Weekly Challenge 9/10-9/14

Sorry, I can't seem to get the weekly challenge set up on the right day! I will try to get it set up for MONDAY next week!



I am a slacker here. I KNOW I'm under my calories, so I just don't log little things...a handful of grapes here, a bite of my kid's food there, an extra scoop of ice cream over there. But those little things add up over the day!

My challenge to you all is to LOG every bite you take for the next week! Be honest with yourself! You may notice patterns you'd like to break, or triggers that you need to face. I know that, when I am logging EVERYTHING, I will think twice about mindlessly raiding the fridge, or going back for 2nds on something, just because I don't want to log it! It really makes me decide whether I'm hungry or just bored!

Good luck with this week's challenge!



  • NyxNine
    NyxNine Posts: 67 Member
    Buut I already do that.
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    Buut I already do that.

    Well, your diary is private, so I can't really see to give you a specific goal, but I am going to throw out "drink more water"! Aim for 10 glasses or more a day, all week!
  • NyxNine
    NyxNine Posts: 67 Member
    Buut I already do that.

    Well, your diary is private, so I can't really see to give you a specific goal, but I am going to throw out "drink more water"! Aim for 10 glasses or more a day, all week!

    I feel that I'd be criticized if it were open.. I pretty much live off string cheese, funyuns, and greek yogurt. *shame* Probably something I should address..
  • lilolemeakared
    lilolemeakared Posts: 10 Member
    I changed my diary to public. I know I could do better.
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    Buut I already do that.

    Well, your diary is private, so I can't really see to give you a specific goal, but I am going to throw out "drink more water"! Aim for 10 glasses or more a day, all week!

    I feel that I'd be criticized if it were open.. I pretty much live off string cheese, funyuns, and greek yogurt. *shame* Probably something I should address..

    If it works for you, keep at it! I'm a big believer in "if it fits your macros". I eat a lot of junk (mostly ice cream) but I fit it in my diet.

    I think the water would be good for you though. String cheese and funyons have a lot of sodium. The water will help flush it out, along with the extra water weight you may be holding onto!
  • michellenichole83
    michellenichole83 Posts: 119 Member
    I changed my diary to public. I know I could do better.

    Ok, I'm no expert, by any means, but I took a peek at your last week, and I think you could really benefit from more protein and a touch more calories! When you set your goal to lose 2 lbs/week, mfp automatically sets you at 1200/cals a day. 1200 is the imaginary red line that no one is supposed to dip under unless under supervision of a doctor, for fear of the dreaded "starvation mode". I'm sure there is some truth to that if you try to sustain yourself on 1200/day long term (but if you're sick, or genuinely not hungry and stay under 1200 for a day or two, I'm sure you'll be fine!).

    Are you hungry a lot? I saw a lot of carbs, both simple and complex, but carbs nonetheless. Now, there's nothing inherently WRONG with carbs. I love me some carbs! But they don't do much for satiety. Carbs get converted to something science-y (glucose?) and get burnt up as energy rather quickly, leaving you craving more carbs! When you eat protein and fat, those molecules take longer for your body to convert to energy, leaving you feeling satisfied longer! Same thing with fiber. Your body cannot really process fiber, so it hangs around in your stomach/digestive tract longer and keeps you feeling full! So, I would recommend actually EATING the apple in the morning, instead of juicing all the filling fiber right out of it!

    When you have time to read and do some calculations, check out the links in this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    Sarauk2sf and SideSteel really have their act together, and they have made it their lives' mission to educate us regular folks on how to lose weight and get healthy without living on carrots and rainwater!

    If it is of interest to anyone, I have my goals at 45% carbs, 30% protein, and 25% fat. Without exercise, that equates to 191/128/47 grams (c/p/f). If I go over my fat or protein, no big deal. If I go over my carbs (which almost never happens unless it's pizza night), no big deal either. Carbs don't make you gain weight. Fat doesn't make you gain weight. Protein certainly doesn't make you gain weight. Eating at a surplus makes you gain weight. And the opposite is true also. But fats and proteins make me feel full, and help my body perform all the necessary functions IN ORDER to lose weight, and build muscle, and be a nice person.

    Read those links, and search "In Place of a Roadmap" on the forum. Those will teach you a lot more than I ever could!
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    Log every bite....3 days in and yay! Even though I just now went back and added my snack of 1 tsp peanut butter :tongue: Hope everyone has a great week! Keep on smiling! ~bit
  • KatOls49
    I always log every little bite! No matter how little it is...