Week check!

We're about halfway into our 2nd week, how is everyone doing? Anything that you would like to improve on or what are you learning?

I'm learning that planning ahead is crucial to my success.


  • HeatherZousel
    HeatherZousel Posts: 62 Member
    Been a tough week for me. I had part of my large intestine removed in April and I have been having pain and issues in that arena this week.I made the mistake of weighing myself midweek and I am back up to where I started (145). The only thing I can attribute it to (other than my intestinal issues) is my weekend cheat day. Went to breakfast Sunday with the hubby and I had pizza while I watched football. I know that it was no where near 3lbs worth of calories, but still...
  • I'm excited that I lost 2lbs in my first weigh in! Lol so I'm doing just fine. :)

    I miss all my junk food but I'm amazed at how much more you can eat when you eat healthy!! Before last week I had fast food pretty much every day. I would skip breakfast, eat a snack when I was hungry, and then have one big meal at the end of the day. No wonder I gained weight... AND I was hungry all day too! Since I started this "lifestyle change" and I've been eating veggies and fruits, I get to eat 6 times a day and still stay under my calorie goal. I even get to fit in sweets more often than I should lol. It's amazing!

    I wish I could get in some more exercise... I have a hard time getting out of the house to exercise because of a health problem... and I don't have a lot of room to do it inside (at least at the moment). There's an elliptical in my sister's room but after two minutes of that I'm beat. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I could fix this?
  • I am still struggling with eating as much as I need to. I have been convinced by the science on these forums and have read many diaries of people who are smaller than me, eating more than me and losing weight. I was in a "1200 a day" mindset for so long that many days I have to force myself to eat more. It seems like every other day I still find myself going to scooby's workshop and calculating my TDEE -20% and still don't believe it. (I have only eaten that much 3 days out of the 30 I have been here) I will just keep trying and hope that eating more will produce consistent results that will get that part of my brain to shut the hell up!

    @dinobunni: Do you have any DVDs? Those can be fun and keep you moving - even something simple like one focused on dancing. Or maybe the elliptical was set to really high resistance or incline? Sometimes people go at it to strong at first when you need to build endurance, then speed will come later. Good luck!
  • halloweenie09
    halloweenie09 Posts: 25 Member
    The first week has been going great so far. Right now I am focusing on my first 5K this Saturday morning. Wish me luck!

    @jessicaerin13 - I too have realized how important it is to pre plan. Last night I cooked and cut up a whole bunch of fresh vegetables, fruit and lean protein. Next I am going to buy a ton of tupperware. My goal is to cook on the 2 days a week that I don't go to the gym after work and portion out enough meals for breakfast and lunch for at least the next 3 days, that way I can just grab and go. Breakfast is pretty easy for me since I usually do a protein shake or fruit with a whole wheat english muffin w/ PB.

    @HeatherZousel - Sorry to hear about your intestinal issues. I don't really have any advice for you but I hope everything gets better soon.

    @dinobunni - I too have problems getting the energy to exercise but I have found that getting into the routine of exercising gives you more energy. If there is a day that I don't want to workout but I know that I need to in order to meet my 5x a week goal, I tell myself that I'll just go for 30 minutes. I always end up staying for about an hour. Doing the elliptical for 2 minutes is a great start. Each day try to add a minute. You will see your endurance improve. Just keep at it.

    @SlotB - I know right. I went from 1200 a day to 1600 after figuring out my TDEE. It's been hard but at the same time, easier. I don't feel as restricted and I noticed that my workout sessions have improved. I feel so much more powerful and I am able to leave the gym happily exhausted and not on my hands and knees. Something that has worked for me is incorporating more healthy fats; avocado, peanut butter, nuts so that you are consuming more calories but the volume of food that you are taking in isn't too overwhelming.
    PJSHIREY Posts: 5 Member
    I'm down 3.5 pounds for the first week! :love:

