Single and dating?



  • marie5282
    marie5282 Posts: 61 Member
    I wonder the same thing...where to meet people. So hard!

    I work two jobs (one full time career during the day and a part time job that takes up my evenings and some Saturdays.) I've learned the hard way that a bar is not the place to meet a decent guy. I wasted (now realize this) six years of my 20s with a guy who went off and got another girl (the "love of his life") pregnant at the tail end of our "relationship." There were some emotional scars after that whole thing. I've gone on dates with guys from online matchmaking sites over the past couple years here and there. One was relatively decent, but could not stand children at all and was not willing to budge on it, and the rest were...well...not worth going beyond a first date with. (I don't understand why people insist on lying when they're planning on meeting the person didn't think I would notice that you who claimed to be 6'3" was actually 5'2" while I'm 5'10"?) This has led to my giving up with dating sites. My social circle is small, because I've learned that it's better for me to keep fewer close friends instead of many acquaintances.

    I'm hoping that now that I've started my 30s, that it's going to be the best decade. My career is up and going, I'm becoming more confident in myself and who I am, and now am starting the path of losing weight. I'm happy and know what I want but am still willing to compromise. It's just finding someone that is the hard part!!!

    What to do, what to do...

    In the meantime, I'll just keep thinking how my dog is awesome while everyone else gets married...
  • tiff_doubleu
    I'm single and hoping to start dating sometime this year. I love to flirt, but I can also get stuck in the "once I weigh this much, I'll really get back out there" kind of mentality. I wish I could go back to the "good ol' days" before my confidence was replaced by an apology. I am certainly afraid of getting hurt again, but I'm forcing myself to understand that sometimes we may have to endure some pain in order to truly appreciate mutual and unconditional love.

    2013 will be a great year - I can feel it in my bones.....
  • VibrantKrystle
    VibrantKrystle Posts: 15 Member
    I am single and dating! Left my last relationship after 5 years and it's been almost 10 months since. I have dated several guys, some from online others I have met in person. I am in an age where I feel like I get to be picky and VERY selective on who shares my time. 30's has brought a new thinking of how my time is spent. I feel that confidence is EVERYTHING. I am a little old fashioned and feel that guys should be the ones perusing. So I am not the one who asks for numbers or asks men out. I leave that up to them. I feel if they are really interested they will take the initiative.

    I don't want to meet someone at the bar or club anymore. I do have to say that having a child puts the brakes on some of the dates I have been on. Not everyone is truly comfortable dating a "single mom". Well, guess what....that's what I am, and if you they don't like it or can't accept it...then you aren't for me.
  • EBurke0723
    EBurke0723 Posts: 17 Member
    I was married for 8 years and have been separated/ divorced for two years. Since my separation from my exhusband I found myself always in a relationship but not with someone that I necessarily had a connection to, more so out of a fear of being alone. I just recently got out of an 8 month relationship with a man that I had almost NOTHING in common with...simply because i no longer feel like I need someone in my life to be validated.

    Dating is a scary thing, especially with someone who struggles with her weight. Not many people have an interest in someone who isn't in good shape.

    My next goal is to work on myself and get myself in a place where I feel good enough about myself that I'm not reliant on others.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Ugh, i have no luck at dating also. I had a ton of girlfriends in the past but i always got a neck for picking the wrong ones. I have a very complicated past(very short version on my profile) and i usually get girls who have very complicated pasts as wel which is ok because i always understand their feelings, why they say or act different sometimes but it is always a one way street.

    Im always patient and kind when it comes to their past but when i say something or act like a way that isnt 100% how they want it ends usually very fast.

    I always say, i am a very complicated guy but if you take the time to learn the manual im the easiest, best,sweetest,coolest guy you have ever met, unfortunately i never meet girls who will go the extra mile(or km where im from :P) like i would.

