Some keto friends please



  • I could always use more ketofriends! I think I added everyone above me, but please feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    feel free to add me as well. (extended to all)
  • Same here, offer extends to everyone! Difficult journeys are always better with friends.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I'm new to keto, please feel free to add!
  • emmysusanne
    emmysusanne Posts: 34 Member
    Happy to be added by any Keto fans also, especially to keep each other motivated and peek into each other's diaries for ideas :)
  • chirosche
    chirosche Posts: 66 Member
    Please add me as well ;) Spent last year doing Paleo, but last week I started on Keto.... looking to hear stories, share in recipes and motivations!

    I was thinking once I'm on maintenance, I would do Paleo as a lifestyle. I've been doing a lot of research lately. How did you find the Paleo diet. I'm not sure I can give up my heavy cream though. I am trying to get my mother on Paleo though.
  • add me too please :)
  • Twylashea
    Twylashea Posts: 42 Member
    I'm veggie-keto, but it may give you some ideas. Please add me if you like.
  • CrystlePistol
    CrystlePistol Posts: 11 Member
    I'd also love some more keto friends, anyone is welcome to add me. I just started this way of eating again 5 days ago but I've done it with success in the past and I know it works for me. I also feel so much better since bread and sugar give me horrid heartburn as soon as I consume them, I don't even get a hint of it when I don't eat any. My diary is viewable to friends and I'd love to see other's for new food ideas!
  • Dystopianne
    Dystopianne Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love some friends as well! Please feel free to add me! =)
  • Anyone can add me. Just leave me a message or comment stating you do Keto :)
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    zachery, I normally don't comment on peoples diaries but yours is frightening. eating nothing but three courses of meat in a day at under 800 calories is really dangerous. how much weight do you need to lose? If you really need to lose a ton of weight you should go to your doctor and get onto some sort of approved plan where you will get more nutrients daily.

    your under 800 plan is really dangerous. How tall are you?

    in order for a very low calorie diet like that to make sense you need to be facing some sort of serious medical issue to make the risks worthwhile. For going for a models body you putting yourself at risk needlessly.

    I know losing slowly isn't very romantic or results super fast but it is way healthier. This looks like an eating disorder..
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    ^^^ Perhaps a public forum isn't the best or kindest approach
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    no such thing as a best or kindest approach with something like this. it was said with nothing but good will and concern, sometimes things need to be said when someone's health is at stake even if it is touchy. From where I am standing it would be unforgivable to say nothing, but indelicate to say something.

    People DIE from diets like that.
  • Golightly17
    Golightly17 Posts: 347 Member
    I don't disagree with you or think that your intentions are bad, just that a private message of concern would have sufficed.
  • Just started Keto! As a former carboholic it's gonna be a rough ride, but I am super excited. If anyone would like to add me feel free! I joined MFP some time back but never really got into it until I got the phone app. (That thing is AMAZING!)
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    I am looking for keto friends too, please add me.
  • suzybeer
    suzybeer Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, anyone is free to add me as well :-) Have been Paleo/LCHF since April and motivated to stay strong to a finish line.
  • ohkatherinewheel
    ohkatherinewheel Posts: 18 Member
    Would love some more keto friends! I only have one! :flowerforyou:
  • tracy1344
    tracy1344 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello. I started Keto on Monday and would love to have some friends please. I've been Paleo/Primal for over a year and have felt better than I have in years. Paleo/Primal is not a diet to me, it's a lifestyle. A huge reason being I can't eat gluten w/o getting sick with in 10 minutes. My weight loss has slowed down in the last few months (I lost 43 lbs, but recently gained back 7 lbs.), so I'm doing a Primal Keto type diet.

    If you add me, please put in the message that you are doing Keto.

    Thank you!