Hi I'm new here---wanna be friends?

PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
Haha, I couldn't really come up with anything snappy to introduce myself with. My name is Penny and I'm new to Paleo. I've read some things about it, done some research about what to eat and what not to eat. Talked hubby into getting on board and we just kinda jumped in. That was last Saturday. Here it is almost an entire week later and we are still doing it, no complaining, no excuses, we are just making it work.
My initial plan is to give it a 90 day trial and then see what we think. I hope at that point that I will want to remain 90% paleo and just add back in a few things that I still consider healthy that Paleo does not allow. Cheese, yogurt, are the first things that came to mind. I know some people include dairy but we are excluding it, at least for now.

Anyway, I'm posting to introduce myself and looking to find a few friends. I posted on the introductions forum and added a few friends but they're not really TALKING to me. I'd love to have just 2-3 friends that are doing this that want to chat a bit and help each other. Support, Ideas, vent about having to cook so much, whatever, lol.

Not necessarily every day, but it would be nice to have someone willing to check in on me once in a while and I'd do the same for you.


  • ShannonKirton
    ShannonKirton Posts: 304 Member
    Feel free to add me Penny. :) My diary is also open that you can see if there's anything in there that you like and might give you an idea or two.
  • kelseystew
    kelseystew Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to add me too Penny :) I am new to this too! Iam trying for 90% of the time, just started last week so this is almost my second week! I am already feeling much better, and now when I have gluten or dairy I feel gross so i know I am doing the right thing for myself which is rewarding :)
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Feel free to add me too....I'm a few weeks in and consider myself Primal as I do have some dairy. :)
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Always looking for more friends! I follow 80% primal (incl dairy) and 20% WAPF (properly prepared grains and legumes). My diary is open to friends and love to bounce ideas around and help track and stay sane! Feel free to add me :)
  • aliciap412
    aliciap412 Posts: 170 Member
    please add me too, I'd love to share ideas and support!

    I'm a few months in and entirely paleo, other than the organic sugar in my coffee.
  • RebeccainMI
    RebeccainMI Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me. I just got back into the paleo lifestyle and would love to have some paleo friends on MFP
  • ginnyntonic
    ginnyntonic Posts: 28 Member
    I am new to primal eating and just joined the group today as well. Been doing it a few weeks but I love it! I made the switch two weeks ago and so far I am steadily losing weight, never hungry, and and my skin is clearing up. Anyone here is welcome to add me as well.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Feel free to add me. (Please just let me know you're from the paleo/primal board.)

    I've gotten a little careless and need to get back on track, but I am really sold on the health benefits of this way of eating.
  • melba_321
    melba_321 Posts: 65 Member
    You (and anyone here) can add me too. I'm more Primal (I eat dairy; especially cheese and yogurt) and still learning along the way. Most of my diet is very clean (about 80-90%)...and working on making it 100% clean/Primal eating. --I'd say "Paleo", but since I eat dairy (and most likely won't give up cheese). I also on occasion, will eat nuts, seeds, legumes and rare occasion will eat grains like quinoa, millet, flax and amaranth. I definitely feel the difference with keeping my carbs very low and increasing my fats. =)
  • b3kah5
    b3kah5 Posts: 280 Member
    I am really trying to get into eating Primal. I have done it in the past without realizing it and it is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Any of you ladies please add me!
  • HaggisWhisperer
    HaggisWhisperer Posts: 125 Member
    I eat mostly primal as well, with some occasional legumes. I'd love for anyone to add me as some support would be great. Just say you are from the paleo board
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    The general forums are not a great place for "us".

    I was Primal starting August 2012 for a full year. In August I did a Whole30 and am now more in line with Paleo. I'm quite strict with my diet (best I can with living in the Arctic) and I am passionate (to a fault) about my lifestyle and the resulting health improvements. My diary is open to all, friends or not. Paleo, for me, is for life.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I went paleo June 1 thinking I would just try it for a month. My boyfriend and I both loved it so much we're sticking to it, though we have added some dairy back in (small amounts of yogurt and cheese).

    It's always nice to have new paleo/primal buddies, feel free to add me! My diary is open.
  • chris2267
    chris2267 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi. Glad to meet you :). My diary is open and I am about 85/15.
    Love the lifestyle. It make so much sense.
  • Magadelana
    Magadelana Posts: 12 Member
    I have been on and off Paleo for a couple years now. I am going back on and am going back for good! I am actually going to be cooking paleo meals for others to help keep me on track. Good luck. I hope that we can share many meals on here. Good luck!
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Hi! I'll friend you! :) Anyone else is free to friend me too, just let me know you're from here!
  • I'd really love to add you; I'm looking for the same thing in a new-to-paleo/primal friend. I've been on and off for years (mostly off) and after really sticking with it for a while I'm kicking myself because a conventional diet really makes me feel like crap by comparison!
  • Hello everyone!

    This is day #1 for me and I'd love the support of others, as well as to see your diaries for meal ideas. I have 49 lbs to lose and am going to go primal (I love cheese!). Feel free to add me and I'll be adding you!

    Good Luck and I look forward to following your journey's.
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    Kristy - I've been using this page a lot recently for ideas: http://hollywouldifshecould.net/2012/08/a-month-of-whole-30-dinner-ideas/

    I try to avoid the main forums for the most part. Too many posts where people are eating rice crackers, apples, and tofu all day and surprised when they have no energy at all. Shocking! I started back up eating Paleo the begging of the month, so I'm still new-ish here but would always love more like-minded friends. Dairy has never agreed with me in large quantities, so I gave up milk a long time ago, but do fine with grassfed butter here and there. I'm also working on balancing my carbs while still getting enough leafy greens.

    Add me! I'm frequently irreverent but overall pretty encouraging. :)
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Hello everyone!

    This is day #1 for me and I'd love the support of others, as well as to see your diaries for meal ideas. I have 49 lbs to lose and am going to go primal (I love cheese!). Feel free to add me and I'll be adding you!

    Good Luck and I look forward to following your journey's.

    Just my experience with Primal. I was Primal for a year before doing a Whole30. I didn't think I could ever give up cream and cheese. But I wanted to because I have no access to raw, unpasteurized, just commercial junk (Kraft cheese only-not really true cheese imo). It took me a year to finally commit to a month without dairy (except butter). I completed my Whole30 in August and giving up the dairy was an excellent choice. I don't think I have huge problems with it but the "love" of cream and cheese was not a healthy relationship with food. I love steak too but it's a healthy relationship. lol I do choose to have a bit of diary here and there now but not every day. I'm very careful with the cheese and have not added cream back at all.

    Sometimes when we "love" a food and think we cannot live without it, it can be a sign that that food may be a problem. It might be useful to consider, not necessarily right now but some time in the future, going a month without dairy just to see what happens. You'll probably still enjoy cheese after, but you might not "love" it enough to want to eat it all the time.
  • I'm always in for new friends with similar interests! :)