Will low carb/keto get rid of my fat flabby belly?

Sid1988 Posts: 170 Member
Often people say to me "oh you don't need to lose any weight" and by telling you my statistics 5"6 25 year old female weighing 140lbs you probably don't think I have much to work on.


I don't know why, genetics or a poor diet all of my life (I can remember coming home from school and would eat a whole multi packet bag of malteasers, have a burger for lunch and a massive dinner, nutrition and healthy eating wasn't practised in my household) I have an extremely flabby body.

My face and shoulders / collarbone area is fine and sometimes looks too boney and from my knees down is also fine but my tummy, bum and thighs have so much fat on them and I keep it all covered up in baggy clothes

My belly makes two large rolls when I sit down and from the side when I stand up is a B shape and I sometimes look pregnant. It looks like it's full of cellulite, same as my flabby thighs and bum.

I dream to have a flat (or even just a small) tummy but I'm scared because all of my life it's been like this, will it ever disappear? I remember being about 7 years old and hiding it away from people because I was so embarrassed.

I'm wondering if low carb is the way forward? If maybe now it will start to disappear?

I have a holiday in 12 weeks and ideally I want it gone or at least not so visible and look in proportion to the rest of my body.

Has anyone had any success blasting their tummy fat?


  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    Low-carb high fat/ keto will help you to lose weight & inches but it won't magically give you muscles. You must build them. For me I rarely work out & am on a ketogenic diet. I loss almost 20lbs so far, but I am "skinny fat". I NEED to tone my body still. So working out is the only way to go if you want to tighten that stomach up. Keto is a great way to start though :)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Use your diet to lose fat. It doesn't really matter what sort of a diet you do (assuming you're metabolically healthy), so long as you're in a caloric deficit.

    Incorporate resistance training (weights, kettlebells, bodyweight training, etc) to retain your lean body mass while you're eating at a caloric deficit.

    All this stuff is gonna take longer than 12 weeks, unfortunately...though I do think you could make some progress in that period.

    If you're looking to build muscle, you'll need to eat slightly above maintenance levels and hit the resistance training.

    Decide what your goal is--losing fat OR building muscle. Choose one, and proceed from there.

    From what you've said here, I would personally eat to lose fat, and I'd take up a strength building program right away.
  • reneewl
    reneewl Posts: 16 Member
    My problem EXACTLY. And I'm 5'6" and 115. I still have a HUGE fat roll on my tummy!
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    My problem EXACTLY. And I'm 5'6" and 115. I still have a HUGE fat roll on my tummy!

    WOW! Your loss was incredible! Did you work out a lot? What kind of low-carb diet did you do?
  • confused_truffle
    confused_truffle Posts: 38 Member
    Your story sounds JUST LIKE MINE. Honestly, I had to get to 115 (on a keto lifestyle, very low carb) before I didn't have a roll on my tummy. And I'm 5'7.5"

    It could be a body composition thing, but I felt like when I was actively working my core (sucking in while sitting, standing, working, driving, ect.) it made my posture improve and the B shape was less apparent.

    Also, standing with my butt out a little bit helped me to look more flat. Weird tips, but it's what I've noticed throughout the years. Hope this helps.