
  • aaberridge
    aaberridge Posts: 7 Member
    WOW....these are some seriously inspiring stories!

    My name is Aubrey, 39 year old female. I am 5' 4" 115lbs (this is not as thin as it sounds....I'm pretty small framed and small busted, lol). I'm down from about 128 in June of this year. What I really would like is to get into an exercise routine that is healthy in order to: a) get toned, and b) eat more calories! I'm an avid skier, so wintertime activity is not a problem, but summertime has historically been a challenge for me...but looking to change all that. I love to bike ride (not crazy bike riding, about 10mph), but it has been very hot and humid (like, heat advisory hot) in my neck of the woods for the past week so I haven't been biking as of late.

    I think my goal will be for 3000 cal/week....I know this is the 4000 cal/week group but I hope that's OK.

    Looking forward to providing and receiving encouragement! :smile:
  • DrSelenaMyers
    DrSelenaMyers Posts: 260 Member
    Hello, everyone my name is Selena, I live in South Carolina. I have made up my mind that I will not be the type of doctor that can easily give out advice to their patients and not live by example!!!

    This is a wonderful challenge for me. I have really been pushing myself lately to burn as much calories daily as possible. I have been really dedicated with going to the gym, often 2 x a day. I do treadmill, elliptical, stationery bike, etc; as well as a "Chisel" 60 minute strength training/ toning class 3 x a week.

    This is the first time in over 6 years that i have been so motivated and determined to live a healthier lifestyle. This is it, this time around feels different for me and it really feels good!! My goal is to lose 60 pounds overall and participating in this challenge will definitely keep me accountable while helping me reach my goals.

    Its a pleasure to meet everyone and i wish you much success during this challenge. Lets go, Lets go!!!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Hey there,

    I'm Kate. I'm a little more than halfway through my weight loss, and just started doing Insanity to try to kick myself into the next phase of my weight loss. The past month I've typically burned at least 6,000 calories a week, but so far, the DOMS from Insanity is killing me. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up! My typical day now is an insanity workout (40-60 minutes) and 60 minutes of yoga. Hopefully the DOMS subsides soon so I can pick up jogging again! Right now it's just too much.

    Four months ago I would have told you that I'm the most unathletic person you would ever meet, but now I love working out!
  • zoe534
    zoe534 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi there, my name's Zoe, and I did the last challenge. Loved it. It kept me focused on working off as many calories as I could so I could log them in. I'm starting to get really excited about running also as I'm just finishing up C25K. I want to add extra days of running to my week because I love how I feel the rest of the day compared to other cardio. Hoping my body can keep up with my enthusiasm. Glad we have another month ahead, thank you Zara again for hosting.
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    Hello my name is Renee and I'm from Nashville. I love to be challenged because it motivates me to push harder in my workouts.

