What protocol do you use?

Currently I'm using Drew Bayes recommendation to me. His website for info www.baye.com

Going to the gym every 4/5 days on a split program. May switch to full body program and go once a week so I can restrict my calories even more. I'm eating paleo as well as on lean gains IF.

Program A
Leg press
Pull down

Program B
Leg ext
Leg curls
Calf raisers
Chest press
Overhead press

All using one set to failure and the TUL (Time Under Load) between 30 sec. to 90 sec.
Upper body trying to hit 7 reps and lower body 12 reps.

Mostly read up on Body by Science by Dr.Doug McGuff and John Little
And a lot of stuff online and forums.


  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    I did HIT for a over a year using the methods prescribed by Baye,Doug MCguff and Mike Mentzer.

    It was a very time efficient way to train and I took a lot from it but I actually lost a lot of size from it (albeit I got slightly stronger). Since returning to a 3x5 protocol 2x per week I've gained size again and strength is still going up.

    I also use leangains too!