    @dinobunni - I prefer outdoor exercise, but a friend of mine LOVES the Leslie Sansone walking workouts. They are indoor (you walk in place) and inexpensive - Amazon.com sells the DVDs for under $10!
  • Cowgal23
    Cowgal23 Posts: 106 Member
    I was really excited about my first week losing 5.2 lbs however this week I'm really struggling. I have been sick the last few days and had a cheat day on Sunday so I haven't really exercised at all this week and I haven't been eating enough calories per day either. I'm hoping the rest of the week will get better and I actually get in my exercise and start eating a little bit more, but I'm still not feeling 100% yet.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    For me it is eating about 1400 calories, making good choices on food and making sure I get my 10,000 steps in . I figured out a while back that my TDEE is about 1800 calories (I was hoping I was one of those over 2000 calorie people, but....). If I over my TDEE I gain weight, and if I eat my ca lories but make poor choices, I do not lose weight. As long as I eat my 1490 calories and make it good choices including plenty of fruits and veggies, I will lose weight.

    What it boils down to is, I know what I have to do to lose weight. Since this is a lifelong change of lifestyle for me, I will occasionally relax. For the next 12 weeks (with the exception of Thanksgiving Day) I will be a good girl. BTW I lost 4.2 pounds the first week (I had been in a relaxed mode for about a month (and had put on 10 pounds--ugh)
  • nd1129
    nd1129 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been so focused! I am exercising at least 5 times instead of 4 to hopefully get a good weight loss this week. I am keeping under my calories :)
  • brittanykira
    brittanykira Posts: 220 Member
    Had a 3.2 lb loss Saturday, ate Chinese food for supper, and all the weight back on Sunday! Like what?? I was so disheartened. And as of this morning, I still had 1.5 of that still on! No idea what happened .. may be retaining water? Needless to say, it has been a rocky week for me so just hoping I at least stay the same this weekend and not up!
  • Thanks for the suggestions guys! I'll keep at the elliptical (I'm also looking into getting a stationary bike) and I own the game Just Dance. I have to play that lol. I'll check out the walking workout dvds too!
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    @Brittany Chinese has a lot of sodium. Amazingly enough, the answer to high sodium is drink a lot of water. I mean a lot. I often drink between 150-160 ounces a day :drinker:
  • brittanykira
    brittanykira Posts: 220 Member
    @whitecapwendy - thanks for the tip! I am not much of a water fan, but am trying my best! Right now I am aiming for 4 cups a day bc I need to work small and work my way up, and I don't want to add anything to it. I just want to force myself to get used to plain ole water!
  • pammyd137
    pammyd137 Posts: 41 Member
    My week has been "eh"... I am in the process of moving and right now my kitchen is completely unusable. My sink is filled with baskets, the stove is covered in books. I have been eating fast food a lot, but am getting healthier options. A grilled chicken sandwich. Salad. Kids meal with apple slices.

    Bonus upside... maybe all of the moving and lifting with counteract the eating choices and show me a pleasant number on the scale. In my world, a pleasant number is anything but UP!
  • I just joined this group today but started my diet on 9/10/13. Since then i'm down 4.4lbs.
    I'm really glad that I found this group. I think it will be the right motivation to keep me going.
    This week has gone great so far. Some of my food choices could be better but I have managed
    to stay under my calories.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    @Brittany I hear you. If I had my way, I would just drink my Diet Pepsi all day long. but a couple years ago I read that to be properly hydrated we should be drinking half our body weight in water, and if we drink caffeine, we have to add those ounces of water on top of that. I added up the numbers and about choked. So now, I just do it. I try to do the britta filter thing for most of it (I don't care for the taste of our city water here, and worry about what all the chemicals do to my body. I just drink it down 16 ounces at a time and after over a year of doing that, I find that I actually get thirsty for water if I don't get enough. A good indicator of your hydration is the color of your urine. It should be very pale yellow.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm doing pretty good... I'm cutting out lots of sugar from my diet... I have cut it out of my coffee which was hard.. coffee with just cream is strange but I'm liking it... I am eating carbs but not many after 5ish.. I am a carb lover... so this was hard.. Over all I'm feeling great...
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Doing good this week, trying to exercise but husband is out of town and so I can't go to the gym. I'm hoping to see the scale go down soon, but haven't *ahem* gone to the bathroom in a few days so I'm up a smidge. Down 3.8 lbs so far though so feeling good.
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I don't know where this week has gone. My son came down with a cold on Sunday night/Monday so our week was slow getting started. I am fighting the cold now so I feel a bit run down but if I push myself to exercise I feel great afterwards. I weighed myself this morning and was down a little bit more so that was certainly encouraging.

