Eggs and othe cheaper proteins

heniko Posts: 796 Member

I know this may sound stupid, but has anyone, does anyone eat large amounts of eggs to get their target protein for the day? Eggs for me are about the most budget friendly protein out there. But to get my target protein 100g daily I'd need to eat 15eggs a day. I've never done it so far, but seems really undesirable and unsustainable. I'm trying to watch my caloric intake, so 1160calories a day just for eggs ahhh I donnow.

I'm also looking for other cheap(er) protein sources. Please don't suggest any protein powders, as I'm trying to eat as natural as possible. Looking at my diary, well I'm in a work in progress, but trying to get there. Thanks!


  • leighn62
    leighn62 Posts: 142 Member
    I eat a good bit of canned tuna, some cheese and ground beef or pork. Also chicken thighs and legs as well as whole chickens are usually about $1/lb around here.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I love eggs but I think a healthy diet needs to be somewhat varied. If you are a careful shopper and don't live in the Arctic (as I do) you will be able to find affordable meats. Don't let the store be a limiting factor, get to know your local farmers.

    I aim for about 80 grams of protein per day and I can usually get there on 8 ounces of meat and eggs here and there (eggs are great but remember they used to be available only seasonally). Nothing I eat is cheap but I actually save 10-20% since going Primal/Paleo because, even though my food items are more expensive, I eat so much less than I used to when eating garbage.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Consider adding in egg whites. You'll get the protein without as much fat, which should help you get the right calorie/macro mix.

    I eat tuna. They now come in pouches (2.6oz, 6.4oz, and 11oz), which are very convenient.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    tuna, sardines, and chicken thighs are cheaper
  • ortega1990
    ortega1990 Posts: 236 Member
    Canned meats like canned salmon; I've seen canned crab and even canned lobster. I can't vouch for the flavor but it's an option.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member

    I know this may sound stupid, but has anyone, does anyone eat large amounts of eggs to get their target protein for the day? Eggs for me are about the most budget friendly protein out there. But to get my target protein 100g daily I'd need to eat 15eggs a day. I've never done it so far, but seems really undesirable and unsustainable. I'm trying to watch my caloric intake, so 1160calories a day just for eggs ahhh I donnow.

    I'm also looking for other cheap(er) protein sources. Please don't suggest any protein powders, as I'm trying to eat as natural as possible. Looking at my diary, well I'm in a work in progress, but trying to get there. Thanks!

    Organ meats.

    Ox heart can range from $2-$5 per kilo (1000g) and is about is lean as chicken . Tastes like steak if prepared as such, and can be ground into mince.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Oh wow ... really great suggestions I didn't even think of ... canned seafood ... Is that allowed on Primal/Paleo? I'm not sure, sorry for my ignorance. If it's allowable, I'm def a GO!
  • Hi,

    I know this may sound stupid, but has anyone, does anyone eat large amounts of eggs to get their target protein for the day? Eggs for me are about the most budget friendly protein out there. But to get my target protein 100g daily I'd need to eat 15eggs a day. I've never done it so far, but seems really undesirable and unsustainable. I'm trying to watch my caloric intake, so 1160calories a day just for eggs ahhh I donnow.

    I'm also looking for other cheap(er) protein sources. Please don't suggest any protein powders, as I'm trying to eat as natural as possible. Looking at my diary, well I'm in a work in progress, but trying to get there. Thanks!

    Organ meats.

    Ox heart can range from $2-$5 per kilo (1000g) and is about is lean as chicken . Tastes like steak if prepared as such, and can be ground into mince.
    not only are they cheap,they are so good for you.
    as for canned fish,as long as it's not in canola oil or vegetable oil,contains sugar,msg or "spices"they are a fine source of protein.
    If you buy things in bulk from a farm or buy an entire chicken as opposed to parts,it works out cheaper in the long run
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    What do you mean, is it allowed? Is there a rule book that I'm not aware of? ;)

    Canned foods are processed. I doubt our primal ancestors ate out of a can, if that's what you want to know. Maybe buy a fishing pole instead, but I hope you have more luck than me (can't catch a thing).

    I'm just teasing you, btw. Imo, if there is only one ingredient (or two) in the package (or can), then it's primal enough for me.
  • ginnyntonic
    ginnyntonic Posts: 28 Member
    Farmer's markets are my first choice. I've been able to negotiate lower prices from the farmer if I am buying more. I don't know if there is a Costco near you but it might be worth looking into a membership. They have organic ground beef at a couple dollars a pound less than the grocery store. Of course both of those options are still pricey for a lot of people, in which case eggs, vegetarian farmed fish, and tinned meat are all probably cheaper. I've been curious about organ meat but I've never eaten or cooked it so I am a little intimidated.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I buy chicken breast in bulk when it's onsale and freeze it. Also, chicken gizzards are cheap and so good for you!
  • carashirley
    carashirley Posts: 169 Member
    Do all you guys eat organic meats or free range meats? I'm not sure if my budget can handle that!!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Do all you guys eat organic meats or free range meats? I'm not sure if my budget can handle that!!
    Our budget can not handle that either. This year I bought a half pig and a half cow directly from a farmer , which were organic and pasture raised. Because I buying in such a huge quantity directly from the farmer it is affordable. As I calculated I may not save money compare to grocery store traditional raised, but I'll get a much better quality for the same money.

    My family love chicken though, and we can not afford organic free range because of the price.

    Also I buy omega3 eggs instead of organic, because I can not afford eggs from pasture raised hens , which would be the best. organic egg doesn't mean much as far as fat profile of the egg, which I care the most.

    The only person in our family who I buy 100% organic in everything is my baby, but as her appetite grows I will nt able to keep that up for long. Luckily she prefers beef over chicken , which we have organic grass feed this year.

    As far as produce concerns, I buy organic from anything that is on the dirty dozen list. Whatever is on the clean 15 list, I do not bother with organic. The rest are depends on the situation.
  • carashirley
    carashirley Posts: 169 Member

    As far as produce concerns, I buy organic from anything that is on the dirty dozen list. Whatever is on the clean 15 list, I do not bother with organic. The rest are depends on the situation.

    What is the dirty dozen or clean 15?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    As far as produce concerns, I buy organic from anything that is on the dirty dozen list. Whatever is on the clean 15 list, I do not bother with organic. The rest are depends on the situation.

    What is the dirty dozen or clean 15?

    It's a reference to the amount of contamination by pesticides and herbicides in/on produce.