  • :bigsmile: Hey Zara, hey all, my name is hannon, 1st time doing this challenge really looking forward to it, good luck everyone we can do it!!!
  • Hi!! My name is Tee. I am trying to lose 10-15LBs. This has been my goal for the longest but I have not been able to reach it because I just end up doing the same things I've done in the past. I currently work out to maintain my weight but I know I need to clean up my diet more and ramp up the workouts. I am motivated by seeing others' daily progress and hopefully others will be motivated by my progress as well.
    I love challenges so I'm looking forward to seeing what progress we will all achieve by September 30th!!
  • lina1216
    lina1216 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! My name is Jennifer. I'm a Kan-a-sota, that is born in Kansas raised in Minnesota, but I'm back in Kansas with my husband and son. This is my first challenge, and I'm excited and nervous. I've recently stalled in my weight loss, and I'm ready to kick it up a notch. I'm currently 159 lbs., and I just broke out of the 160's last week after being in them for two and a half years!!! I'm 5'6" and my goal is 145. This month is my son's birthday, and we're traveling for my husband's grandma's 90th Birthday. I don't want to undo all the work I've already done, so I thought joining would help me focus. I want to be healthy for my family, and I want to be an inspiration for my son. He loves to work-out with me, and I love to watch him do the same moves that I do. I've enjoyed reading your stories and look forward to doing this challenge with you. Thanks for adding me to the group, and good luck to all!!
  • sugah11
    sugah11 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi My name is Kitty, and this is my second time around - kind of hit or miss the first time, had too many interruptions with job and visiting family. I am going to give it my best shot this time around. I have about 18lb to go to hit my goal. But this is really more about toning up. I lost the weight pretty quick and now need to get the muscle tone I never really had....Looking forward to a great challenge! :smile:
  • Hi, I'm Toni from Washington State. I just completed the 3500 Calories A Week Challenge. I see familiar faces in this group and look forward to burning 4000 calories a week this time!
  • vnsaroja
    vnsaroja Posts: 19 Member
    Am Saroja from India. Need to lose at least 30 kg in the first leg. Been losing the same 3 kg for the past 4 years :) even a week of no exercise or a bit wayward eating gets it right back. But been exercising regularly and hence feel better and stronger.
    hoping that writing in here will make me more committed. Burnt 450 cal in the gym today.
  • goldiejoe
    goldiejoe Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm GoldieJoe from Mississippi. Please feel free to read my bio on my profile. I've had a couple of bad weeks with too much food and not enough exercise. I plan to use the 4000 calorie challange to kick start myself back in to gear to resume my stalled weight loss. I'm very excited to be in this group and look forward to reading your accomplishments and challenges as we progress through this together :heart: :smooched:
  • jackiesantos1422
    jackiesantos1422 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm jackie I'm 31 and live in san diego. I started working out a cutie months ago and have accomplished tHings I never thought possible. So I'm exciTed about this and can't wait! !!
  • louwright2013
    louwright2013 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Lou from Gloucester, UK. This is my first time doing this challenge but my weightloss has stalled and think that more exercise is the way to go and I love a challenge so this might get my weight moving again.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    Hey im Sarah from Northern Ireland! First time having a go at this but its good timing as im of to Portugal in 15 days and needed a little extra boost :)
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    Hey guys! I'm ann, I'm joining a day late!! I hope that's ok, but this challenge is a great idea! I'm 33 years old, currently I'm training for my first marathon.
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    Hi! to all of you. I am Jenny from asian ,Brunei, located at Borneo island. I am 32 yrs old, married, with 3 kids,one girl,7, two active boys, 4 & 2. My heaviest weight was 242lbs ,back in 2008. I started to watch my diet since Apr 2012. Now i weight at 192lbs, and still struggling to reach my goal at 62kgs. U all are free to add me as well as view my diary.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hi y'all! I'm Megan, 33 years old, and live on the coast in Washington State. I did the 3500 calories challenge last month, and loved it. Even made top 5 a couple times! I burn most of my calories from running. I'm working my way up to a half marathon sometime in the spring of next year. Last month I lost 6.4 lbs, so it was a successful month for me!
  • yellowbd
    yellowbd Posts: 19 Member
    Hey...coming to the party a day late but I'm in too! I'm Bailey from Saskatchewan, 5'5", 25yo, and i weigh 132. I am little curious to see how I will make out with this challenge. I have been focussing all of my energy on weightlifting so this challenge means I need to step that up and the cardio. Excited to see how it goes!
  • Rastamann
    Rastamann Posts: 139 Member
    Hi, I'm Keve. I've been on the heavy side all of my life and its time to make a change. At my heaviest I was 250lbs. I am now at 190 (depending on the time of day, lol) and love running. But my knees are letting me know I'm still carrying a lot of weight. I was stuck at 195 forever and found MFP, so I'm hoping for a reduction.
    Love the group Idea and hope to share with all of you. Feel free to add me, so we can follow up outside of the group if you'd like.

    Lets Burn!