September Challenge



  • Hi,
    I have joined this group to be more accountable as my motivation has slowly started fading. I hope to lose 10 lbs by the end of this month by eating right & exercising.
    How often do we need to post our progress ?
  • ayearwood84
    ayearwood84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there!

    I'm also a newbie to this group and could really use some accountability and motivation. I'm participating in a 90 day challenge but want to set 30 day goals along the way.

    My starting weight is 145...

    I had a baby 9 months ago and began my postpartum weight loss journey soon thereafter. I was 205 lbs before birth and only got down to 189 after having the baby and not eating because I was so tired, breastfeeding etc. Through diet and running I lost the weight but I have stalled and fallen off track over the summer. I haven't gained but I haven't loss any either.

    Help!! Would you mind adding me as friends and I'll do the same?
  • Mizkatemay
    Mizkatemay Posts: 22 Member
    Another newbie here, my goal this month is to loose 10 lbs, and to make sure that I get more exercise in (ie. standing watching kids sports instead of sitting, and walking while they are at practice instead of again sitting)!
  • My name is Michele, I am new to the group. Count me in on the challenge. I am also doing a water challenge and an arm challenge.

    WELCOME MICHELE! I was just telling my husband last night i wanted to do an arm challenge! Good luck!
  • I am also new. My name is Neve, and I'm trying to tone up before Halloween. Not sure what costume I'm aiming for, but I want a wide variety available to LOOK GOOD before I decide. :drinker: Checking in daily definitely helps me remember to keep active and keep on target!

    WELCOME NEVE! I know what you mean about wanting to look good on halloween. Good luck with your goals!
  • Yay, found the group!

    I did the August challenge and lost 5 lbs last month. :drinker: If you stay consistent, you will lose.

    I'm starting at 151.4 lbs Goal for 9/30 147 lbs

    I've worked out the first two days of September and plan to workout tonight as well.

    Hi all and good luck!

    WELCOME! So glad you were able to join us again. Hope you got your workout in last night!
  • I am excited and motivated. My starting weight is 191. My goal for September 30th is -10lbs or 2 inches all around.

    WELCOME! That's an ambitious goal and with persistence you can reach it! Good luck!
  • Hi, I am Stephanie. My SW is 189 lbs. My goal for September is -10lbs (179lbs). My personal challenges = 50 miles walking/running in September & start Yoga.

    WELCOME STEPHANIE!! Are you an experienced runner? I want to be, if that makes sense! I'm using the C25K app to help me start! Good luck on your 50 mile challenge, keep us posted!
  • Hi
    I'm Rhonda. My start weight on9/1/13 was 198.4. I hope to lose .5 to .75 pounds per week. I currently walk 10500 steps 5 days a week. My downfall comes on be weekends. Sometimes I find myself eating way too much before dinner. I lift weights 3x/week. I do cardio 2-4x/week. I hope this challenge will get me on track to weight loss. Have a great evening.

    WELCOME RHONDA!! I aim for 10,000 steps per day but being that I have a desk job it makes it much harder. What kind of work do you do?
  • Hi everyone, and thank you for joining the group!

    My name is Natalie, and along with Valerie I am moderating this group!

    My goal this month is to lose 7lbs. I would LOVE to be under 220.

    I started Insanity today, and I am supposed to be doing it 6 days a week.

    NATALIE!!!!!! You can do it!!!!
  • Hi, My name is Mimi... I started "again" last Monday. I feel I am ready now I have been trying to lose 50lbs for 18 years....How ridiculous is that. My children are now gone and I want and need a life without this excess weight. Though just 50 lbs it places me in obese category and is not cute. Just finished watching extreme weight loss and figure if someone can lose 70 lbs in 90 days surely I can lose 50. I do understand that accountability helps. Today I have started a 6 week training to run a 5k on October 20 here in Atlanta. If anyone else is in the area friend me perhaps we can do together.