    Also i am a bit different than most man probably because one im born as a hsp and 2 i am just myself always, got a very young,naughty personality and ofc i love tattoos and piercings.
    MOGRL Posts: 10
    I am 32 years old and I have been with my husband for almost 13 years we have 2 girls ages 7 and 11. Over the 13 years I have fought my husband about going on the net and finding girls to talk to. The girls always live way far away so it could never be where he could go and meet up with them, but still he is always talking to someone or more then one. I always find out and then we go back and forth and he stops talking to the ones that I know about. Until I find another well this last Aug 2012 I found out he was talkin to a couple of females again but this time one of them that he was talking to he thinks he has feelings for. She lives really far away and has a family of her own but none the less he told me he wants to not be together anymore. When we got together I was not very big I am 5'3 and I maybe was 120 pounds, not long after we got together I found out I was going to have his child. So trying to be the bigger person and wanting my daughters father to be here in her life everyday I have put up with more then anyone could or would ever know. It really makes me sad to think about the things I have let him do over the years but I really dont want my kids to have parents that dont live together. The sad thing is that he and I get along great we go out and do family things last year we went family camping about 7 or 8 times we do girls scouts stuff and everything.. On the outside we have always been the kind of family that my friends would tell me you are su lucky, people would tell him all the time I hope you know how good your wife is and he would just look at me like he didnt know what to say. The main trouble is he wont talk to me so he is always looking for someone else to talk to. I really beleave it is because I know him to well I have always been able to see past what he is doing and I can find out what he had going on. He has been in his own place for 2 weeks now and I still know what he is doing and I only see him a couple hours a night when he is here with the kids. Go figure he still comes over every night and makes dinner for me and the girls.. I feel kind of crazy because even though I know all the wrong he has done and I know he is talking to females again. I still feel this feeling like he is still cheating on me again... How do I get past all of these years and move on with my 2 girls and find someone who will look at me and only me when we are out in public, someone who will notice me when I walk in the door? I feel like he has sucked all of the life out of me how do you move on from that?
    Thank you for any and all help
  • wendy0210
    wendy0210 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 37 now and have recently wanted to get back in to the dating game, but I wonder the same thing a few of you have expressed - where do you meet people? Most of my friends are married or in relationships and don't have single friends. I've tried the online thing with not much luck; I'm wondering if I should try again's a bit scary. I have a long commute so my weeknights are pretty much out. It's definitely a different game in my 30s than it was in my 20s...
  • tiffsting
    tiffsting Posts: 23 Member
    Dating in your 30's is fun and difficult all at the same time. In your 30's you know what you want, but it can be hard to meet people sometimes since most people are married and have kids (at least most of my friends are). I've done a lot of online dating which can be fun, but sometimes it's hard to meet genuine people with true intentions online. Technology has made it easier for people to meet, but it also has complicated things.... a lot of men seem to have a "grass is greener on the other side" mentality since they think they can meet someone better.... at least in my experience.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    MOGRL, I'd say honestly that therapy might honest to goodness be the best thing for you. It sounds like years of bitterness and probably supressed anger, let alone dealing with the continual betryal.

    But all in all, sounds like most of us are in the "how do we date" rut, besides turning to online dating for the chance in finding someone good, and not just someone skeezy looking for a good time. Someone has to have the answer. :D
  • SweetCherieNC
    Well when I was dating I was doing the online dating thing it wasn't that bad....I had dates lined up for Fri,Sat and Sun one weekend....took a break because I've been sick just trying to focus on my health...but you can meet people just by going to the grocery store lol I know it sounds silly but by asking someone a question you could strike up a conversation.I met someone once.. they asked me a question then we started talking and exchanged #'s.
  • tmlandgraf
    tmlandgraf Posts: 79 Member
    I consider dating a form of torture. I have never really enjoyed it at any point in my life. I was getting married the same year I turned 30 and decided that 30 wasn't so bad afterall. Then the floor was ripped out from underneath me 2 months before our wedding when I found out he was cheating on me. Needless to say, turning 30 really did suck. I am now 33 and I have done nothing find myself the last 3 years and do everything I have wanted to do. It's actually been very eye opening and I now know what I want in life and who I really am. Yes I do want to get married and a have a family, but I just haven't met the right person yet. One thing I have learned in the last 3 years, is that being single does have its advantages, so you just have to take the good with the bad and keep on with your journey.

    I've learned to try to think out of the box for ways to meet people. I have joined several Meet-Up groups that offer groups with my interests. I have a movie group that I go see movies with. There's travel group for when I want to go somewhere but don't have anyone to go with. There is really a group for every interest. Try - they are all over the world and in almost every city in the US. I've tried on-line dating, speed dating, mixers, lock & key events (friends usually drag me to these type of events) and I am still looking for Mr. Right. I could right a book with some of the dates I have been on and some of the people I have met. I think I have met everytype of person there is out there. I know Mr. RIght is out there somewhere, but I am going to keep on doing what I want to do in the meantime.
  • Eztli55
    Eztli55 Posts: 11 Member
    Recently turned 30 and single. Never really been into dating. I dont believe in the whole.. finding my other half. I love my life and I do fine with or without having someone. I dont depend on finding happiness.. I do that for myself. :)
  • bonelessskinless
    my plan is to lose weight and then start talking to random women at the grocery store. How could that not work? haha
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    my plan is to lose weight and then start talking to random women at the grocery store. How could that not work? haha

    I think it would work just stay away from the frazzled women with screaming kids. They are in a hurry and might stab you.
  • bamabutterfly83
    bamabutterfly83 Posts: 73 Member
    I honeslty am just going to take some time to myself and work on me. Mr. Right will have to practically fall in my lap to catch my attention at this point.

