Logging JNL Fusion in MFP

A quick question...How are you guys logging JNL Fusion exercise on MFP?

Do you have to remember what all of the exercises were on the DVD, then log them each separately?

Just curious,


  • Merryeri
    Sorry no one has answered you yet! I log them as "circuit training" because that is what it is. 30 sec alternating between weights & cardio. I just put 30 mins of circuit training. Today I did the TKO fat blaster & since there are no weights used & she does punches & kicks I logged it as 30 minutes of "kickboxing" I hope this helps or hopefully you already figured out a good method of your won ;)
  • ShrinkingBethie
    Thanks for the response :)

    Actually, I realized that since I use a Fitbit, I could go to Fitbit to keep all of my activity in one place, and all of my food on MFP.

    And yes, I just decided to log it as circuit training...it seems to be working fairly well. I think.... :)

  • Royaune
    Royaune Posts: 5 Member
    Just started JNL on Saturday. Finished day 3 today. My quads are sooooo sore. That is a good thing….just look funny when I walk. I started program at 163.4 and as unbelievable as it sounds I am down to 161 this morning. Journaling all my food/cal and my exercise. I where a heart rate monitor so I get a pretty good idea on how many calories I am burning. My heart rate is naturally low (55 range) so I'm sure I am burning more than it says. Breathing hard and my HR reads 135-140. HOping to post b4 and after pics when its all done. I am going to New York in Dec so am hoping to be down to 150. It is doable if I just discipline my eating habits.
  • kelif5959
    I am using my heart rate monitor and logging it in as circuit training under cardiovascular exercise.