Now What?

aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
Okay lovely ladies, what to do now? I considered starting another group. How do you feel about it? There are ways to do a private group if you prefer or another open ended group. I know I would not have met you wonderful women had I not joined an open group but they can become overwhelming with members joining and then dropping out before they even give it a try. We could limit the group size to the first 50 members also.

We have 16 weeks left in this year. I am up for starting another 16 week group if you are.

What say you?.............. Should we do it? ............... Private or public? Majority rules here.

Group name: 16 Weeks to the Years End

Your not so fearless leader,
aka: Linda


  • janlawrence2
    janlawrence2 Posts: 24 Member
    Would absolutely be IN. This is the most amazing group of folks ever. As for the open/private thing, I understand what you are saying, but also I wouldn't have found you all without it being open. I am in with whatever the majority says.
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    Yes, I'd love a group that lasts 'til the end of the year! Let's do it!
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    Okay - I will do it now....... Be sure to sign up ASAP
  • JasminPowerRESET
    JasminPowerRESET Posts: 19 Member
    signed up :-D Thank you!
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
    ALL for it, since I bombed this one! ????