Back on induction

Hey guys! Good to see an atkins group on here. I recently started induction again -- after plateauing and loosing weight fast. Has anyone else found this helpful? Going off of atkins for a day or two to kickstart ketosis again? :smile: :smile:


  • CarnitasQ
    CarnitasQ Posts: 2 Member
    Hey zel520!

    I'm also back on induction. I lost 37 lbs on Atkins and experienced a weight loss plateau almost a year ago exactly. I actually didn't do anything about it and became comfortable maintaining despite still needing to lose 40 more lbs. Over this summer I was stress eating and not exercising and gained 14lbs (clothes getting tight) so I decided I'll start all over again. I'm on my sixth day of induction and have lost 4lbs. My new goal is to lose 61 pounds. Good luck with your re-induction. :smile: