Weigh In 5 and Fit Test 2

clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
Hey guys, you know what to do. It is also the 2nd fit test today! Post your results below from the 1st and 2nd fit test so we can see if you improved!


  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I was 158.2 today, .6 less than last week :) Also here are my fit test results, went up in everything but push ups, I went down in those.

    Fit test 1
    Jumping jacks 80
    Push ups 17
    Sit ups 24
    Burpees 15
    Squat jumps 41

    Fit test 2
    Jumping jacks 83
    Push ups 11
    Sit ups 25
    Burpees 16
    Squat jumps 42
  • swisseler
    swisseler Posts: 119 Member
    I weighed in at 171 this week, one pound down from last week. :) I did better in all of the exercises this week, except sit-ups. I suspect that I may have down crunches the last time instead of sit-ups, though. I cannot believe that I did 1 push-up, much less 30!!!

    Great job everyone!

    Exercise 8/05/2013 8/30/2013
    Number per minute

    Jumping Jacks 64 72
    Push-ups 25 (5 on knees) 30
    Sit-ups 36 20
    Burpees 10 20
    Squats 31 33
  • ttruhol
    ttruhol Posts: 4,326 Member
    Hi everyone:
    My weight from last week was the same, but my fit test improved overall! thanks for all the motivation!!

    Jumping Jacks: 73
    Push ups- no knees 15
    Sit ups leg down 20
    Burpees 9
    Squats 25

    August 31
    Jumping Jacks 83
    Push ups -no knees 23
    Sit ups- legs down 22
    Burpees 10
    Squats 32
  • Naririn
    Naririn Posts: 24
    Down two pounds this week! Always exciting to see the numbers on the scale moving. As for the fit test, I improved in everything. ^_^

    First Fit Test:
    Jumping Jacks: 50
    Push ups (modified): 5
    Sit ups: 19
    Burpees: 7
    Squats: 20

    Fit Test Today (8/31/13):
    Jumping Jacks: 55
    Push ups (modified): 12
    Sit ups: 26
    Burpees: 10
    Squats: 30

    Really happy with the results I'm seeing!

    Great job everyone, keep up the awesome work!