Falling into Fitness: On the couch!

gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
Hey everyone,

Hope the silly titles don't annoy ya:noway: :love: :flowerforyou: :drinker: . They make me smile and a bit more motivated to check out the message boards. On the couch refers to getting comfy and chatting with fellow MFPers about what's going on with our fitness. Like on the Psychiatrist's couch (which I happen to be/ Peds ... BUT I won't be solving any problems here! haha. Please go see your primary care Dr... if you are having medical problems. And that's my disclaimer! Now I am a regular person again.)

Here, I figure we can post whatever we want. Good, bad, ugly, questions, tips, success, failures, WHATEVER!

Let's make it happen and use these last 4 months of 2013 to REALLY reach for our goals and give it ALL we've got. At best, we will lose 40 lbs and feel amazing, at worse: we have a head start on focusing on fitness for 2014!



  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    Let me start with I've been having the worst couple of days ever!! Feeling way low mood wise. I'm not going to let it get in the way of my goals. I did eat a couple cookies and some chinese food (my comfort food). But letting myself be comforted with food ends now. For dinner I have to stop somewhere, but I'm ordering steamed veggies. I have a concert tonight and I'm going to dance and burn calories ;). (no drinks). When I get home I am going to try and fit in an exercise. That's my plan to change this bad mood around!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The good, the bad and the ugly? Okay. Let's start with the bad and ugly. I've always prided myself on looking younger than my age. I turned 40 in June, and on a good day, I think I could pass for ten years younger. My biggest fear with losing weight was that it would age me. To date, I've lost almost 70 pounds, and my worst fear is definitely coming true; I definitely look older! My face is fine. I'm still super happy with my face, but my jawline (you know...where I've always had two chins) is not recovering well thus far. I'm still holding out hope, but...this has gotta be the number one downside to losing weight over 40.

    The good? I've lost almost 70 pounds. That definitely comes with some serious benefits.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    Wow Brenda.. in your profile pic you look late 20's if that even.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    How are you 40????? I look older than your profile pic and im only 26!!!... Ok 27 at the end of this month...
  • ggrinsell
    I'm 29 with 40 to lose - I've lost about 10 by working out all the time and eating a lot of protein in my diet and working w my trainer
    My problem is I'm not sure i eat enough- I get to about 1200 calories in and I work out and burn about 800- do I eat those back? I usually drink a whey shake right after like my trainer tells me but its only about 100 calories so I'm always under my goal and it says I can go into starvation mode- is this true? Do I need to eat back those calories?????
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    heiiii im Mon,
    so ok where to start,....summer time is the worst for me, partys, alcohol, fastfood, cakes,,..bbq...ya know. and this year i was good, i was moving on a daily basis, swimming, runing, hikes....i was GOOD. and then? kaboom i needed to go to the hospital. ok now im out of it, but am still not allowed to work out, atleast i got premission to go on short walks (and i can extend them each week). that means 6 more weeks of no serious excersise. the only think that is keepin me sane is that i cant eat that much. but ya know with all the frustration, i can still eat the damn CHOCOLATE.

    so atleeeaast the walks are somethin i am doin for myself. i cant wait for this time to bve over and KICK IT!
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    I'm 29 with 40 to lose - I've lost about 10 by working out all the time and eating a lot of protein in my diet and working w my trainer
    My problem is I'm not sure i eat enough- I get to about 1200 calories in and I work out and burn about 800- do I eat those back? I usually drink a whey shake right after like my trainer tells me but its only about 100 calories so I'm always under my goal and it says I can go into starvation mode- is this true? Do I need to eat back those calories?????

    Hey! Congrats on losing the 10lbs so far! There are mixed opinions about eating your calories back - some say do and some say don't. I eat 1200 calories a day but on days that I workout hard I eat 1350-1500 (depending on how hard I worked - i.e. if I do weight training and cardio then I eat closer to 1500, if I just do cardio or just do weights I eat 1350). My trainer told me that when you workout you need to eat more calories then when you don't but you can't eat back all of the calories you burned or you won't lose any weight because you need to burn calories to burn fat. Which makes sense to me. I've followed this method for the last year and lost over 40lbs so I'm sticking with it :)
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    Hey everyone! My name is Melissa. I'm 34 years old, got married on May 4th and have lost in total over the last 3 years 62lbs. It's been a slow and frustrating process but I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I have between 30-40lbs left to lose and am hoping to finally be rid of this weight by the end of the year.

