Daily Check-In

So yesterday 9/17 I did Speed 1.0 after work. I enjoyed it. My eating was ok. I probably over did it beacuse my mom made stuffed peppers but used white rice. But I'm not beating myself up about it because today is a new day! So I woke up this morning and did the Total Body Circuit and I didnt nail it :(....Next week I WILL nail it! I am loving T25 so far. Have a great day everyone. :)


  • TiMoPhat
    TiMoPhat Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Everyone!!! I did Total Body Circuit today! By far this is my favorite of all the workouts so far. Again I did a cross between the exercises and the modifier due to my little ankle injury. I look forward to hearing everyone else's progress in the coming weeks!! Good Luck All!
  • sandeerah
    I did my second Total Body Circuit this morning. Still modifying, especially with the push ups.
    As for the cardio, I find I have to modify cos I am too uncoordinated!!! :laugh:
    Keep it up everyone.
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Woo Hoo! Everyone seems to be off to a great start. Today I did total body circuit and it was tough! I definitely need to build up my upper body strength for the plank and pushup exercises! I used the modifier a lot here. The 25 minutes seem to just fly by.
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    i had to have a rest day today after doing the circuit circuit, way harder than the speed one! i got a massage i was sooo sore, but i do try and not modify as much as posible... im very impatient and want to see the results already!!
  • TiMoPhat
    TiMoPhat Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Every one!!! Today 9/19, I did the Ab interval. This was pretty tough for me but my planks are getting a lot better. The V shape crunches presented some challenges for me but I worked through. I did less of the modified versions and actually stopped the video at places to ensure that my technique was correct. Certain places of the video was where I was feeling it in my legs more than my abs hence me stopping to ensure that I was doing the exercise correctly. Next Up tomorrow for me is Cardio and Lower Focus. Can someone let me know if they are also following this same schedule or am I behind. My official start was wednesday 9/17 with total body circuit. I am going to make up those other workouts this weekend instead of resting. Thanks All!!! Keep up the great work.
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    hey all, i am literally just about to step into my workout .. i think abs today are in order... however.... i am feeling VERY low on morale.. i havent jumped on the scales in a while only to and ive put on even more weight.. this year has been the year of weight gain and its gotta stop... so im 11 kg up from last christmas and 7 kg up from this time last year.... im feeling desperate and i am 100% sure its the calories... i dont eat badly most of the time , but i seem to have a very bad reaction to sugars in any forms.. even fruit and general carbs... initially when i lost alot of weight i excersiced aND ate so healthy ... i had no refined carbs, wheat, dairy or sugar in almost any form, and allowed myself two pieces of sugar free chocolate a week. This year even though the calorie intake hasnt been totally ott it has been anything goes really ( no fast food or wheat or much dairy) so here i go again back on the mission .... could really do with a morale boost!
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Well last night my internet was acting up so I need to do a little bit of catching up now. Yesterday I did ab intervals and thought it was the hardest workout yet. I'm apple shaped so really have to work on my abs/mid section.

    Ember - Welcome! Are you following the nutrition plan that came with the DVDs? I'm using it for general guidelines and just trying to eat as clean as I possibly can with my crazy work and school schedule. Planning my meals out in advance is key for me. It seems like you know what foods work best for you so I would suggest planning out your meals as much as possible and doing your best to stick to your plan, one meal at a time. And don't beat yourself up too much! You can do this! We're here for you.
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    Well last night my internet was acting up so I need to do a little bit of catching up now. Yesterday I did ab intervals and thought it was the hardest workout yet. I'm apple shaped so really have to work on my abs/mid section.

    Ember - Welcome! Are you following the nutrition plan that came with the DVDs? I'm using it for general guidelines and just trying to eat as clean as I possibly can with my crazy work and school schedule. Planning my meals out in advance is key for me. It seems like you know what foods work best for you so I would suggest planning out your meals as much as possible and doing your best to stick to your plan, one meal at a time. And don't beat yourself up too much! You can do this! We're here for you.
    thankyou - yes vaguely ! i cant do shakeology , and neither can i have wheat , gluten or dairy so i am always modifying things. My gorgeous mum is helping me to make a weeks worth of meals tomorrow, so its back to high protein, low carbs for me .... and begin yoga teacher training next week , so i think ill get back o track in no time. thanx for the support
  • Natural_K
    So yesterday (9/19), I missed my workout :(... just didn't plan for my schedule to be interrupted. So my plan is to do ab intervals tonight and do my double day on tomorrow since it's supposed to be rainy weekend, I will be stuck inside anyway! My eating is going good. Crossing my fingers on this weekend because I know that's when I can lose control. Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the "rest days"!!
  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    I missed Friday's workouts so now I'm a little off track. I did the lower focus today (hope I can walk the rest of the day!) and tomorrow I will do the cardio workout and then I will be back on track for Monday.
  • bellefille
    bellefille Posts: 50 Member
    So I just started the week one today. I just finished the Cardio workout!