    This! Besides, working a full time job and being a single mom to a two year old doesn't exactly leave me a lot of time to find someone. I'll get "back in the game" at some point but there are more important things right now and it'll happen when it happens.
  • ladylego1
    ladylego1 Posts: 56 Member
    The hardest thing for me is learning to trust people again... I miss dating and I do want to settle down have a family etc but after finding out at 5 months pregnant not only was my fiancee still married but also had another women pregnant trust is a big issue and has ruined my relationship since then.

    Also time is a big issue I work full time in a high demanding job in advertising and have a 2 year old monkey to run after... right now I have other priorities and need to learn to be me again. Taking steps to regain my confidence through both my work and now getting more active is helping and I know it will happen when its right just not out to force it to happen.
  • Khelben75
    This is a topic I've talked about a lot with friends. I was in a relationship for 5 years as I entered my 30's. I took about a year off and just spent time with friends. Dating in your 30's for me is both better and worse. First, at least for me, I finally have a very good idea of what I'm looking for. And being a guy that's never been married I have to be honest and say I had to get over commitment issues. But I have observed that there isn't nearly as much "game playing" by either men or women in the 30's. There is still some out there, but not nearly as much. A downside is that many people have been hurt badly and have problems trusting other for various reasons. It's hard, but you have to remember that everyone is different and not out to hurt you.

    As far as finding people, currently I have been very lucky and have been dating an incredible woman whose best friend in high school was one of my best friends in college. She moved back here after being a travel nurse to help take care of her mother. We were friends for a couple of years and I finally got up the courage to ask her to take it to another level. Needless to say, my confidence was not what it needed to be. I feel in no way worthy of being with her. She's beautiful, intelligent, fun, and caring. I struggled for awhile really not thinking I was good enough for her. Then one of our mutual friends laughed when I said that a few months ago and when I looked shocked, told me she had said the exact same thing about me. lol Sorry for breaking off on that tangent, but I'm not always focused when I think of her.

    Other than blind luck though, I met several people that I dated and am still friends with at different activities. I was in a rut of not doing anything but working and going home. It was hard, but I started going to events by myself and just meeting people. Wine tastings were big for me, personally. Then I joined a canoeing club which was an old interest. Met lots of great people and expanded my circle of friends.

    After that ridiculous wall of text, my best advice is this. Be strong and confident and realize that some people are going to say no. Don't take it personally or let it get you down. If you keep trying, you will find someone worth spending time with and eventually you will find that one for you.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    My hardship is the new "body" that I have after losing weight and having to deal with that. Yes I have heard that if you meet someone and you love them then what you look like donest/ shouldnt matter, but is does matter to me that I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

    I lost more then 120 pounds and I'm short (it turns out I'm actually petite and not big boned, amazing what was hidden under that fat lol) and I have a LOT of skin and flab much of which can only be corrected and toned with surgery (none of which I can afford). That makes me feel uncomfortable, hell I dont feel comfortable wearing tank-top and shorts or gasp a bathing suit.

    Its not that I don't believe that I could find someone that would be "ok" with it, but more that I would have to tell that person ALL about how I lost weight and all the issues that are associated with that (i.e. emotional), and it cant just be part of my past that I can phase over, rather its something that would be a serious discussion and early on in the relationship. So for me thats the problem with dating at this time. I am hoping the longer I am used to my new weight and look I'm be ok with it.
  • XimeTheFirst
    XimeTheFirst Posts: 38 Member
    The hardest thing for me is to find a man with similar interests. I have lots and would be happy just sharing one or two, but are quite uncommon for the country I live in. If I can't have a proper conversation about an interesting topic, I even lose physical interest. My uncooperative brain has way too much control over my body and doesn't even let me enjoy good looks.
  • oudixon
    oudixon Posts: 389 Member
    I struggle with dating and I think a lot of it is my confidence. I have dated in the past, but it was usually with laid back friends that it was just best to be friends. Then again, I was choosing it, because I knew it would be safe. I am odd in that I struggle with asking girls out or taking that chance to ask them out. I always think you should be friends first, but then I get put in that "friend" zone and nothing more. I also think i will improve in that area a little bit as I continue to lose weight, but I have always been the "nice" guy even as a teen when I was in pretty good shape.