Menopause Woes

I'd like to add a "complaint" to my growing list of things I dislike about going through The Change: I've noticed that my eyelashes are thinning. What? How is that fair along with night sweats, interrupted sleep, and daytime hot flashes? Even though I'm using an eyelash primer underneath my mascara, and then a so-called volumizing mascara, my lashes look puny.

Anyone else have menopause woes to share?:grumble:


  • OhLeita
    OhLeita Posts: 99 Member
    Having hot flashes while on my period left me looking up and asking, "WTH?"

    I lost my eyelashes and eyebrows, too. It takes a little practice but fake lashes work great, are quicker to apply than mascara and no messy cleanup.
  • L1giff
    L1giff Posts: 24 Member
    I can relate to all of your mood swings and forgetfulness!
  • NightMagic5
    NightMagic5 Posts: 111 Member
    Menopause --- what a pain in the ---.
    If I forget to take my Black Cohosh, my hot flashes get so bad I feel like passing out. Can't seem to concentrate as long as I used to & remembering things --- that's gone down hill too. :)
  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    Yep hate the change too. My body teased me for years and I only stopped my periods last year (at 56). Earlier this year I was about to throw in the towel with all the usual complaints. I was in our local grocery store and talked to my favourite natural food guy. He pointed me to a tincture of sage (pill form). He said I might have to take two (they are $1 each). For me this sage has been amazing I haven't missed a day, no hot flashes, most other complaints are 'fixed'. We are all built differently but I would highly recommend these pills. It's sage and all natural.

  • nitza53
    nitza53 Posts: 45 Member
    My missing eyelashes and eyebrows are now growing on my upper lip and chin! Aren't the golden years wonderful.?:noway:
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    My missing eyelashes and eyebrows are now growing on my upper lip and chin! Aren't the golden years wonderful.?:noway:

    Oh my goodness, Nitza! You hit the nail right on the head!
  • nitza53
    nitza53 Posts: 45 Member
    That's one of the reasons we are friends,:laugh: I am happy You didn't get flooded or blown away this weekend.
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    Menopause is such a joy! NOT!!!!
    Periods stopped about seven/eight years ago and I still get hot flushes, night sweats blah, blah, blah.
    Think I'll just stop there or I'll be writing for hours!
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    ON THE EYELASHES & HAIR sure to get checked for hypothyroidism if this is happening to you. A lot of women can develop it about the same time they're going through menopause, & it does cause hair loss. In fact, one classic sign is only having about 1/3 of the eyebrow that you should have.
  • Caribou2u
    Caribou2u Posts: 31 Member
    I've had night sweats with PMS for years...since my 30's... but still getting my period. I have had hypothyroidism for several years now and it just got worse so the levothyroxine dose was increased (coincidentally just today!). My hair (on my head) is thinning... I would LOVE to try false eyelashes... Any recommendations for brands to try or brands of glue to avoid?? One of my girlfriends goes and has eyelash extensions applied every several weeks... but then again, she also has her nails done religiously, gets botox... and DOES NOT have children !!! LOL
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I've had night sweats with PMS for years...since my 30's... but still getting my period. I have had hypothyroidism for several years now and it just got worse so the levothyroxine dose was increased (coincidentally just today!). My hair (on my head) is thinning... I would LOVE to try false eyelashes... Any recommendations for brands to try or brands of glue to avoid?? One of my girlfriends goes and has eyelash extensions applied every several weeks... but then again, she also has her nails done religiously, gets botox... and DOES NOT have children !!! LOL

    Be careful on the false eyelashes, some of my friends said they used them, but it made the lashes they had left fall out faster. But I do HIGHLY recommend Nioxin products for the top of your head hair loss. My loss was so bad that I actually had to stop to wash the large amount of hair off my hands whenever I washed my hair. People asked if I was on chemo. My doctor said it was stress, which made my friends laugh because I'm so laid back. My hair stylist recommended the Nioxin & within a week, I noticed I was losing a lot less, AND it gave more volume to what I had left. Now another hairstylist (we moved) has commented that she sees new growth & how unusual that is for "someone your age." LOL. You can only purchase it from beauty salons, a little pricey, but you don't need to use as much as regular shampoos/conditioners, so it lasts longer. Watch for sales too.

    Oh, & I never went back to the doctor who said it was "just stress." ;-)
  • mustang6411
    mustang6411 Posts: 89 Member
    for me the worst is not being to sleep well.
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    for me the worst is not being to sleep well.

    I hear that Caren! Are you not sleeping because of night sweats? Or, is it just that you keep waking up and are not able to get back to sleep? I get so drowsey sometimes during the day at work, but at night when I try to close my eyes to sleep, my mind just races!
  • I started using Lattise about a year ago. It restored all of my lashes and then some. It makes them longer, darker and thicker. The down side is that it is pricey, but it is one of those items that for me makes a difference, so I budget it in. You can get it from your cosmetic dermatologist. Generally, if you buy 3 bottles, most offices give a discount. My sister in TX just told me she got hers from Cosco pharmacy I believe and it was much cheaper than getting it in the doctors office which I had done.
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    I started using Lattise about a year ago.

    Hmm. That could be an option for me.
  • SkagitYogini
    SkagitYogini Posts: 112 Member
    Okay, here's another addition: While getting my hair cut earlier this week, my hair dresser pointed out the "peach fuzz" along my jawline and suggested I get it waxed. Aaaaaaarrrrrggghhhhh!!!!
  • suemichele
    suemichele Posts: 49 Member
    For me it has been night sweats and some hot flashes during the day especially if I get stressed out at work..which is often. I have been taking evening primrose..seems to help. Have had this going on for about 1 year now. I had a partial hysterectomy in my 30's so havent had a period in 20 some years so now here is menopause!
  • ruthlesswr
    ruthlesswr Posts: 114 Member
    for me the worst is not being to sleep well.

    That's my biggest complaint, too. I've been lucky (so far) that I haven't had to deal too often with hot flashes, but I just don't sleep well anymore!
  • dstevens19
    dstevens19 Posts: 233 Member
    I just turned 50 this year but I've had night sweats, forgetfulness and poor sleep for a couple of years. This year my periods started going wacky-- nothing one month, twice the next heavy then light, lots of cramps then no cramps. Haven't noticed any hair changes but I'll watch for it. Could just be that my eyesight is so bad, I haven't noticed!
  • mustang6411
    mustang6411 Posts: 89 Member
    for me not sleeping well is both the hot flashes and not being able to get back to sleep once I have woke up with a hot flash.