Introduce yourself



  • Emoliza
    Emoliza Posts: 1
    Hi, My name is Elizabeth, and I've had RA for 15 years. I'm doing reasonably well on my current cocktail of meds, in that I'm able to do most of the things I really care about. I'm currently spiralling up from a "bad knee year" in 2012 and now that I'm doing better and am more mobile, need to focus on losing the 10 lbs I gained, as well as the 20 lbs or so I wanted to lose before that! I believe that mind and body are extremely connected, at least when it comes to this disease; accordingly, one of my goals is to treat myself as if my health comes be kind to my body. I think like a lot of busy women, I have a tendency to put myself last when I'm not mindful. Or, alternatively, I'll start to feel like a victim and go down the self-pity path, which is forgivable but not helpful. Joining myfitnesspal is part of a larger personal mission of mine, to be kind to my body, and take care of myself first, with the hopes that that will make it easier for me to care for the other things and people in my life -- and that's the way I want to live with this condition. I would be very interested in how you all maintain not just your physical fitness when it comes to the RA., but your mental and emotional fitness as well, since they seem to reinforce each other. In the long-term, you need to muster all your strengths to live with this condition.
  • angel4evergvng
    angel4evergvng Posts: 46 Member

    My name is Mandy- I am 41- a single mother of 2 teens.

    4 years ago i started having problems and was misdiagnosed for about 3 years. I finally found a good Dr about a year ago- one that actually listens to his patients and wants to figure things out and help.

    Even tho i no longer test positive for RA factor i am diagnosed with seronegative inflammatory arthritis. The fun doesn't stop there tho- I also have degenerative arthritis in my spine, 2 bulging discs, a herniated disc and a cyst on another disc and problems with my tail bone and last vertebrae being deformed. Oh- and as the Dr put it 'for some reason my nerve is getting bigger'.

    i am now on methotrexate, prednisone, folic acid, alondronate sodium, vitamin d, and prozac. I tried steroid shots for my back but they only relieved the pain for 2 days. I work full time (50 -60 hrs a week) and i am on my sons boy scout troop committee.

    i know i push myself too hard and too far to be all and do all for my kids but its who i am.
  • Larran58
    Larran58 Posts: 2
    Hi all, my name is Larran. I have be living with RA for over 25 yrs. I have slowly allowed the pain and fatigue to get the better or me. So now I am doing something about it. I am presently taking Arava and Celebrex. I have recently started juicing and I feel so much better. I recommend it to everyone.
  • Hello. I am almost 47 years old. My primary doctor has said I have RA. But I've never been to a Rheumatologist because we do not have insurance. So obviously I'm not on meds. But only because we don't have the money to buy them. I do like this group because it's nice to communicate with others who are having the same problems. Exercise seems to be a very important part of having RA. I find if I decide to relax one day, I'm miserable from lack of movement. For those who have talked about swimming, you might want tto check your YMCA. Ours had a deep water aerobics class that is wonderful for arthritis sufferers. I need to get back to taking this class. What other kinds of exercises does everyone do? I find I have a lot of trouble with my knees so things like jogging are not an option right now. Bike riding maybe. I've also been trying to do things like wall push ups, sit ups, squats, ect. On the days Im able to do them, I feel great! Sleeping is also a problem. Usually I can get about four hours of comfortable rest. I can't fi I can't find a comfortable position.
  • Hello everyone,

    My name is April, I'm 27, I was diagnosed with RA at the beginning of this year. I am taking Hydroxychloroquine and a NSAID, I have to go back in 3 months to see if the NSAID is helping, if not I will have to start taking methotrexate. I started on this website last year and than stopped and now I'm back to square one. Would really like to be under 200 pounds, but it is so very hard. I stopped coming on website because I was depressed that every time I exercised it hurt so bad. But now I feel That I need to keep trying, my doctor has recommended water aerobics to help and I am going to try that, once the YMCA is built in my area. Until then I am going to try walking again. I would really like a buddy that is the same boat as I am and we can encourage each other. The main benefit for me losing weight beside the health benefits would be for my kids, they are 4 & 2, and sometimes I cannot do the things they want me to and that upsets me. Thanks for everyone that reads my introduction and wish everyone well.
  • wendydoig
    wendydoig Posts: 2
    Hi, my name is Wendy. In the early 80s, when more docs then not thought it was in their patients heads, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Leading into Jan 2012, I was really feeling quite good. I had just lost 40 lbs, was exercising 3 to 4 times per week but was having increased pain in my back. New pain in my feet and swelling and I noticed through my weight loss pics that one of my legs was twisting. I already was struggling with chronic sinusitis and bronchitis. I have taken a lot of prednisone to keep my asthma under control. As a result I was about 80 lbs overweight but had lost half. My endocrinologist said should we get that swelling checked? The right answer is NO. I said yes. Four DMARDS, Humira and now Embril later, I am now 100lbs overweight, lost half my hair, feel too lousy to exercise and when I do, I get a bronchitis flare. I've burnt out of Weight Watchers and half to three quarters of the time I didn't have the energy to go to the meeting so I stopped altogether. endocrinologists dietitian recommended this site and so far (two weeks) I am enjoying the site and especially the calorie counter. I look forward to meeting others in the group. (Oh, I'm 51)
  • Hi im Kim. I have been diagnosed with Moderate R.A. along with my other two auto immune illnesses of Sarcoidosis and Vasculitis. I am desperate to lose weight. My pain has prevented me from working out but i have to push past it. My body cant carry this weight anymore im killing myself slowly. Time to kick it in gear
  • Hi , I'm Jas and I was diagnosed with RA about 4 years ago ,but probably have had it much longer. I have taken Enbrel for about 2 years before I had to stop because I was diagnosed w IDC and DCIS( stage 1, breast cancer). I have recovered from the mastectomy and chemo and am now taking Plaquenil and methotrexate along with Folic acid and since my cancer was estrogen based I also take Femara. I have always led active lifestyle ,but since retiring early and having such joint stiffness and pain as well as no energy I have put on the lbs. The flares are debilitating when they occur but luckily only last a day or so. I have moderate to severe RA and have some distinct changes occurring to my dominant hand .
    I also have ankle and knee problems,that will eventually require replacement. But I am determined not to go down without a fight.
    So any help or support would be very much appreciated. Thanks !
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    Hello friends...I have to take lots of meds and that why I gained in first place 5 years ago...but more is creeping on and now Im not having a period...anyways I am just now accepting the fact that Im not the one who ate all she wanted and was on the to thin side...Im afraid I cant lose weight...but am just now dieting....only way for me is no sugar at all...and no bread...I need all the advice please!!!!
  • jamie88moore
    jamie88moore Posts: 54 Member
    I also have to take pain meds for my hip arthritis
  • nickybad
    nickybad Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I am Nicky. Just over a year since my diagnosis. I have a lot of weight to lose to help me with my RA battle.:flowerforyou: looking for inspiration and understanding.
  • captdeb856
    captdeb856 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Deb. I was diagnosed with RA 15 years ago. I have taken just about all of the NSAID's (developed an ulcer)' methotrexate ( can't take it) and just about all of the DMARDS. I am currently on Actemra and for the last two years it has been working (fingers crossed). I also have fibromyalgia and osteoporosis. I take OxyContin and Soma daily for pain maintenance . Over the period of the last 10 years I have put on an extra 30 pounds. I contribute this to lack of activity, medications and I'm just getting older- I'm 57.
  • soywoman
    soywoman Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, Just recently diagnosed with RA ...48 years old...between that and menopause I am now 35 pounds overweight...Never had to worry about my weight before. Lots of changes happening and trying to wrap my mind around it all. Feel better when I workout, but don't always have the energy to. Doctor says I will have to take meds for the rest of my life. Not happy about that! Have colitis also, which I take meds for. Grrr... I am going to get through this hoping to find inspiration and tips to get through! Thanks!
  • Hello

