Tight Calve Muscles

eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
So I woke up really rested and excited to do Week 4 Day 2 today. I had my coffee with milk and honeydew (I usually do coffee and fruit before I run) and some water, suited up and headed out.

About half way through my first 3 minute interval my calves became extremely tight - not like muscle soreness from running longer/harder, but tight like uncomfortably crampy. I started the walking interval and paused to stretch a little, thinking it would help. About 45 secs into the 5 minute interval I had to stop because my calves were so tight. I googled it and many people said warm up/stretch more before and after.

What types of warming up/cooling down stretches do you do? Do you do a pre-run as some suggested on other sites? How do you combat this problem?


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I used to get this really, really bad. So bad that I thought for a moment I had compression syndrome in my legs. I pushed through, and stretched/iced really well after my runs. To help strengthen my calf muscles I walked 3 miles as a cross train alongside C25K. I don't stretch before hand, but I do stretch after and never skip a warm-up/cool-down walk.

    This will last for a bit until your legs get used to the idea of running. It is picking up now (the tightness and cramps) because your running is now picking up. It will take a few weeks for your calf muscles to get used to the exercise. Calf stretches, calf raises for strength and walking/biking will all help your muscles get used to the new movements.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    As I mature as a runner, this is becoming my issue.

    Here is a good warm-up: http://www.kinetic-revolution.com/dynamic-calf-warm-up-for-running/

    After running,

    1) Use your hands, foam roller, stick or ball to massage your calves.

    2) Push against a wall with leg straight and knee locked for three seconds, then bend your knee for three seconds 10 times in a row

    Repeat the 1, 2 sequence 5 times.
  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    Thanks for the tips everyone!
  • itsmewendylee
    itsmewendylee Posts: 21 Member
    I cramped up so much in the beginning I thought I would have to quit. Over the past week and a half or so I've found wearing athletic compression socks while running made a HUGE difference! I wear them for about 30 min after too to help with recovery. I'd wear them longer but at that point I have to jump in the shower and get ready for work. Here's one of the best deals I've found on
    15-20 of compression:
    http://www.scrubcouture.com/Prestige-Medical-Nurse-Compression-Socks-3-Pack-p/380c.htm?sku=380 0002&gclid=CKukyOOduLkCFQJqMgodZlIAYw&vfsku=380 0002&Click=1816&gpla=pla

    Don't get to hung up on the fact they are called "nurses' socks." They are essentially the same as a running sock only WAY cheaper. Calling them running socks ups the price to $25 a pair or more, or at least that's what I have found online.
  • asalembier
    asalembier Posts: 124 Member
    Mine are like this as well, to the point where at the end of my run my foot and leg seems to fall asleep probably due to the tightness and pinching a nerve. I was told this was due to my muscles learning how to cope with the longer runs.

    I stretch my calves out on the stairs for a few minutes after my cool down, as well as my quads, hamstrings etc
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    If your foot is falling asleep, I'd have a serious look at your shoes. You could need new ones, or you could be lacing your existing ones too tightly.