
CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
You're losing too much weight
You're losing weight too fast
You look sick
You bones are sticking out (lolwut)
You're throwing it in my face all the time
You're eating too much meat/chicken
Protein powder is dangerous
You spend too much time in the gym (one hours four times a week homegym master)

Jesus ****, I want to smack my wife.

Know why I lose weight consistently and you don't, dear? Because I'm working my ****ing *kitten* off - literally and figuratively - two hours a day between cardio and lifting as well as watching what I eat. If you'd put down just ONE of the Klondike bars a day you'd drop a half-pound a week.



  • Carrionlust
    >getting married
    enjoy your ball and chain, OP

  • dvaldez2021
    Dude, I might not get this from my wife but I get this from everyone else. My girlfriend, her parents, and some of my friends criticize the **** out of me for weighing my food, and counting calories on MFP when I go out eating or have dinner with them, especially if I refuse to have a beer or something with them.
    "You're not even fat, why the hell are you counting calories?"
    "Just eat whatever, your body will break it down"
    "You're being unhealthy by eating so little".

    It's bull****. **** that.,
  • SmokeAndFire

    Jesus ****, I want to smack my wife.

    I remember when I started hitting my woman.

    Anywho, on my end it's gotten much better. Now that people can see this isn't a "phase," they stop busting balls. I went from not caring to being a health nut, so I can understand that they thought it would only last a week.

    Anyone else see this happen? That people become more supportive once they see you are resolved to being fit?
  • datleprechaun
    I'm lucky that my boyfriend is really health conscious too so we support each other a lot when it comes to health and fitness. My college friends are pretty obsessed with fitness so they're also very supportive and motivating.
    I've had a few people who say stuff like all you guys are saying too but I just learned to ignore them and lie to them about what I eat so they stop, so I'm pretty lucky to have the majority of people that I know be really supportive of me.