    WELCOME MIMI! I love watching that show! Keep in mind those individuals are very sick and lead sedentary lives. They drastically change their lives so they drop weight very quickly. Congrats on starting your 6 week training. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
  • Hi, I am new to this group. I am hoping to lose the weight that I gained after going to back to school last year. Apparently you can still put on the freshman 15 when you are 27 years old lol. I do great at eating right during the week but once the weekend come I fail and all the weeks hard work goes to waste. I am hoping to log in 3 work outs a week. Weight today is 173lb goal weight is 150

    WELCOME! I was a late college go-er too so I know exactly what you are talking about. I tend to fall off on the weekends too. I found that making a menu especially for dinner really helps me to stay focused.
  • Hiya! :happy: I just joined this group, and I'm excited about working together to make September sparkle!

    I'm a life-long dieter (losing and regaining) and looking to stop that cycle this time around. I want to get this weight off and keep it off. My starting weight for MFP is 325, but my starting weight for the September challenge is 313 lbs. I am hoping to be under 300 pounds by the end of September. I can't wait to see a '2' on my scale again. :love:

    I will be doing 60 minutes of exercise each day: 30 cardio, 20 strength, and 10 flexibility/stretching.

    Starting MFP: 325
    Sept Challenge: 313
    Sept End Goal: 299
    Ultimate Goal: 160

    WELCOME! Congrats on the 12lb weight loss!! Keep us posted on your progress!
  • Hi everyone! I just joined this group. I've been using MFP for about 25 days. Today I am at 173 with a goal of 168 by 9/30. I joined a 100 mile walking challenge on Endomondo for September. Between the two challenges, I'm hoping for success!

    WELCOME! 100 mile challenge? WOW! What is your plan to break it up?
  • Good morning. I am new to this group and I am searching for a way tp remain consistant and reach my goal. My challenge for this month is to stay within my calorie range and really track my food.

    My starting weight is 223.

    WELCOME!! My best piece of advice is to track everything! Be conscious of the amount of sodium you are consuming as well. Do you have the MFP app on your cell phone? Having it so easily available makes it much easier. That way you won't forget!
  • I am new to this group and I really need to be held accountable to myself. I am accountable to everything but me. I am looking forward to the support to challenge myself. I was looking at the Ab and Squat challenge however there are so many, is there a specific one that would be recommended. I have been using the Thyroid excuse for to long, it is time to get the fat to disappear and become a healthy person! Thank you everyone! Have a great day!

    WELCOME!! The squat challenge I am using starts day 1 with 50 squats and increases by 5 each day. The ab challenge starts with 15 sit-ups and increases by 5 each day. I also have a thyroid disorder so I completely understand.
  • Hi,
    I have joined this group to be more accountable as my motivation has slowly started fading. I hope to lose 10 lbs by the end of this month by eating right & exercising.
    How often do we need to post our progress ?

    WELCOME! We ask that you post your progress every Sunday if possible. Weekly accountability is key!
  • Hey there!

    I'm also a newbie to this group and could really use some accountability and motivation. I'm participating in a 90 day challenge but want to set 30 day goals along the way.

    My starting weight is 145...

    I had a baby 9 months ago and began my postpartum weight loss journey soon thereafter. I was 205 lbs before birth and only got down to 189 after having the baby and not eating because I was so tired, breastfeeding etc. Through diet and running I lost the weight but I have stalled and fallen off track over the summer. I haven't gained but I haven't loss any either.

    Help!! Would you mind adding me as friends and I'll do the same?

    WELCOME! I added you! I am also a part of a 90 day challenge and I set 30 days goals. What is your current 30 day goal? Mine is to lose 8-10lbs.
  • Another newbie here, my goal this month is to loose 10 lbs, and to make sure that I get more exercise in (ie. standing watching kids sports instead of sitting, and walking while they are at practice instead of again sitting)!

    WELCOME! I know exactly what you mean. I work a desk job so I set an alarm on my phone to ensure that I get up and move each half hour, if I don't do that I can find myself sitting for hours at a time!
  • kaberget
    kaberget Posts: 12 Member
    Loved the August challenge and I'm happy to be in the September challenge as well! My goal is to lose 5 lbs in September.

    SW- 225.4
    GW by 9/30- 220.4

    If I hit my goal I will weigh what I weighed when I got married 10 years ago, which after losing the first 10%, has been my next goal.

    Good luck everyone!!!