The Holidays

Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas/yule is approaching, I'm curious to hear how you are going to handle the holidays in terms of food? Are you gonna declare it a free day? Limit your portions with a few treats? Make a low-carb friendly meal?

I know I want to make a keto friendly thanksgiving foods for me when the time rolls around. Still debating on the other Holidays because I know I'm gonna want some candies.

Tell me what you plan to do!


  • callie828
    I love all holiday food. Will be eating what everyone else is on the holidays and take the week from Christmas thrum new years off. Its not for everyone but I look so so forward to all the meals...desserts..drinks..and appetizers!!!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Halloween isnt really an "eating" holiday for me, so for that day I dont plan to do anything differently.
    Thanksgiving day and Christmas day will be a cheat days, though I'll try to keep it to a feast and not total gluttony for each day!
    Then I'll dedicate the remainder of the year getting back into ketosis so that I bring on the new year on track.
  • SpunkiMama
    SpunkiMama Posts: 70 Member
    Halloween is not a trigger holiday for me, so it wont really make any difference than any normal day.

    Thanksgiving I have to work, so I will pack my lunch as usual and stick to that... again No problems.

    Christmas -- I will stay on plan as I dont plan on doing much..if we cook I will stick to what is on my plan, and I plan to prepare a low-carb desert that "I" can enjoy as well as anyone else who wants it... I just wont tell anyone else that its low carb LOL

    There are ways to make this work for "Us" low carbers.... For me, I can not afford any cheat days... 1 cheat day leads to 10 cheat days, and then I end up right back where I am right now.... but who knows maybe by then I can have my brain think differently and my body reacting differently... hopefully by then I will be on a one track and not that procastination to work out track!!

    Food is not my problem... getting that UMPH to routinely work out is my issue... I am working on it...

    (sorry to hog your post..ooops)
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    I think there are so many great low carb recipes out there, the holidays should not be that big of a deal. I just had pumpkin pie tonight from Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender.
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    cool guys!
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    I think there are so many great low carb recipes out there, the holidays should not be that big of a deal. I just had pumpkin pie tonight from Fat Fast Cookbook by Dana Carpender.

    Man I REALLY want to get that book soon!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I agree that there are a lot of great LC recipes, but short of making a completely separate dinner, cooking a completely LC dinner won't work in my family dynamic. There are a number of siblings, each with their own family units that attend holiday dinners- of which I am the only low carber. Dinners are a combined effort where each family unit brings a few dishes. I intend to make two or three LC dishes (one of which will be a dessert) and then eat as everyone else is eating, but in small quantities.
  • Kate029
    Kate029 Posts: 32 Member
    We don't really do Halloween or Thanksgiving here in Australia so that is at least two holidays I don't have to worry about food!!

    In regards to Christmas I am already trying out the receipes I usually make with a keto spin - right now I am eating a cauliflower bake, which is basically cauliflower, cream, cheese, bacon and french onion soup which I usually make for Christmas with potatoes, tastes deliciuos!

    Now all I need to do is start practising some keto desserts!

    Also my birthday is a month before Christmas and I told my boyfriend I was taking that as a cheat day so I need to try and keep christmas as keto friendly as possible!
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    We don't really do Halloween or Thanksgiving here in Australia so that is at least two holidays I don't have to worry about food!!

    In regards to Christmas I am already trying out the receipes I usually make with a keto spin - right now I am eating a cauliflower bake, which is basically cauliflower, cream, cheese, bacon and french onion soup which I usually make for Christmas with potatoes, tastes deliciuos!

    Now all I need to do is start practising some keto desserts!