    Oh a plus to this week I have managed to get the hubby on a more high fibre diet. That is a good thing because he doesn't eat very well. Now to just get him to exercise.
  • Had a 3.2 lb loss Saturday, ate Chinese food for supper, and all the weight back on Sunday! Like what?? I was so disheartened. And as of this morning, I still had 1.5 of that still on! No idea what happened .. may be retaining water? Needless to say, it has been a rocky week for me so just hoping I at least stay the same this weekend and not up!

    Chinese food has so much sodium in it....I recommend don't ever weighing yourself after eating chinese food...or any high sodium food for that matter. Let it go, you are human, just get back on track and focus on today only...don't worry about tomorrow or even saturday's weigh in.
  • I was down 5 lbs my first week and did amazing. However this past week has been tough...sunday went WAAAAY over my cals, and I was sick on the weekend (as well as my 16 month old got sick). My 6 year old is now sick too....so now one is sleeping well right now and I just haven't had any energy to exercise. That said, I have stuck to my cals (except sunday) and drinking lots of water.
    Not gonna expect lots from the scale this sat as I seem to do well one week, stay the same the next, then do well again...so whatever happens happens.
    I love hearing and seeing everyone's results and their support! Keep healthy everyone!
  • brittanykira
    brittanykira Posts: 220 Member
    @whitecapwendy - I am hoping to eventually be an avid water drinker but right now working up to it is the only way to go. But man does it make you go to the washroom lol I am trying not to beat myself up over my slips but I will def think twice before chinese food again!
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    My focus is on the weekend, trying to not eat and drink everything in sight which is difficult because it is Oktoberfest season and I love it!
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm down 2lbs so I am on my way, but feeling quite hormonal so its hard to motivate myself to go to the gym, but one day at a time!
  • I'm down 2 lbs since joining this challenge! This week I was a little tired because it's Volleyball season because of that we had some late nights getting home and that messed my sleep up. But its all good! Happy Friday....

    Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    So far, so good. I am down another 1.5 lbs. That is good. I started walking, even if it is just around the block. I still can't do 30 minutes of walking at at time so am doing about 10-15 minutes twice a day to make the total goal minutes. I hope this counts.

    On the downside, I am having trouble getting the fiber that my gastroenterologist suggests 25-30 grams a day. Any ideas?
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a stress eater, an I am struggling this week trying to stay under my calorie goals, i'm alos still trying to figure out the right balance of calories, i have a desk job but i do regular activity 6 out of 7 days a week so i'm just unsure of what my base calories should be at, for now i leave it at 1300 and just eat back my exercise calories, but no significant loss for over a month now.. any thoughts?
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm a stress eater, an I am struggling this week trying to stay under my calorie goals, i'm alos still trying to figure out the right balance of calories, i have a desk job but i do regular activity 6 out of 7 days a week so i'm just unsure of what my base calories should be at, for now i leave it at 1300 and just eat back my exercise calories, but no significant loss for over a month now.. any thoughts?

    I'm a stress eater also... I do Insanity 6 days a week plus my running to help with my stress... I eat bout 1900 calories... some days I'm under that... oh and I have a desk job... its had being a stress eater cuz I really have to watch what I put in my body... no cookies or junk food of any kind... I love eating fried food when I'm stressed but I know I will be sick for a few days after...
  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    Everyone has done so well. I didn't do too good, I gained 4 lbs. it doesn't seem like it cause my clothes tell a different story but according to the scale I have gained. :-(
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    Marleniap maybe you gained because it is all water weight? Did you eat something salty and drink a lot in the last couple of days? If you are documenting your food, are you doing anything differently lately?

    Good luck figuring it out. Plateaus are bad enough! Hope your next weigh in comes down!