How do I know if I am ready to cut?

I'm 5'4" and started the process of resetting at 115 lbs and eating around 1200 a day. I knew my metabolism was damaged when I began to gain weight even with restricted calories and intense workouts. I've been doing this reset at a gradual increase for about 2 months and I've been at 1800-1900 calories a day for about a week and a half. I have important events coming up and I can't afford to do this any longer. I've gained a total of 5 lbs and 2 pant sizes.

Is my gain fat gain or is some of it water?

When will I know if my metabolism has stabilized and can start a cut?

I know someone is going to say that if I want to cut then i'm not ready mentally, but I am not enjoying any of this. I don't enjoy eating till I'm stuffed at 1800 or enjoy my clothes not fitting.


  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I'm confused... You weighed 115 lbs and wanted to lose weight?

    I'm afraid I can't answer your question. I decided to cut after one week @TDEE, but when I got there, I decided to stay another week because it felt right to do so. I can't explain it, I just knew I wasn't quite ready. But I'm ready now.
  • laurentx281
    laurentx281 Posts: 5 Member
    My bf% was fairly low at 115 lb and i was eating around 1000 to maintain that. Out of nowhere i started gain weight. It wasn't on the scale, but I noticed it in my clothes. When I found out I wasn't eating enough I decided to increase my calories to 1300 and then the weight on the scale increased. I continued to increase the next 2 months to where i am now….1800 calories, 120 lbs, and 2 pant sizes up
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Lauren, if you were at that low of a calorie deficit, you need to understand that your body is getting used to the increased calories. It's part of the process. Gaining a couple of pounds is normal. It takes time to mitigate the damage that has literally happened to your entire body. And a harsh reality is.....discovering whats more important the stupid number on the scale or your health?

    How are your workouts? You only mention your weight--not your activity level. Are you still doing a lot of cardio? Are you on a lifting program?
  • laurentx281
    laurentx281 Posts: 5 Member
    It's not the scale that bothers me at all. I'm only using it to see when my weight stabilizes. My issue is the big jump in pant size. My activity level is heavy lifting 3 days a week and no cardio because everything I read says not to do cardio.