    Wow - I am worse shape than I thought. I stuck with Tanya throughout since I have recurring knee and ankle issues but even then I could not keep up with the switch lunges at all!
  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    So we are at the beginning of week two. Did an early morning workout of the total body workout. I feel like I am working hard throughout the workout, to the point I had to take a few seconds of break, but the calories burned via my HRM is not refelcting how hard I feel like I am working out. I actually burned less calories today then I did my first time doing the workout. Same goes for Cardio, I burned less calories this Monday than I did last Monday. I feel like I am putting in the same effort, but not even making it 200 calories burned a workout is really restricting my food intake. Anyone else having the same problem with T25. Next monday is my weigh in date (I only weigh myself once a month), and I am scared if I have loss weight, I will have to adjust my HRM and that equals even less calories burned. I guess that's a good problem to have, but these low burns are killing me. I almost feel like I should be doing something else too, maybe some strength training? I don't know. :yawn:
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm a few days behind all of you as I started on Mon. Sept 22. This will be my 3rd attempt at the program and I intend to finish it this time. I don't know why its been so hard to stick to because the workouts are so short.
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    So we are at the beginning of week two. Did an early morning workout of the total body workout. I feel like I am working hard throughout the workout, to the point I had to take a few seconds of break, but the calories burned via my HRM is not refelcting how hard I feel like I am working out. I actually burned less calories today then I did my first time doing the workout. Same goes for Cardio, I burned less calories this Monday than I did last Monday. I feel like I am putting in the same effort, but not even making it 200 calories burned a workout is really restricting my food intake. Anyone else having the same problem with T25. Next monday is my weigh in date (I only weigh myself once a month), and I am scared if I have loss weight, I will have to adjust my HRM and that equals even less calories burned. I guess that's a good problem to have, but these low burns are killing me. I almost feel like I should be doing something else too, maybe some strength training? I don't know. :yawn:

    Yeah same here. I'm 5'8 around 220 and only burn a little over 300 and that's with the additional stretching at the end.
  • bellefille
    bellefille Posts: 50 Member
    So I thought the speed 1.0 yesterday was hard, I was not prepared for the Total Body circuit today. Wow... for the first time in a long time I actually felt nauseous during a workout and had to take a break. I am hoping this gets easier in week two.
  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    So we are at the beginning of week two. Did an early morning workout of the total body workout. I feel like I am working hard throughout the workout, to the point I had to take a few seconds of break, but the calories burned via my HRM is not refelcting how hard I feel like I am working out. I actually burned less calories today then I did my first time doing the workout. Same goes for Cardio, I burned less calories this Monday than I did last Monday. I feel like I am putting in the same effort, but not even making it 200 calories burned a workout is really restricting my food intake. Anyone else having the same problem with T25. Next monday is my weigh in date (I only weigh myself once a month), and I am scared if I have loss weight, I will have to adjust my HRM and that equals even less calories burned. I guess that's a good problem to have, but these low burns are killing me. I almost feel like I should be doing something else too, maybe some strength training? I don't know. :yawn:

    Yeah same here. I'm 5'8 around 220 and only burn a little over 300 and that's with the additional stretching at the end.

    I'm glad that I am not the only one. So I think I figured out what's going on although I don't know how the HRM would pick up on this. I am so obessed with how many calories I burn, I keep my watch on the calorie section. Today I switched it over to my heart rate and I was between 160-178 throughout the total cardio workout. I was amazed, because I remember in my Insanity days anything above 160 and I was miserable, no way could I workout for a solid 25 minutes at such a high heart rate before I did insanity. I swear it feels like my heart rate is at 145-160 during the T 25 workouts, never did I imagine I was peaking at 178. I guess my body has gotten use to working out at a higher level, meaning I need to put more effort into my workouts and get my heart rate up a few points.
  • Zakiya05
    Zakiya05 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm a few days behind all of you as I started on Mon. Sept 22. This will be my 3rd attempt at the program and I intend to finish it this time. I don't know why its been so hard to stick to because the workouts are so short.

    I understand! They are short, but they are tough! I know you will find the support and motivation you need to finsih the prgoram.
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    I just completed Ab Intervals and Omg, it was no joke.
  • bellefille
    bellefille Posts: 50 Member
    I just completed Ab Intervals and Omg, it was no joke.

    I agree! I thought it would be the easiest since it did not have as much leg work as the others, but this is the first time I have ever sweated while doing floor workouts!

    edit: BTW it seems you and I are on the same schedule as I started on Sept 22 as well.
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    One half of todays workout complete (Alpha Cardio) Will complete the other half a little later.