Oct chat

Hi everyone,

If you are like me, you are shocked we are into October already. This month is hard on me, as it was 2 years ago, I was dealing with the stuff going on with my Dad, and his subsequent death on Halloween. It is getting easier though. It is so strange how much I miss him, when all we seemed to do was argue. That is when I really fell of of being good and watching what I ate. We were driving over 2 hours each week to visit him in the skilled nursing facility and eating junk. I did somehow maintain though, so that is good.

I actually love the month of Oct. Here in the north bay, it is chilly in the morning, then ya never know for sure what to expect in the afternoon, we have been known to still get to 100 on days!

Well, I am really challenging myself this month to lose at least 2 pounds. I just have to get my mind back where it belongs! I know with your help, I can do this.

I wish you all a happy October filled with progress!


  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    October...hard to think fall as we experience snow in Yellowstone and then watch the trees turn color while making our way slowly back to Phx. Now home and experiencing temps in the mid-90s. Talk about going from winter-to-fall-back to summer in 6 weeks :noway:

    October will be a "working" month for me as travel trailer, house, and yard all need a good cleaning. I'm planning to burn lots of calories while getting everything in shape for the Holidays.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful and successful October :flowerforyou:
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    I love October .... and it is my birthday month :bigsmile: ...... hope to survive any celebrations without gaining weight!

    Hope we all have a fabulous month!

  • sspahn49
    sspahn49 Posts: 49 Member
    Fall is my favorite time of year. The beaches are empty but still warm, the tourist are gone and we re-claim our little town. Our temps here are 80 day and 50 night, just perfect.

    It is also my birthday month as well as my twin grandbabies. They will be 3, hard to believe. Before we know it the holidays will be here and yet another weight challenge!!

    Everyone have a great month and keep on keeping on!!
  • smalltowntwo
    smalltowntwo Posts: 15 Member
    Here in Iowa I always enjoy the Fall Festivals/Craft Fairs. My sister and I always go to one on the 2nd weekend in October. That's the peak time for the leaves turning. We always start out early in the morning and go all day! We usually come home with some treasures for decorating our homes for the Fall and for Christmas.
  • paulina61
    paulina61 Posts: 5 Member
    love the fall colours not the winds though..too many power outages.....here on the west coast of canada....just hate the idea of summer ending.......but thats life!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    October can be anything in CO, it was nice and warm and sunny today, Thursday, a cold front is coming in, snow down to about 7000 ft on the Front Range. Next week it will be up to almost 80 again. Hopefully we won't see anymore rain. And it isn't winter yet!!!
    Love CO but the winters do tend to drag on.

    But I still love the Colorado Gold of the aspens and the bluest skies on the planet this time of year.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Must be fall as Phx high for the next 10 days is 92F with nights around 60F. And this is why we live in the desert :bigsmile: However, now there is no more excuse not to get outside and do yard work :ohwell:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Too cute not to share :laugh:

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Wooken: Thanks for sharing. That's great! As for yard work, it's too damp and gloomy here to do much of anything outside.

    Retirehappy: I have a niece in the Denver area and she loves the winters. She's already counting down untl she can go skiing or snowboarding, I'm not sure. But we get weather reports on FB regularly.

    Paulina61: I, too, hate the idea of winter, but you're right that we have to accept what it is.

    Smalltown: I think we have one more festival in the area and then it's all over. I'm watching the forests in the area (including the wooded area in my development) trying to decide when to take a day trip to see more colors--maybe sometime next week.

    For me, it wouldn't be so bad if the sun were shining; gloomy days really get me down.
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    Here in Southern Ohio I see more color everyday. Our temps aren't real bad at this time, low 60's in the morning and then in the 70's in the afternoon. I just keep thinking that DLS time is about to end and there will be more darkness. Don't like that .
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member

    It has been one year ago that I joined MFP. And what a learning experience this has been. :ohwell: First the stats… Weight Loss: Total of 50 pounds, 17 prior to MFP and 33 on MFP. Measurements: Beginning size 16/18 now size 10. Exercise: Beginning exercise was minimal now biking ~250 miles a month and far more active around the house & when traveling. Pain: Knees, ankles, hips, everything hurt at one time or another now far more limber and not concerned as much about hurting the old body. Support: Before MFP not much, with MFP…you guys are priceless!! During the 2nd year on MFP, my goal is maintenance and toning up this soon to be 62 year old body. Thank you all…I know I would not have had this success without each one of YOU!!
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    sarathin: Our weather is pretty much the same as yours; not bad for this time of year. I agree about DLS--I hate the darkness.

    wooken: Congrats on the wonderful progress you've made. I've found MFP to be a very good place to be to. Glad you're here and glad I'm here, too.:flowerforyou:
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member

    It has been one year ago that I joined MFP. And what a learning experience this has been. :ohwell: First the stats… Weight Loss: Total of 50 pounds, 17 prior to MFP and 33 on MFP. Measurements: Beginning size 16/18 now size 10. Exercise: Beginning exercise was minimal now biking ~250 miles a month and far more active around the house & when traveling. Pain: Knees, ankles, hips, everything hurt at one time or another now far more limber and not concerned as much about hurting the old body. Support: Before MFP not much, with MFP…you guys are priceless!! During the 2nd year on MFP, my goal is maintenance and toning up this soon to be 62 year old body. Thank you all…I know I would not have had this success without each one of YOU!!

    Wow this is great congrats on the loss of pounds and finding biking. I agree MFP friends are priceless!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I love Fall! I went to pick up my granddaughter from School today and took my camera with me.The parents waiting for their kids must have thought I was a little strange because I was taking pictures of everything.Trees, leaves, the school flag flapping in the warm wind and the beautiful clouds in the sky. God sure made so many beautiful things for us to enjoy!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    4.4 pounds lost of the 5 I gained!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Good job IWTB on losing the 4.4!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    4.4 pounds lost of the 5 I gained!

    A really good result, keep doing what you are doing, it works for you
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Well done Wooken...and everyone...... I just had a couple od days for my Birthday so back to it today ..... just did my first cold weather run..... after 30 minutes, I wasn't cold at all! :bigsmile:

    Not getting weighed for a few days though!:ohwell:

  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    Last weekend I was in the upper peninsula of Mich for a football game at Marquette. After a lifetime of living in this state it was the first time I saw the colors of fall at their peak. What a sight along the shores of Lake Superior!!! What a beautiful world we live in - no matter what state or country!!!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    IWTBFCIN3: Excellent news regarding 4.4 pounds lost of the 5 gained. I too seem to lose "newly" gained weight faster then "older" gained weight. Maybe we just don't get as attached to the newly gained as we are to the older gained :laugh:

    jeanmrob: Happy Birthday! What temperature do you call cold weather? Here in Phoenix anything below 70F is cold.

    lintino: We were in Marquette in mid-May this year enjoying all the spring colors. And I so agree with what a beautiful world we live in. :smile:

    This morning, I biked around our planned community as the yearly garage sale was in progress. What a great win-win, biking and shopping on a beautiful sunny morning. And I must say, it ticked me pink to be asking for a smaller size. What a difference one year on MFP makes! :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone!