Having troubles.....

I purchased BMF in August and had high hopes/expectations.

I have my goal set to 2lbs a week weight loss which means a 1000 calorie deficit a day. I am active (workout 2-3days a week - Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or Zumba at home), mother of two small boys....and I wait tables. When I work, I log anywhere between 11,000 and as much as 14,000 steps for the day!

I often can have calorie deficits of 2500 calories in a day.....but I am not dropping the weight. My calorie burn goal is set at 2500. It is rare (like being down sick with a cold) that I do not meet that 2500 and often exceed it.

I try to stick to between 1200 and 1500 calorie consumption a day. I sync with MFP becauseof their large database, and quite honestly, I carry measuring cups and spoons with me. When I go to Starbucks drive thru...I actually ask them to use me to measure my cream for my coffee! LOL!

And yet, I just keep stalling. Losing 2 pounds then gaining 2. I set my goal to be 165 by Jan 15 and I am a bit discouraged as to not making my goal because I feel like I am doing everything right.

I will admit....I enjoy my cocktails and wine! But I have cut them down drastically and make sure that I don't blow my calories completely for the day by imbibing.

Could it be that I am not eating enough? Or is this just not working for me?

Thanks for your input!


  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I was in your EXACT position a week or so ago Like you, I am a mom of 2 small ones and VERY active as they keep me on the go. I was having huge deficits because it was easy to do while eating healthy. After realizing that my daily burn is close to 3000 calories per BM, I upped my calories to around 2100 calories and the scale has actually started to go down a little. It is very scary to do but once I started eating more, I am seeing some results. Ill add I am a regular exerciser and usually eat back my exercise calories. I hope this helps. Best of luck to you!
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    If you are working out that much and are as active as you state then 1200-1500 calories seems quite low... I would up your calories a bit (add more lean protein and veggies) to help support/boost your metabolism.

    I myself was hitting some ruts - and I think it was because I was eating the same number of calories every day. The body can adapt quite quickly. Recently I started calorie cycling... there are numerous articles and info on this, but I'm just doing my own thing. I have my daily cal goal set at 1800, but I'll have a couple days at around 1800, some around 1400, and then others around 1200. I try to follow high cal days with low cal ones. It allows for a few splurges during the week, which keeps me sane. And if I have an unplanned calorie day, I just enjoy it and know I'm going to have a low cal day the next day.

    I'm also trying to up my daily calorie burn as well (though I'm not quite as active as you)...
    Overall it seems to be working as I'm no longer gaining/losing the same 2 lbs and the scale is inching in the right direction. :wink:
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I would agree - I think you might not be eating enough. Try really maxing out with healthy meats, veg, fruits and great fats (like avocados) for a couple days and then cycle down but don't go as low as 1200 - I eat more at around 1800 which seems really high but its not actually.
  • candyaz1
    Thanks for all the input! I think I need to up the calories a bit. For instance today I am on track to burn about 2900 calories (400 above my goal set by BMF) and I did work out, but am not working tonight.

    But honestly, I am not hungry! I tend to have a good breakfast and then graze throughout the day. Maybe I just need to graze a little more significantly! LOL!

    It seems odd to me that I can essentially eat back my calories but maybe I will try the calorie cycling! Thanks for the tip!
  • candyaz1
    I figured I would run a report from BMF for the past 28 days....

    Here is my report!
    Calories Burned: Target 2500 Daily Average 2795
    Calories Consumed: Target 1500 Daily Average 1514
    Calorie Balance: Target 1000 Calorie Deficit Daily Average 1281
    Physical Activity: Target 45 minutes Daily Average 51 minutes - Moderate 47 minutes actual Vigorous 4 minutes actual
    Number of steps: Target 8000 Daily Average 7445
    Sleep Duration: Target 8 hours Daily Average 6:15 (78% Sleep Efficiency)

    Now I know that muscle mass is good. I have done Jiliian's 30 Day Shred off and on for the month (the past 6 days have been level 1 in a row) which incorporates light weights and cardio. My shape is definitely changing! But the SCALE! THE SCALE doesn't lie!

    I read somewhere else that the scale can be a BIOTCH! They were right! I know it isn't the only way to measure getting fit and healthy, but I sure do want this scale to start budging!

    Wish me luck and any advice is wanted!
