Tracking Insanity workouts on myfitpal

Hello, I have been doing insanity for a few weeks at my gym and I was wondering if there is any way of tracking it on here for exercise?


  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    The most accurate way is going to be to invest in a HRM and calculate your individual burn. If that isn't an option, I just used vigorous calisthenics.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Like the above poster said, a heart rate monitor is best. If you can't afford a nice one, like Polar, I found a SportLine one at Walmart for $40.00 and it seems to be quite accurate. Just make sure whatever brand you get has a chest strap, otherwise it's not worth having really.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I also logged it under Vigorous Calisthenics before I got a HRM. Mine is a cheap one, but its accurate enough. I got it for $20 on the Barnes and Noble website, lol.
  • fishnr2
    fishnr2 Posts: 31 Member
    I agree with the rest of you. HRM is the best option. When I was logging it as other exercise the burnt calories where too high. With the HRM it shows how much I burnt and that all depends on a day (my performance). I have a chest strap which I can connect to my phone and I use MyDigit to track my efforts. It send the data to myfitnesspal automatically.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Yah, I'm constantly surprised at how few calories I really burn with these workouts. They work and are worth it, but I might burn only 98 calories on 33min....I would have thought it'd be a bit higher, but oh well. Like I said, they work so I just keep pushing play:)
  • easy2putt
    easy2putt Posts: 36 Member
    Hello, I have been doing insanity for a few weeks at my gym and I was wondering if there is any way of tracking it on here for exercise?

    I'm in your same situation and ordered a HRM (also in the 4th week of Insanity)..they're all around..PM me if you want to know which one I got. But, the biggest factor here is nutrition and how much/little you are actually intaking. I figure I'll eat less and exercise more, it may work in the beginning, but your body is smart and will start to burn less/store.

    I suggest also to check the site to really get an idea of how many calories you should be taking in daily. I was really surprised at how much bad stuff I was eating and that was the reason why I was still hungry.

    From what I am getting is that exercise is more to keep you in healthy and fit, but it's what you really eat that is going to matter.