    The good, the bad, the ugly - I'm studying for my LSATs which suck, the good - we went to NYC for the long weekend which I always love, the ugly - for some reason even though I've been working out harder lately and gotten back into my routine the number on the scale is going up and my pants don't fit.

    Like I said its been a frustrating process.

    Where's everyone from? I'm from Toronto, Canada.
  • t1nk6
    t1nk6 Posts: 215
    hi im joanne, im 38 mother of 4 teenagers ages 16 17 18 (my girls) and my son is 14, im also a grandma recently. my 16 yr old has been disabled since birth and unfortunately my old back wore out on me 3 yr ago from all the lifting etc. and i piled on the weight.. im basically unable to exercise because of the damage to my spinal cord and compression from my prolapsed discs. i cant have an op to fix it untill im under 12 stone again. i have no life ha so i started a fundraising page on fb to raise cash for disability aids for kids, but i want to do the fundraisers organised and cant right now, so kicked me into touch to lose the weight NOW!
    Ive been on a 1200 cal diet for 3 months and lost 2 stone but its creeping back on.. upped my calories to 1380 this week to see if it helps me lose again.

    Feel free to kick my *kitten* when needed peeps ;)
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Hello! I'm Deven im 34 years old. Last fall I weighed in at 375 lbs, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and couldn't walk 50 yards without crippling back pain. So far I have lost 134 lbs, fixed my back through exercise, developed a love from mountain biking and beat diabetes completely. My goal is 199 (just to see the 1) which means I have 42 pounds to go before I win. I typically weigh in on Saturdays so I will post by first weight in with measurements on the following Wednesday. I go to the gym 5 days a week doing heavy lifting 3 and cardio 2, and follow the strict diet plan laid out by my dietitian. We can totally do this together, if anyone wants to add me please feel free.
  • amberecochran
    amberecochran Posts: 124 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Amber and I live in Dublin, GA. I am 36 years old, married and have four kids. They are 16,14,14, and 10. I began my weight loss journey 1 year ago and have lost a total of 51lbs. My ticker says 34lbs because that is what I have lost since joining MFP. I love to workout, but time is always an issue for me. With four kids, there is always something going on. What I am currently doing is a low carb diet and I walk during my breaks and lunch, at work. I'm getting about an hour of cardio doing that, so its something. I am planning on starting some strength training next week, in hopes that it will help. My goal is to lose 40lbs by 2014.

    The good: I love my job, my family, and tattoos
    The bad: I love carbs
    The ugly: Me in spandex
  • LeeKeplar
    LeeKeplar Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone, My name is LeAnn Keplar and I am from Council Grove, Kansas. I am 47 years old. Will be 48 in November. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have two adult children 19 and 21. My son and his girlfriend live with my husband and me which can be tricky sometimes. My son is 21 and just graduated from a vo tech in May and has now started a full time mechanic job. My daughter is 19 and is away at college. I miss her dearly. my son has a son who was born in March. So I am a grandma! He is a precious baby boy but unfortunetly my son and the mother are not a couple and not togher. My son does see him every week one night and every other weekend we have him at our house. I need to lose some serious weight and get serious about exercising and eating right
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Wow Brenda.. in your profile pic you look late 20's if that even.

    I agree!
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Melissa. I'm 34 years old, got married on May 4th and have lost in total over the last 3 years 62lbs. It's been a slow and frustrating process but I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I have between 30-40lbs left to lose and am hoping to finally be rid of this weight by the end of the year.

    The good, the bad, the ugly - I'm studying for my LSATs which suck, the good - we went to NYC for the long weekend which I always love, the ugly - for some reason even though I've been working out harder lately and gotten back into my routine the number on the scale is going up and my pants don't fit.

