Hypothyroidism and Lithium/Bipolar?

ninaereed Posts: 3 Member
Anyone else here hypothyroid because of lithium? I have been treated for hypothyroidism for two years now after starting lithium, but I am only now realizing that it might need to be treated differently than normal. For example, even my doctor was confused as to why my TSH was so high relative to my T3 and T4, but then I came across some sources that suggest that TSH might not be a reliable marker with lithium induced hypo. Does anyone have any more information or experience with this?

I have also been reading lately about using thyroid hormones to treat bipolar, either by pushing levels to the top of the normal range, or by deliberately going hyperthyroid. I would love to have more information about this or personal experience with thyroid and bipolar.


  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't have a lot of personal experience with this, but my mom is both hypothyroid and bipolar. I am not sure what medication she was on when I was in high school, but she slept for 20 hours a day, and it was awful. I know she was on lithium at some point, but I don't know if that is what was making her sleep so much. To a certain extent, the sleeping meant she couldn't get into trouble, but at the same time, she wasn't really living either. It was horrible to watch.

    She eventually stopped taking her bipolar medication, and she is more lively now. I have no idea what she's taking these days, but she did tell me that she's not on the proper dosage of Synthroid. Her doctor intentionally prescribes her a slightly lower dosage because she's a smoker, she's in her 60's and she has high blood pressure. Too much thyroid hormones cause heart problems, and since she's already at risk for that, they want to keep her just barely below the normal range. If it gives you any idea, she's on 50mcg, and I'm on 75. My blood pressure has always been healthy, I don't smoke, and I'm a lot younger, so some of that has to do with other aspects of your life, not just the bipolar.

    Regardless of what happens with your medication, I hope that you are able to find some health, happiness and stability.
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    This is actually really interesting and hopefully some others may have some info. I have hypothyroidism and am Bipolar.I am taking synthroid and at one point was on Lithium . I can't say I found anything other than want I feel on the meds I take for my Bipolar now which are Lamotrigine , tegretol and epival. I know for me my TSH is usally normal and the only way we found anything out was by checking the T3and T4.
    I do agree with what you said . I know the thyroid causes you to be extremely tired,but put that together with Bipolar meds and you have someone like me who sleeps til 1:30 pm each day . Its a horrible life for your children to watch you go through .
    In saying this my 20 year old is Bipolar and just on Epival and since going on that drug his thyroid has started to go back and worth ,not medicated yet.....I don't know what those meds do to thyroid levels . Interesting question ....
  • zackery2011
    I was told by my psychiatrist that Lithium can cause hypothyroidism. Or if you already have it it can mess with synthroid and your levels. So you have to be watched VERY closely. I had hypothyroidism i guess from genetics? No clue where. But when I was misdiagnosed with bipolar type 2 my doctor put me on lithium. I HATED IT. It caused me to feel angry ALL the time and have very little patience with people.
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    This is very interesting,thank you for starting this thread.
  • annjoelleen
    I don't have answers to this, just a few side comments. I'm hypothyroid and a therapist who works with a lot of people (teenagers, not adults though) who are diagnosed bipolar. Here are just a couple observations:
    -Be careful experimenting - you probably know this - but some of the things to treat hypothyroidism can send you into a mania and may even be followed by an unusually low period. This can include seemingly innocent things like amino acids.
    - Don't trust your docs! It would be such a miracle to find a doctor who really understands both of these things and has a clue how they interact. The mental health field does not know anywhere close to enough about bipolar disorder. Most professionals agree that is has been overly diagnosed for a while now. A lot of psychiatrist will not work with the thyroid and a lot of regular docs won't work with the bipolar, which is a huge shame because we know that they effect each other sooo much! You can't seperate the two.
    - Read The Mood Cure. I would be very careful with it, but she has a lot of really good stuff in there. I don't know of any proof that it's true other than one person who was really helped by following her advice, but I also don't know of any reason it couldn't be true.
    Just my thoughts.