    Diagnosed with RA about 6 months ago... having trouble getting to a relatively pain free existence... on methotrexate injections, lodine, folic acid and right now some prednisone to control a flare... i have A LOT of weight to lose... like 100 pounds.... a pound a week would be welcome.... Finding it hard to exercise right now, but am going to do some walking now that the weather is better.:glasses:
  • Im Sonya, 43, was dx with RA, OA, Fibro about 4 years ago. Im sure there is more to add to the list. Im on prozac, plaquenil, amitrypiline, ibuprofen and I dont know that any of it really works. Im in pain alot of time. Im overweight, sick and tired. I try and watch what I eat, try and exercise, but its hard.
  • Rnra1954
    Rnra1954 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I am a 59 year old woman with RA and I need to lose some weight. I was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Currently take Humira injections and Plaquinil. Recently retire from my job as a RN after 34 years. Currently having a flare. I usually eat healthy. Have joined a gym and exercise 5-7 times per week. Post menopausal. Having a very difficult time losing weight. Any suggestion?
  • chantwizzle83
    chantwizzle83 Posts: 82 Member
    I just turned 30 in October. I was diagnosed with RA in March of this year. And recently found out I have some osteoarthritis in my feet. I was really upset and frustrated by the news. Last summer i was running, riding horses and generally in good health. I got shingles in November, and had basically been having a flare up from then until I was diagnosed. I was scared. My doctor thought I might have MS. Then lupus was suggested. I guess part of me was relieved it was RA. I have one of the best doctors in Canada. She basically taught all the other Rheumatologists in Canada. She but me on methotrexate, vimovo,plaquenil and folic acid. I've found the methotrexate really upsets my stomach, so I'm probably going to get switched to injections. I see a physiotherapist, and she says I'm allowed to ride a bicycle. So right now, I'm making that my main exercise. Along with some light strength training. Thats my story so far. Anyone can feel free to friend me. I log daily :)
  • squirrelmom102
    squirrelmom102 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I have been trying to lose weight for so long now, and I like the the way this team understands that we need to take our meds, but still need support without judgement. I try to stay positive and I can lose weight on prednisone but sometimes it seems impossible. I have just started going to the gym I hope that will help. I can't walk for very long, but I to try some non impact aerobics like the elliptical. I also take methotrexate, and Remicade infusions every 5 weeks.
  • Gingeylove
    Gingeylove Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm Jamie. I'm almost 38. I weigh 190 lbs.
    I have RA, SLE Sjogren's, Hashimoto's and Chronic Fatigue.
    My meds are....Drum roll....
    Prednisone, Plaquinel, Folic Acid, Methotrexate, Rituxan Infusions, Cytomel, Levothyroxine, Fentanyl patch, Dilaudid, and Wellbutrin.
    I have climbed the weight ladder up and down up and down since about 2010. Before that, I was always around 160.
    Today, My PCP prescribed me Phentermine. I was SHOCKED!! He thinks with my fatigue and spending 80% of my life in bed, that the pick me up might help me lose some weight and give me some energy. My knees are BAD with the RA. I have terrible morning stiffness and all day aches and pains.
    I could really use some support in my journey. I'd appreciate anyone who is up for it!
  • pgphd1
    pgphd1 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm Pam. I've had R A and sjogrens for 16 years and this past year has been the worst. A couple of my joints were damaged and it is difficult to do most things. I have just started walking briskly on the treadmill. I have gained 20 pounds this past winter. I have a total of 30 pounds to loose. The side effects of the disease and pain medications leave me drained and it's hard to keep moving. I'm looking for motivation with people who share the same challenges as I do.