To Weigh or Not To Weigh

swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
My name is Mardi and I am an overeater and sugar addict. Hi!

I'll keep this simple. The scale has gained a place of Worship in my life. I am addicted to the numbers. I am addicted to it going down. I am addicted to watching the numbers go up and then berating myself for "allowing" them to. It has become one of my Higher Power's and the numbers tell me my worth, my goodness, my perfection.

That said, I am having difficulty letting GO of the control... I know from my past experiences in OA, that weight loss doesn't equal weighing. IF I do what my reasonable plan of eating/living says, then, most likely, the weight will go down. Actually, 90% chance that it will... Maybe even more. It may not be in MY time, but it will be in my bodies time.

Sounds simple, maybe, but I still want to weigh.... I am trying to figure out if I can weigh once a month or every other week an not be obsessed. But then I see, when I look ahead, what 1 pound a week means, weight wise, in 4 weeks and I FREAK OUT! It's just "not enough!" (I'm laughing now.... I am really addicted again, and i was thinking that I was "ok"and could do this path alone...)

Can some of you please share your experience with The Scale and Obsession with me?

Thanks for reading.


  • PattiUnleashed
    PattiUnleashed Posts: 37 Member
    My name is Mardi and I am an overeater and sugar addict. Hi!

    I'll keep this simple. The scale has gained a place of Worship in my life. I am addicted to the numbers. I am addicted to it going down. I am addicted to watching the numbers go up and then berating myself for "allowing" them to. It has become one of my Higher Power's and the numbers tell me my worth, my goodness, my perfection.

    That said, I am having difficulty letting GO of the control... I know from my past experiences in OA, that weight loss doesn't equal weighing. IF I do what my reasonable plan of eating/living says, then, most likely, the weight will go down. Actually, 90% chance that it will... Maybe even more. It may not be in MY time, but it will be in my bodies time.

    Sounds simple, maybe, but I still want to weigh.... I am trying to figure out if I can weigh once a month or every other week an not be obsessed. But then I see, when I look ahead, what 1 pound a week means, weight wise, in 4 weeks and I FREAK OUT! It's just "not enough!" (I'm laughing now.... I am really addicted again, and i was thinking that I was "ok"and could do this path alone...)

    Can some of you please share your experience with The Scale and Obsession with me?

    Thanks for reading.

    I'll try to share more later, heading out to work soon. :)
    I've had times of being obsessed with the scale. At one point in my life I weighed more than once a day, sometimes 3x's. I eventually got to weighing once a week. My sponsor wants me to weigh in once a month, but I can't quite go there yet. So I am weighing in every 2 weeks for now, and that seems to be working pretty well. Here is the question my sponsor asked me, that I am still pondering. You may want to ask yourself this as well:

    How free do you want to be?

    Patti :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    I really try to stick to my clothes being my guide, although I do weigh once a week, usually on Mondays. My clothes have been falling off me lately -- literally. I had my pants almost fall off me in Whole Foods last week. Quite embarrassing to my daughter, I might add. Made me realize I need to go through some of my pants and release them -- always a scary endeavor. When I have the awareness of knowing that I've been waayyyy off my food plan and abstinence, I avoid the scale. I've learned I can find plenty of ways to find fault with myself without using that bat. When I'm in a good place, and I've been clean and on track, I use the scale cause I am loving seeing those numbers retract -- quite the opposite of my overly-loose pants! I'm looking forward to seeing 199 -- something I have not seen in quite some time!

    I don't know if that helps ... but that's my experience, strength and hope.
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you so much! You all are great! I think it's all about accountability to myself in being free from compulsive overeating and behaviors that lead toward obsession. I've decided on 1 time a week (Sunday) and I HAVE to find some way to go to meetings, etc. doing this alone is insane, and I know where that leads... to the fridge...
  • swissmardi
    swissmardi Posts: 57 Member
    That question is BRILLIANT and just what I needed...