September Challenge



  • msmvp
    msmvp Posts: 12
    Hey everyone, Im new to this group and the site. Im excited for a 30 day challenge and hope to get to know a few people who have the same goal as I do. I am currently Im 5'6 and 252lbs, and Im wanting to get down to 150. Im usually trying to lose weight very quickly and then get discouraged. I've made this goal for the next year. Im hoping that ill get back in shape faster than a year though. :)
  • Hi I am new to the group. My name is Tammey. I am looking for some support from others to keep myself going. I think I am in the right frame of mind to stay on the diet but still need the support. I really do not want to diet as much as just check my lifestyle. Not so much junk food and eat whole foods. Any help would be great! Thanks Tammey

    Welcome Tammey! Be sure to keep track of the amount of sodium in your diet. Last year I started really watching my intake and it made a big difference. Good luck!
  • Yet-another-New-to-this-group.

    Accountablility is what I need big-Time (I don't like letting other people down - but am more supportive of others than I am of myself)

    After my sister died in mid March this year - things went south big time. I regained all of the 15 pounds I had initially shed on MFP, little exercise / careless eating etc.

    I feel like I am finally "waking up" out of a fog again. My goal for Sept will be to get into logging food again, and getting a routine of pre-planning and pre-packing breakfasts / lunches for work .... both of which have never been strong points for me.

    But as a 5'3" mid-50's female weighing ~177, I am long past the age where I can "eat anything and expect to exercise it off" .... even when I am more consistent about exercising than I have been the past 6 mos!

    5 pounds in one month seems reasonable while re-tooling. More than that would be unrealistic until eating is good / exercise is MUCH harder ... if ever .... so will make NSV my bigger focus for now.

    Where do I find the Ab Challenge and the Plank Challenge? (I have great leg / cardio endurance, but my upper body always proportiionally much weaker and right now my tummy is fluffy. Maybe I will save the Push Up challenge until next month, when I hopefully have less to push up .... ) Hubby would say "Just do the cardio and burn the fat for now" but it is never that simple is it? The metabolic system is just too darned efficient, and gets used to what you do without changing tooo darn quickly.

    WELCOME! So sorry to hear about your sister. I lost my step mom back in April to lung cancer and I completely understand the "fog" you are referring to. NSV's are awesome! Keep us posted!

    If you google image search "30 day ab challenge" or "30 day plank challenge" the images should come up. You can print it out or download the image to your cell phone. I posted mine in my kitchen!

    You husband is half right LOL the cardio will help to burn fat but muscle actually burns more fat than doing cardio alone. That is why most trainers will tell you to do cardio and weights for optimal results. Good luck!
  • Hi I am new to the group from CT and I need this for accountability!!! I am VERY bad at logging and I just put a note on my pc and reminders in my phone so I don't forget to log on daily!!! I sooooo can't wait to meet new people... Happy logging ;)

    WELCOME!! Setting reminders is a great way to remember to log! I have one set every night at 10pm that reminds me to log in. Do you have the MFP app on your phone? I find it much easier to log as I eat than to try to remember everything I ate that day. If not you could always write it down in a small notebook then when you get home and are ready to log it's all in there! My fave part about the MFP app is the barcode scanner. It takes the guesswork out of logging!
  • Hey everyone, Im new to this group and the site. Im excited for a 30 day challenge and hope to get to know a few people who have the same goal as I do. I am currently Im 5'6 and 252lbs, and Im wanting to get down to 150. Im usually trying to lose weight very quickly and then get discouraged. I've made this goal for the next year. Im hoping that ill get back in shape faster than a year though. :)

    WELCOME! I am 5'5 and 250 so I am right there with ya! My ultimate goal weight is 165-170. As long as I am happy with how my clothes fit and how I look it's good for me. I refuse to go my those charts that say what I "should" be! Losing weight quickly can be great but you're more at risk for gaining it back. I lost 50lbs last year in preparation for my wedding. I did 2 a day workouts for 6 months. I got to 210 for my big day and now....(I also had a medication issue which contributed to the weight gain) It's easy to get complacent. I find the best thing to do is lose is slowly. Slow and steady wins the race! Good luck!
  • Hey everyone! I am fairly new to MFP and am looking forward to working hard with all of you to shed the unwanted weight. I am starting at 114 lbs and the aim is to get below 110 by the end of September. My exercise plan is to workout for five days a week, with any three days being 30 Day Shred. The other days I will try elliptical and running. I will eat at 1200 calories and incorporate 70% of that as vegetables, fruit, yoghurt and protein powder. I might do the squat challenge and the AB challenge depending on how I feel after each day's exercise.

