5k registration anxiety

So, I've been looking into the local 5k's lately and there are some really fun options this time of year (for my 1st ever 5k). A zombie run, some color runs, trot or treat, turkey trots, etc. I see pictures of all these people laughing and running and smiling all dressed up and having a good ol' time. It looks fun, but I have a hard time mentally placing my super slow, sweating like a pig self in a race with all these 'havin' a good time with this easy run' folks. Am I over thinking this? I mean I want to have a good time, too, but I am worried that I will finish looking like I just ran 26 miles while everyone else glides in effortlessly. Do I just need a swift kick to the pants?


  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    No kick, just a reminder that everyone has their first, and you won't be alone, even at whatever run you choose. Pick the one that you are most drawn to and just sign up. That day, you'll see that the pictures are real, but aren't everything. Other will be nervous, sweaty, and on it goes. Breathe!!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Honestly a tip, pick a race that you think you will enjoy. If you are not one for crowds then I do not recommend The Color Run or a Zombie run as your first -running- 5K. They are always super, super packed. If you dont' mind crowds, then by all means sign up for them as they are amazingly fun (I did Glow in the Park and had a blast). Also, color runs and zombie runs also tend to draw a lot of walkers to the race, so heads up on that.

    Personally, I use those runs just for fun now. They aren't serious 5Ks to me anymore. I may join them for a shift in races now and then, but for the most part I stick to regularly timed 5Ks as I like to see my progress as I get better and better.
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    Amanda - I'm in the same boat as you. Thanks for posting.
    Rduhlir - I don't mind crowds at other events but how does a large crowd affect a newbie in a 5K? I don't know if I will like crowds or not at this point.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I was worried about the crowds in my first 5k, but it turned out not to be an issue. Good thing about the crowd- There were a lot of people who finished after I did!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Don't be nervous - yeah, there will be some folks for whom the 5K is nothing, and they'll run it in 20 minutes or less. Most "normal" runners fall in the 25-30 minute range. Then you have a ton of people (slower runners, newer runners, speedwalkers, older folks) who come in afterwards, some taking over an hour. I've done lot of smaller 5Ks, and that's the variety I find. There are always people at your level, so there's no need to feel nervous about not considering it an easy run or being new or whatever. Just run for yourself, and you'll do great! Don't worry about anyone else.

    The last 5K I did was about a year ago, and for me it was a PR at 34 minutes. (I had to take a break for pregnancy, so I am starting C25K within the next month, as soon as it's cool enough here for me to run with the baby.) A lot of the fast runners who'd finished in 20 minutes or so were waiting at the last .1 stretch, cheering people on. It seemed really genuine, and I found them really encouraging! The "experts" are not there for glory. They're there for a good run, and most runners are excited to share their passion for running by encouraging others.

    Edited for typo
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    Don't worry about it! Just sign up, go and have fun. I've done a Biggest Loser 5K at a ski area (hard course), a trail run 5K (wicked hard course) and a color run (easy course, super fun time), just since finishing C25K. You can totally do it, and there are people of all shapes, sizes and fitness levels at most 5Ks. There were walkers, run/walkers, slow runners, lightening fast runners and everyone in between at all 3 I've done since July this year.