    Like I said its been a frustrating process.

    Where's everyone from? I'm from Toronto, Canada.

    I'm studying for the LSATS too, and I am also from Toronto! I want to take them Dec 5 :)
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    Wow Brenda.. in your profile pic you look late 20's if that even.

    THIS!!! ^^^^^ Exactly what she said!! You look very young and fabulous!! Howeaaah, you're not alone! Many of us worry about the weight loss in the face. lol! I know I do! :-)~
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Hey my name is Ced! I am DETERMINED to lose 30 lbs by the end of September. I lost 30 over the past 2 months!

    I am a spinning coach and a personal trainer. I had health issues this year and feel getting my weight down to 175 will benefit me greatly. I was at 256 on June 27th. Now I am in the mid 220's and hope to be in the 190's by October.

    BEFORE someone says I CAN'T ask yourself WHY? I see people lost 30 pounds in a month and they are doing it healthy so losing 40 in 4 months is doable.
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    Hey Ya'll! I'm Kim, 40-something-7, Mother to (3) 22, 21, and my daughter is turning 18 going on 25 on Sept 15th! God help me! lol! ;)

    I live in the burbs of Houston, TX where the heat index is 110 on a good day.

    Alrighty then... I've been see-sawing with the same 15lbs since April. Was doing rather well until I was hospitalized in mid March. I couldn't work out for over a month! Not good! With that, I have Hypothyroidism and take Synthroid daily... so I have to double my workout to see any results whatsoever! Very frustrating! I hate my thyroid! Pffffft! :-/

    I love, love Zumba and go 2-3 times a week and just included walking into my schedule as well. Love working in the yard and around the house. Mexican food, margaritas, pastas and Vino are my weaknesses....

    I would absolutely LOVE to lose 40lbs by 01/01/2014!

    JUST DO IT!! (Swooosh)
  • ggrinsell
    So thats net 1350-1500 calories? So If I eat 1200 before the gym and burn lets say 500 calories on the cardio machine and have a whey protein shake (110 calories) should I eat more to net the 1200? Thank you!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I'm Anna and a long time MFP vet. I fell of the perverbial wagon HARD last year and packed on 50 of the 120lbs I'd previously lost.
    I had 3 pretty serious injuries in a row and when my dreams of the 2012 Toughmudder were dashed I sunk into a DEEP depression (it wasn't just the toughmudder but I believe it was the straw that broke the camel's back) and used all my energy to just get out of bed and pretend I was "normal" for 8 hours a day. I'm in counseling now and I'm slowly climbing out of the pit. That means I'm also taking more time to focus on what makes me happy. Like killing it at the gym. I'm lifting again (made huge gains in the last 4 months) and I'm almost back up to where I was when I got hurt last year. I decided it was was time to get my diet in check again too.

    I started the Whole30 17 days ago and I'm feeling AMAZING. I dropped 8lbs in the first 2 weeks and my clothes fit better every day. This will be a nice safe place to post pics for you all when I'm over the first 30. I plan on keeping up with the eating plan as best I can through the holidays with the hopes that since this was how I was eating when I got shredded the first time it will work again.

    I suppose, long story short is I'm a rehabing athlete who just wants to be comfortable in my skin again. The sooner the better. :)
  • livcurious
    livcurious Posts: 30 Member
    I'm Olivia, just turned 25 and I'm starting grad school in 3 weeks. I work full time and have a very part time job so I work 40-55 hours a week. I find my job very stressful and I'm a complete stress/boredom eater. I'm seeing a nutritionist and working on getting my eating habits under control. I also am hypothyroid and have PCOS so it's not easy to lose weight, but in 3 months I've lost 15 lbs. I seem to have stalled after a weekend of "normal" eating celebrating my birthday, so I'm trying to break this plateau but I've gone up a few pounds. I love zumba/Red Hot and started going to belly dancing recently. I'm trying to add running in with a C25k app but I haven't made much time for it.