Weigh in...be accountable

bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
Well, after yesterday's fast day, it appears that it is still working...lol. I did 5:2 with Mon and Wed being fast days. Tuesday's weigh in was no change, however, today's weigh in says I have lost .4 lbs. Yeah....just gotta keep it up. Hoping to do a Friday fast also as this weekend is a long weekend with MOnday being a holiday.

How's everyone else doing?


  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,647 Member
    I didnt lose any after Monday's fast day, (was actually up over half a pound), because I went too much over on the weekend.Oops. But I held steady the next 3 days and am hoping that today's fast day will show some more progress. I am going to have to stay more in the diet mindset on my non-fast days, still keeping them within 1200-1300, and only have one maintenance day, but even watch that one to not go over 1500-1600. But still liking it so far. Just have to tweak it to get it right for me.
  • mkthav
    mkthav Posts: 16 Member
    No weight loss to report this week.. Monday started badly, I just could not stick with it. Tues I did just okay ( I think I might of gone over a bit) but Thursday I was my own personal Hero, we had a bring food to work day( that I baked for) and I stayed on fast. Yay me... Okay I was running out of weekdays but I did great... So I am looking forward to seeing those scales move next week. Take care ladies and have a wonderful weekend.
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    1lbs lost this week. Next weigh in is Wednesday - I'm hoping for another 1lbs although I was REALLY naughty this weekend, it's too easy to stop for the wrong foods when out shopping!

    SW - 168lbs
    CW - 150lbs
  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Forget to post yesterday but I was down .8 lbs which was super for me. I don't know how you ladies do it...loosing 2 lbs. Seems as if unless I only eat 1200 calories a day on non-fast days that .............up...up goes the scale and then I average out at less than a pound. Looking for the correct mechanism for me. I have tried the 4:3 however just can't seem to stay on course on that 3rd day of the week and end up on a low average day instead of a fast day. Guess I will just keep on keeping on. Like what is happening though!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I am trying to get back into 5:2 and so happy to have found this. For some reason i have gained 5lbs (wonder how that happened :sad: )I did a successful fast on Tuesday but Thursday was a big F. I am going to try for Monday & Thursday next week.