Iron Supplements

LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
Hi all :)

So I go in for my 3 month post-op checkup and at that point I have to start taking iron daily. Are there any iron supplements you would recommend? I have heard a lot of issues with constipation and burping up a nasty taste from iron pills, so I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible. Any info would be great. Thanks!!!


  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    There are different chemicals that supply the iron, and some are more easily absorbed than others. The best, as far as the quantity and availability of the iron, is listed on the ingredients label as carbonyl iron. The particular brand I use is Sundown Perfect Iron, but other brands are available as well. I got mine on Amazon for very short money.

    Happily, carbonyl iron is also supposed to be the best for constipation. When I switched to carbonyl, it helped a lot.

    Oh, and the Sundown iron pills are really tiny, if that helps.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Wow. I'm surprised you have not been told to take iron already. 3 months is a long time to wait. I know a lot of post-ops who take the Sundown Perfect Iron. I have always taken Vitron C and my levels are good at 5 years out.
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    Wow. I'm surprised you have not been told to take iron already. 3 months is a long time to wait. I know a lot of post-ops who take the Sundown Perfect Iron. I have always taken Vitron C and my levels are good at 5 years out.

    I actually have iron in my multivitamins I take, but at 3 months they want me to start an additional amount. Turns out they actually recommend Vitron C so I ordered some of that last night :)
  • JfMarrs
    JfMarrs Posts: 110 Member
    My nutritionist recommended Vitron-C as well since the vitamin c makes it easier for your body to absorb the iron. Since I have always been a little anemic my primary doctor has prescribed 325 mg daily of Ferrous Sulfate which is actually a lot cheaper for me even with buying vitamin c since I have insurance for prescriptions and my copay for generics is really low. Did they caution you to not take the iron at the same time as your calcium or multi? I was told to take the iron and vitamin c in the evening and the calcium and the multi in the morning.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    My nutritionist recommended Vitron-C as well since the vitamin c makes it easier for your body to absorb the iron. Since I have always been a little anemic my primary doctor has prescribed 325 mg daily of Ferrous Sulfate which is actually a lot cheaper for me even with buying vitamin C since I have insurance for prescriptions and my copay for generics is really low. Did they caution you to not take the iron at the same time as your calcium or multi? I was told to take the iron and vitamin c in the evening and the calcium and the multi in the morning.

    I should have added this information as well, so I thought I would emphasize it again, thanks to JfMarrs. You should separate your iron and your calcium by two hours, and taking vitamin C with your iron will help you to absorb it. I take extra vitamin C with my iron. Some brands have the C with the iron, but sometimes it is at too low an amount to help. I don't know anything about the Vitron C, so I'll have to check that out.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Bariatric advantage iron chewed bites work for me. The chocolate cherry are delicious, no after taste, too bad chewable vitamins don't taste this good!
  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    Hi! I have been taking all my vitamins from Bariatric Advantage ( I buy mine off of Amazon because they come wayyyy faster). Bariatric Advantage was recommended by my surgeon's office, and it's the only kind I take - all of them are chewables and therefore I know that I'm getting the vitamins in my system. I love the tropical flavor of the iron supplement. Their Calcium chews are also amazing! I do the caramel ones. The multivitamin chews are somewhat nasty but when I take them all at once (beside the calcium) it hides the taste and I just take a sip of water or chew some gum afterward. Problem solved.
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    I've been taking Vitron-C for a few weeks now and it's been going great! The size of the pill is big enough to swallow and I take it first thing in the morning with water and I haven't had any trouble with it. No gut aches (which I got when I took iron when I was pregnant) and no burps that taste like pennies lol (I've heard that's pretty common). I always find it interesting how there are so many different products out there but how much variation there is between people and what they like.
  • I am three years post gastric bypass and started having low iron last October. My surgeon recommended Vitron C. I have also taken liquid iron supplements called Wellesse. Apparently this is a common problem with gastric bypass and about fifteen percent of patients may have iron and other vitamin deficiencies. It is important to keep being checked so you body doesn't not start using bone and muscle mass for nutritional needs. I also use Barilife powdered vitamins since I would have to take eight giant vitamin tablets for my type of surgery. Three scoops a day in juice takes care of my needs and is easier for me to take than tablets.

    I did need iron infusions this year via IV. This made me feel better though I did not have major symptoms of anemia.

    But I have no regrets. I have lost 360 pounds and now weigh less than I have since fourth grade. I am off all diabetic and blood pressure medicine and have been declared no longer diabetic. My weight actually starts with 1! And I have had the fun of buying several new wardrobes as my weight has dropped. Now saving for excess skin surgery.