    WELCOME!! I am on day 3 of both challenges and don't feel the least bit sore...yet. Give it a shot. There are rest days, tomorrow is my first rest day.
  • Hi...I am joining this group in order to HELP myself remain motivated. I have been on this journey since Jan 2013 and have lost about 41lbs. I am currently working out 4 times a week. My calorie intake is between 1200-1500 per day. Starting weight for Sept 3, 2013 is 182 lbs. GOAL IS 175 by Sept 30, 2013. LET'S GO!!!!!!!

    WELCOME! Congratulations on your loss!! Staying motivated is key to continuing to lose the excess weight. LET'S GO!!!!
  • Hello, I am looking forward to starting this challenge.I have hit a plateau and I am really ready to get this weight moving again.I have lost 32 pounds since Jan.of this year.I Currently weigh 160..My goal is 130-135..depends on how I feel at 135..My goal is to lose 5 pounds for the month of Sept. I wish all of you the best of luck !! :wink:

    WELCOME! Congrats on the 32lb loss! 5lbs is a very reasonable goal for this month. Good luck!
  • My name is Michele, I am new to the group. Count me in on the challenge. I am also doing a water challenge and an arm challenge.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I am also new. My name is Neve, and I'm trying to tone up before Halloween. Not sure what costume I'm aiming for, but I want a wide variety available to LOOK GOOD before I decide. :drinker: Checking in daily definitely helps me remember to keep active and keep on target!
  • sasbw27
    sasbw27 Posts: 710 Member
    Yay, found the group!

    I did the August challenge and lost 5 lbs last month. :drinker: If you stay consistent, you will lose.

    I'm starting at 151.4 lbs Goal for 9/30 147 lbs

    I've worked out the first two days of September and plan to workout tonight as well.

    Hi all and good luck!
  • focusedwoman
    focusedwoman Posts: 1 Member
    I am excited and motivated. My starting weight is 191. My goal for September 30th is -10lbs or 2 inches all around.
  • smyr630
    smyr630 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I am Stephanie. My SW is 189 lbs. My goal for September is -10lbs (179lbs). My personal challenges = 50 miles walking/running in September & start Yoga.
  • rcb1963
    rcb1963 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm Rhonda. My start weight on9/1/13 was 198.4. I hope to lose .5 to .75 pounds per week. I currently walk 10500 steps 5 days a week. My downfall comes on be weekends. Sometimes I find myself eating way too much before dinner. I lift weights 3x/week. I do cardio 2-4x/week. I hope this challenge will get me on track to weight loss. Have a great evening.
  • Hi Stephanie! Welcome to our group! I love yoga too! This month, my challenge is doing Insanity! EEP!
  • sockermonkey19
    sockermonkey19 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I am new to this group. I am hoping to lose the weight that I gained after going to back to school last year. Apparently you can still put on the freshman 15 when you are 27 years old lol. I do great at eating right during the week but once the weekend come I fail and all the weeks hard work goes to waste. I am hoping to log in 3 work outs a week. Weight today is 173lb goal weight is 150
  • Cavy1234
    Cavy1234 Posts: 28 Member
    Hiya! :happy: I just joined this group, and I'm excited about working together to make September sparkle!

    I'm a life-long dieter (losing and regaining) and looking to stop that cycle this time around. I want to get this weight off and keep it off. My starting weight for MFP is 325, but my starting weight for the September challenge is 313 lbs. I am hoping to be under 300 pounds by the end of September. I can't wait to see a '2' on my scale again. :love:

    I will be doing 60 minutes of exercise each day: 30 cardio, 20 strength, and 10 flexibility/stretching.

    Starting MFP: 325
    Sept Challenge: 313
    Sept End Goal: 299
    Ultimate Goal: 160
  • Hi everyone! I just joined this group. I've been using MFP for about 25 days. Today I am at 173 with a goal of 168 by 9/30. I joined a 100 mile walking challenge on Endomondo for September. Between the two challenges, I'm hoping for success!
  • Good morning. I am new to this group and I am searching for a way tp remain consistant and reach my goal. My challenge for this month is to stay within my calorie range and really track my food.

    My starting weight is 223.
  • I am new to this group and I really need to be held accountable to myself. I am accountable to everything but me. I am looking forward to the support to challenge myself. I was looking at the Ab and Squat challenge however there are so many, is there a specific one that would be recommended. I have been using the Thyroid excuse for to long, it is time to get the fat to disappear and become a healthy person! Thank you everyone! Have a great day!