    Also my birthday is a month before Christmas and I told my boyfriend I was taking that as a cheat day so I need to try and keep christmas as keto friendly as possible!
    good plan!
  • NiccoleG
    NiccoleG Posts: 37 Member
    I don't really think of Halloween as a "food" holiday, so I will stick to my usual food choices. For Thanksgiving and Christmas, I plan to eat like the rest of my family, being careful to stick to small, small portions. I'll get ready for these treat days by kicking up my workouts and eating super smart in the days before and after each holiday.
  • msjames1999
    msjames1999 Posts: 528 Member
    Halloween isnt really an holiday. For me, "holidays" are non-work days. So, for that day I dont plan to do anything differently. Thanksgiving day and Christmas day will basically be cheat days, but I will still stay at my macro limits on those days.
  • confused_truffle
    confused_truffle Posts: 38 Member
    Great topic!

    I always find myself just staring at all the cookies, cakes, and pies during Thanksgiving and Christmas.. with disgust.

    I know too much now-- I know exactly what all that sugar will do to my arteries and my mood, as well as my confidence. I think that realization alone is why I don't typically have any problems.

    When I first started, I would bring keto peanut butter cookies drizzled in unsweetened baker's chocolate. They were a hit and also a save haven for me to indulge if I felt like it.
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    Great topic!

    I always find myself just staring at all the cookies, cakes, and pies during Thanksgiving and Christmas.. with disgust.

    I know too much now-- I know exactly what all that sugar will do to my arteries and my mood, as well as my confidence. I think that realization alone is why I don't typically have any problems.

    When I first started, I would bring keto peanut butter cookies drizzled in unsweetened baker's chocolate. They were a hit and also a save haven for me to indulge if I felt like it.

  • penguin817
    In regards to Christmas I am already trying out the receipes I usually make with a keto spin - right now I am eating a cauliflower bake, which is basically cauliflower, cream, cheese, bacon and french onion soup

    Can you share this recipe?
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    We dont do that, only really xmas

    But im all about the meat, fat and veg ! will have occasional dessert but they dont have as much sway on me taste wise anyway
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    I just stick with my plan as best as possible. I will not have any planned off-plan meals. Worked for me last year. I might make a couple of LC desserts along the way but that's about it.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I'm going to keep a handle on it throughout the season. Thanksgiving Day, all bets are off! I will eat and drink whatever has the misfortune to be in my path. Three days later, I'll be back in ketosis.

    Christmas is with my in-laws, and their culinary tastes are quite different from my own. I'm not expecting to eat much other than the ham, so no keto worries there.

    New Year's Eve, I'm going to drink a case of Great Lakes Christmas Ale, and probably call it a season.
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    I'm going to keep a handle on it throughout the season. Thanksgiving Day, all bets are off! I will eat and drink whatever has the misfortune to be in my path. Three days later, I'll be back in ketosis.

    Christmas is with my in-laws, and their culinary tastes are quite different from my own. I'm not expecting to eat much other than the ham, so no keto worries there.

    New Year's Eve, I'm going to drink a case of Great Lakes Christmas Ale, and probably call it a season.

    lol seems like you got it all mapped out

    Mmm Hornsby's hard cider...
  • princessrisariri
    princessrisariri Posts: 162 Member
    I don't really do much for halloween might get some sweets in for the kids, but won't really be that tempted.

    My birthday is at the end of Nov, I will take a couple of days off around then. Back in keto up to xmas I am working up to christmas eve anyway so should be part of my routine. Then allow myself a few days off to enjoy all the yummy xmas food. Then back on for new years as I am working it anyway.

    I have learnt from experience as long as you dont eat like 5000cals a day, it takes you as long to correct a binge day as you take.

    So take a week off, it'll only take a week to get back to where you were which anyone can manage, and in the longer plan is no time at all!
  • danamarich
    danamarich Posts: 74 Member
    Canada has already had Thanksgiving which i handled by eating very carefully for supper and then gorging on desserts (I regret NOTHING!)

    Halloween we usually buy candies for the kids and the last kid who shows up before we close shop for give-aways gets all that's left :) We still end up eating some of the chocolates but not much and we make sure there are no leftovers for us to snack on.

    Christmas I do the same as thanksgiving- eat VERY carefully for the majority on the meals and then go nuts once a week with desserts and drinks