Short for Psycho of course) pray tell?
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member

    Sometimes dward confuses me--I can't help but feel I occasionally miss key references--but his ticker speaks for itself.

    "Pay no attention to the nasty man!" :devil:

    Welcome to everybody signing up for their first month, and Welcome BACK to everybody who blasted through August together!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Jessosaurasophagus: My guess ->Egyptian burial tomb for indigenous reptilians of reducing proportion? Bwahahahahaha. Oh this place just gets better and better. (Be glad your parents weren't too creative. My DW refused my suggestions for names for the kids. What is wrong with Mattie (short for Maternity) or Psy (Short for Psycho of course) pray tell?

    HA! Yes that is basically the route I was going with that. For some reason, my SO is leery about letting me name our future children, ever since I watched an episode of Whose Line and fell in love with the name Chesterfield Snapdragon McFisticuffs... Apparently that's just too much for a child to live up to. Who'da thunk it?
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Mark, check the Nickname thread. I think you will find your confusion cleared. Sorry to take posts out of their allotted play space, but darn it, sometimes that round peg does fit in the square hole in the puzzle!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    :embarassed: See? I was right. I WAS missing a key reference.


    But that does not clear you of charges of being a trickster or a mutant--you know, MY kinda people.:bigsmile:
  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group and I want to thank the person who gave the 'how-to' for this, because otherwise I would have put my next mini-goal and not my 'this month' goal for my goal weight. I usually weigh self on Fridays. Excited to do this with you all!

    My Numbers:
    SW: 478
    CW: 447
    GW: 437
    LTGW: 175

    Week1: 9/06/13 =
    Week2: 9/13/13 =
    Week3: 9/20/13 =
    Week4: 9/27/13 =
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Carysta Welcome to the group. So glad you joined us.

    You are welcome for the refresher.

    Congratulations for your losses on your April Fools diet. (Hey, I'm a believer in 4/1 starts. That is the day I proposed to my wife. It was also a day they had the new version of Mission Impossible on TV, so I waited for the music to start before I asked. She fooled me though, she said yes. 24 years ago.) :laugh:
  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    Awww, that is a sweet day to propose, and congratulations on 26 years, that is lovely :)
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    I LOVE the start of a new month! Lots of new people!

    You are all welcome here!

  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Hey everyone! Another new joiner, so glad I found this right before the new months starts! Feel free to add me

    My Numbers:
    SW: 369.8
    CW: 338.6
    GW: 319
    LTGW: 160

    Week1: 9/06/13 =
    Week2: 9/13/13 =
    Week3: 9/20/13 =
    Week4: 9/27/13 =
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Welcome Katie. (Yawn, stretch. Going in search of the essence of life - aka the coffee pot.)

    I owe you some witticism. Just glad you have joined this group. :happy:
  • bird5027
    bird5027 Posts: 37 Member
    Good morning pals! We're continuing to grow! I absolutely LOVE it! Welcome Carysta and Katie! Best of luck to you! See ya 'round! :happy:
  • coretha38
    coretha38 Posts: 11 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 285
    CW: 269
    GW: 259
    LTGW: 150

    Week1: 9/06/13 =
    Week2: 9/13/13 =
    Week3: 9/20/13 =
    Week4: 9/27/13 =
  • MommyLouLous
    MommyLouLous Posts: 25 Member
    In light of the loss I made this week, I'm changing my goals slightly.

    Here's what I said for mine originally:

    Week 1: 09/07/13 = 340
    Week 2: 09/14/13 = 339
    Week 3: 09/21/13 = 337
    Week 4: 09/28/13 = 334

    Here's what I'm changing my goals to:

    Week 1: 09/07/13 = 338
    Week 2: 09/14/13 = 337
    Week 3: 09/21/13 = 335
    Week 4: 09/28/13 = 332
  • So many new names and my brain hurts! Welcome to all the new people and I can't wait to get to meet all you through the boards! It is going to be a great month!
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    Hey y'all! So I typically prefer to weigh in on Sundays, so I'm going to use this morning's weight as my 'starting weight' for the month since there are 5 Sundays this month.

    CW: 299
    GW: 292
    LTGW: Undetermined

    Week 1: 09/08/13:
    Week 2: 09/15/13:
    Week 3: 09/22/13:
    Week 4: 09/29/13:
  • that_tall_girl
    that_tall_girl Posts: 95 Member
    SW: 356.6
    CW: 340.0
    GW: 330.0
    LTGW: 170-ish
  • uagoodmomma
    uagoodmomma Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in!

    My Numbers:
    SW: 379.2
    GW: 200
    LTGW: 175

    Week 1: 09/04/13 =
    Week 2: 09/11/13 =
    Week 3: 09/18/13 =
    Week 4: 09/25/13 =
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement, I'm made it to my halfway goal!
    My Numbers:
    SW: 350
    CW: 250
    GW: 245 (I have 3 road trips planned this month)
    LTGW: 150

    Week1: 9/05/13 =
    Week2: 9/12/13 =
    Week3: 9/19/13 =
    Week4: 9/26/13 =
    Month 10/01/13 =