Starting Stats and goals

A place to post your starting stats and goals


Weight 143
Chest 35
waist 31
hips 41

goal: 133lbs, size 6 pants, to look good in a bathing suit!


  • 5'8
    chest- 38

    goal- to look heather and fit in a size 7 :)
  • Mardi_ann
    Mardi_ann Posts: 16 Member
    Starting stats
    Weight: 156.8
    Chest: 37
    Waist: 29
    Hips: 40

    Goal: Finish the program and look good on the beach in Florida next March
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member

    Weight 203.6

    goal: To get ripped... actually, so my son will not be embarassed on the way that I look.
  • FitMeWhitney
    FitMeWhitney Posts: 1 Member
    Weight: 166.5
    Chest: 35
    Waist: 32
    Hips: 39.5
    I want to be able to fee comfortable with what I wear; I want to acquire a higher self-esteem.
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member

    Starting Weight: 239

    Goal: To feel that sense of accomplishment that comes with kicking your own *kitten* and reaching the finish line!
    Also, to fit back into a couple pairs of jeans that are just a liiiiiiittle too snug :)
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I started Insanity on September 1st

    Starting Insanity weight: 155
    Chest: 35.5
    Waist: 30.5
    Hips: 39.5

    Goal: Finish the program, look and feel amazing, and wake up every day knowing that I've accomplished something that really intimidated me at the start. It would also be sweet if I were at or near my ultimate goal weight by the time it's all said and done.

    Good luck all :smile:
  • Started Insanity on 9/2/13:

    Age: 43

    height: 5'6

    weight: 145

    waist: 27

    bust 34

    hips: 35

    Goal: 136 LBS, Waist 25, Hips 34
  • Day 1 : Sept 3
    Current Wt: 146 lbs (boo!)
    Ht 5'1

    1) To look healthy and sexy on my birthday! (which is exactly 2 months away)
    2) Fit into my skinny clothes
    3) No more rubbing thighs!!

    Good luck y'all!
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    I started Insanity on 2nd September.

    Age 37

    Weight 127.5

    Goal - To be able to finish Insanity and say I have done it. Feel healthier and fitter.
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    I started on Insanity on September 1st! I defintiely need the motivation because it is so hard, my entire body is sore! :laugh:

    Weight 169
    Chest 38
    waist 35
    hips 41
  • cfredz
    cfredz Posts: 292 Member
    Started Sept 2 (monday)

    Age 28
    Height 5'5"
    Weight 122lbs
    Waist 27"
    Hips 34"
    thighs 20"
    Calf 15"
    Arms 10.5"

    Goal is to get into the best shape of my life! Want more visible muscles
  • Will be starting again tomorrow! (9/5) 3rd time will be the charm :)
    Age: 22
    Height: 5:4
    Weight: 170
    Waist: 35
    Hips: 40
    Chest: 39
    Arms: 14

    Ultimate Goal: To feel/look great and finally conquer insanity. And to stop ruining my favorite jeans with frisky thighs. Tone up and gain muscle.
  • ExcelWithMel
    ExcelWithMel Posts: 192 Member

    Weight 184
    Chest 42.5
    waist 38.75
    hips 44

    goal: don't worry about the scale, continue to work my body into shape.

    Started 9/2/13

    Completed ChaLEAN Extreme and Les Mills Pump but ready for INSANITY. Doing a hybrid with running. so Insanity 3X week. running 3X week and 1 day of yoga.
  • Started Insanity fit test 9/2 - I need support and motivation.
    Age: 33 (just had my birthday)
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 156 fit back into my smaller clothes (4-6) and lose the saddle bags and love handles I see. I see the sagginess in my thighs and butt and just can't stand it. I miss my muscle. I started working from home 4 years ago and stopped exercising. My husband is in Afghanistan and I want to feel my best and fit when he gets back in two months. He's working out everyday and I want to too!
  • xbritnex
    xbritnex Posts: 13 Member
    Started 9/2 - I definitely need the motivation and support to stick with it.

    Age: 23
    Height: 5'7''
    Weight: 175.9 lbs
    Chest: 36.5
    Waist: 31
    Hips: 45.5

    I think my main goal is just to complete the program to say that I followed through with something and finished without giving up. My Ultimate weight goal is 135, but if I have a six pack at 150 Id be happy with that too. So really I just want to eventually be toned and slim down. Fitting into a size 8 jean would be good too.
  • janshaw1205
    janshaw1205 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ch 10st 2everyone,

    Im totally new to My Fitness Pal and Insanity (I have done P90x and loved it) so I have downloaded the apps so I can check in daily

    All I know is that at 39 (just turned) I dont like what I see in the mirror and have gained about 1st in the last few months mainly down to "pigging" out and not giving a hoot.

    I am 5'5
    and nearly 12 st :-(

    I have yet to do my measurements

    I am looking for people who are in the same boat as me and am willing to do anything to lose this weight. Ideally I want to reach 10st 2 which is what I was before I had my daughter.

    I wish everyone the best of luck with their weight loss and look forward to speaking to you daily :-)

    Jan x
  • absmith_
    absmith_ Posts: 63 Member
    HI! I am on week 2 day 5, starting weight in June was 208, starting weight of insanity is 173!

    UG is 130!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Hello! I started 2nd round of insanity on 9/2;
    Starting stats:
    Age : 24
    height: 5'5
    Weight 162
    Chest : 38
    Arm: 11

    Goal is to reach a healthy BMI by my 25th bday. So i need to lose about 12lbs. And I really want to lose more inches in the thighs and get hid of the love handles. I lost 10lbs the first round of insanity and about 20 inches. Am hoping that i can do the same if not more this 2nd time around since I will do most of the work out with hand weight gloves on to intensify the workout.
  • runnerlorena
    runnerlorena Posts: 2 Member
    Started Insanity on September 2!
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'4''
    Starting Weight: 147

    Goal: To stick to the program and finish it! I eventually want to get down to my freshman-in-high-school weight of 120.
  • ranganayakee
    ranganayakee Posts: 67 Member
    Started this month.
    SW 167.4
    Goal lose inches around waist and mebbe shed 10 lbs.